
Legend of the Cursed Mage

"Had I known what was to come, I never would have laid hands on that tome." Kael Voss, an ordinary man with no prospects, finds himself inexplicably transported to the magical realm of Anduron after touching an ancient tome. Unbeknownst to him, Kael was a legendary dark mage in his previous life, his death and the exile of his soul to a parallel dimension were the result of an ancient prophecy foretelling a dark mage who would bring chaos and destruction to the realm. Upon arriving in Anduron, Kael meets Luna Faraday, who introduces him to a prestigious magic academy. As he learns about his past and regains his lost powers, Kael embarks on a journey to reclaim his full potential, uncover the secrets of his past, and confront the treacherous path ahead. In addition to his magical training, Kael discovers that the ancient tome he found has granted him access to a unique system, which guides and aids him in unlocking his potential and mastering his powers. This system, exclusive to Kael, serves as a catalyst for his growth, helping him navigate the challenges that lie ahead and harnessing the abilities that once made him a force to be reckoned with. As Kael's power grows, he faces an impending showdown with the malevolent Lord Magalar, who seeks to eliminate magic and conquer Anduron. However, the true threat may lie within the darkness festering inside Kael, as the prophecy that once condemned him casts a shadow over his destiny. With the fate of magic and the realm in the balance, Kael Voss must rise above his humble origins to become the hero Anduron desperately needs. As he confronts the chilling prophecy that foreshadows his rise and the potential devastation he could unleash, Kael grapples with the sinister force that threatens to consume him from within. Armed with the guidance of the ancient tome and the unique system it bestows upon him, Kael will forge a path to save the world from the darkness that threatens to engulf it. *** WSA Entry 150 Powerstones +1 Chapter 300 Powerstones +2 Chapters 400 Powerstones +3 Chapters

Shinji_Sama · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Tome of Eternal Balance

Kael sat cross-legged on the floor of his dormitory room, the ancient tome spread open in front of him. The dim candlelight flickered on the walls, casting eerie shadows as he focused his attention on the book.

As he scanned the pages, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this book than met the eye. He curiously traced his fingers over the intricate patterns and glyphs, trying to decipher their meaning. Suddenly, Kael's finger brushed against a unique pattern, a magical formation hidden among the other symbols. Intrigued, he traced the formation carefully, and as he completed the pattern, a sudden surge of energy coursed through his body.

Before Kael could react, a stream of information flowed into his mind, and a mental interface materialized before him. It was as if an ethereal being had just entered his consciousness, speaking in a calm, soothing voice.

[Greetings, Kael Voss. I am the Arcanum Interface, a magical system designed to guide and assist you on your journey.]

Kael's eyes widened in astonishment, and he stammered, "Wh-what is this? What's happening? How does it work?"

[I am a sentient system embedded within the ancient tome, programmed with knowledge and wisdom from ages past. I am here to help you unlock your true potential, discover your destiny, and complete various quests to develop your skills and powers. You can access me anytime by focusing your thoughts on the tome.]

[Simply think of a command, and I will respond accordingly. Some of the features I provide include a quest log, skill analysis, and a personal profile containing your attributes and abilities. I will also offer guidance and advice as you progress in your journey.]

Kael, still trying to comprehend the situation, asked, "And how will you help me exactly?"

[I will present you with quests and challenges designed to hone your skills, knowledge, and character. These quests will vary in difficulty and importance, ranging from main quests, side quests, to personal goals. As you complete these quests, you will be rewarded with experience points, skill upgrades, and other valuable resources.]

Kael nodded, slowly absorbing the information. "So, what's my first quest?"

[Before we proceed with more complex quests, it is essential to address a fundamental issue – your body's current condition. Your physical strength and stamina are inadequate to handle the demands of the challenges you will face.]

[As your first quest, I want you to train your body. Start with a simple exercise: complete 50 push-ups.]

Kael hesitated but then nodded, accepting the challenge. He got down on the ground and began his push-ups. At first, Kael struggled to maintain proper form, and his arms trembled with the effort. Gradually, though, he found his rhythm and managed to complete a few push-ups in succession.

It was a grueling ordeal, and it took him two hours of sweat and determination to finally complete the 50 push-ups. Kael's muscles ached, but he felt a sense of accomplishment from pushing through the challenge.

Upon finishing the task, the Arcanum Interface announced, "Congratulations, Kael! You have completed your first quest. As a reward, you have earned 10 experience points, and you have received a bonus of 1 copper EC for your perseverance."

Kael, exhausted but feeling a sense of accomplishment, asked the system, "Can you open up my profile now? I want to see my current attributes and abilities."

The Arcanum Interface obliged, and a detailed list of Kael's attributes, abilities, and progress appeared before him, projected into his mind's eye.


Name: Kael Voss

Rank: F

Level: 1

Race: Human


Strength: 3

Intelligence: 5

Agility: 4

Stamina: 3

Mana: 12


Basic Dark Spell (Lv. 1): Create a small, glowing orb using mana.


Ancient Tome of Eternal Balance

Old Cloak

Current Quest:

Experience Points: 10/100

Elyrian Crowns: 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 1 Copper

Kael's eyes widened as he looked at his profile, amazed by how detailed and accurate it was. "Wow, this is incredible! But, wait, why are my stats so low!" he muttered to himself, feeling a mix of excitement and concern.

Kael couldn't help but complain, "Hey, what do you mean 'old cloak'? It's an invisible cloak that I bought from a skilled shaman in the market!"

The Arcanum Interface replied, [I apologize for any confusion, Kael. The item you purchased appears to be an old cloak with a minor illusion enchantment that may give the impression of invisibility under certain conditions. In other words, it's an old cloak.]

Kael sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Well, I guess it's still better than nothing," he said, trying to find the silver lining.

The system then continued, [As for your attributes and skills, every time you level up, you will be awarded 5 attribute points that you can allocate as you see fit. Additionally, skills you frequently use and practice will also level up over time, increasing their effectiveness.]

Kael nodded, taking in the information. "So, I just need to work hard and level up to improve my stats, right?" he asked, eager to get stronger.

[Exactly, Kael,] the Arcanum Interface replied. [And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will your skills and attributes. Patience and perseverance are key.]

Kael rolled his eyes at the system's words, feeling both motivated and overwhelmed. "That's easy for you to say," he grumbled, massaging his aching muscles from the earlier push-up challenge. "Oh well, I'll try my best."

The Arcanum Interface, sensing Kael's determination, decided to help him further. [In that case, Kael, I will create a personalized exercise schedule for you to follow every day. This will help you build your strength, stamina, and overall physical fitness.]

Kael's eyes widened in shock as he processed the system's plan. "What?!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and horror. The thought of the grueling days ahead caused his legs to wobble, and he dramatically slumped to the floor, feigning a faint. "I'm not sure I can handle this!"