
Legend of the dragon God

Alex, former 16 year old human wakes up in a new body. Excited and adventurous he decided to see this new world unbeknownst as to what the world holds for him and why he was really born.

Emmanuel_Atuegwu · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Discovering His Abilities

Alex, the dragon, was still in awe of his new form. He flapped his wings and took off, flying over the treetops of the forest. As he soared higher, he felt the sun's warmth on his scales, and he let out a contented roar. However, he quickly realized that he had no idea how to control his flight. He flailed his wings, trying to stay steady, but it was no use. He lost his balance and tumbled through the air, landing in a heap on the forest floor.

Alex was embarrassed but determined. He was not going to let this setback hold him back. He stood up on his four legs and started to explore his new abilities. He began with his dragon breath. He focused his energy and breathed out a small puff of flame. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Next, he decided to test his strength. He spotted a large rock nearby and decided to lift it. With all his might, he clamped his jaws onto the stone and lifted it up. It was a small rock, but it felt heavy to him. He dropped it back down and let out a small roar of excitement.

Alex decided that he needed more practice, so he started to hunt small, lowest-class monsters. He wandered through the forest, sniffing the air for prey. He spotted a small rabbit and pounced on it. He caught it in his jaws and crunched down, feeling the bones snap. It was his first successful hunt, and he felt proud of himself.

As he continued to hunt, he discovered new abilities. He found that he could use his wings to create a gust of wind, which helped him to knock over trees and clear his path. He also discovered that he could use his roar to intimidate smaller creatures and even some larger ones.

As he grew more confident in his abilities, Alex started to take on bigger and tougher prey. He hunted deer and other herbivores, and even took down a few predators that crossed his path. He felt his strength growing with each hunt.

One day, while out on a hunt, Alex encountered a group of wolves. They were much larger than any prey he had faced before, and they were aggressive. Alex stood his ground, using his wings to create a powerful gust of wind to blow them back. He then breathed out a small burst of fire, hoping to scare them off. The wolves backed away for a moment, but then started to circle him again.

Alex knew he had to act fast. He let out a fierce roar, hoping to intimidate them. The wolves hesitated for a moment, but then one of them lunged forward, jaws snapping. Alex dodged to the side, using his wings to create a gust of wind to throw off the wolf's attack. He then breathed out a larger burst of fire, scorching the wolf's fur. The other wolves backed away, intimidated by Alex's strength.

Alex knew that he had passed a test of sorts. He had faced down a dangerous foe and come out victorious. He felt a sense of pride and confidence in his abilities. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was excited to explore this new world and discover all that it had to offer.

And so, Alex continued to hunt and explore, growing stronger with each passing day. He was no longer a helpless human, but a fierce dragon, ready to face any challenge that came his way.