
Legend of the Blood Queen

[ON HIATUS] All you have to do is tell me, dear. I would shatter mountains for you and go against the storms only to get to you. I would even conquer the heavens for you; all you have to do is to be mine. Exchange for your heart, soul, and body and belong to me as much as I belong to you. --- [Legend of the Blood Queen] Ping Ting- a 21st-century student, transmigrated into the fantasy world of cultivation. With the sudden change in the world, her mind is in a spiral, not knowing what to do. She needs to overcome all the tribulations and complete her goal. She needed to grow from a weak girl who could not even throw a punch to the women who ruled the three realms. Whilst making new friends, enemies, powerful pets, and finding... a husband. --- The demon lord- who lost his all power now had become a pet to the weakest human ever born. “Hmph, you are lucky this lord has taken a liking to you. Or I would have chopped your hand for touching me, woman,” the demon king snorted, but snuggled into her embrace in his fox form. “Aww, aren’t you such a cutie,” Ping Ting cooed when she felt the fox in her embrace gradually lulling into sleep. Her fingers caressed his soft white fur that resembled the snow, earning a purr from him. It made her awe. Such an adorable pet! She regarded him as her cute pet, but he thought of her as his future wife. --- Not a translation. Original work. Do not copy. Contact me about any inquiries: Email: vairhans04@gmail.com Instagram: @vairhans [Warning: Mature Content and Strong Language]

vairhans · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 - Memory Loss

[Chapter 4 - Memory Loss]

"I fear. Miss is suffering from memory loss," the old physician sighed. His two withered fingers listened to the pulse in her wrist and found no problem within her body. Yet from the questions she had asked her servants, it was the only logical conclusion he could come up with.

Seeing the young woman sleeping like a baby in the bed, He brushed his white beard. Her faint breathing echoed through the room. Her eyes looked puffy and red; he had the maid place a cold water strip on them.

"Why would she suddenly have memory loss?" Ping Bo asked. It made little to no sense; his sister was okay till yesterday. What happened today?

"Memory loss may occur because of various factors. For Instance, abrasion to the skull can cause it, but also mental trauma is likely to cause it when our mind is unable to withstand the pressure of our thoughts. The mind is a miraculous thing. It tries to hide memories to protect itself from pain; it's like a coping mechanism," the physician solemnly responded. His voice was patient but thick with experience.

Prime Minister Chen closed his eyes to think. Rejection from the Third Prince took a toll on his little girl. Despite being unfair, he would have pressured the prince to marry her if he had known how much it would harm his daughter.

Only if his daughter could be happy.

However, as a father, he could not guarantee that the prince would treat her right after the wedding. It was better to be alone than in a relationship where your partner treated you poorly. He could not see his daughter sad. No father could.

"When will she wake up," Lord Chen asked. The physical bowed his head and answered politely, "Young Lady, she should wake up in a few hours."

"She will be okay, right? She would regain her memories, right?" Ping Bo questioned, urgency in his tone as he looked at the physician. The old man shook his head, "I can't give a definite answer."

Ping Bo's face fell. A lump formed in his throat.

"I implore you don't pressurize the lady with memories of her past and let her recuperate at her own pace. It could do more harm than good if we get too impatient," the doctor further advised with caution.

As a father, he knew the Lord would be deeply distressed if his daughter no longer recognized him. A part of him would be eager to get her back soon and would try any means necessary. However, mental trauma requires years to heal. They would need the patience to get through this.

"Thank you," Lord Chen replied with a curt bow. "Ping Bo," he ordered his son to pay and walk out to the physician. The son nodded and followed the orders.

The doctor handed a list of medications to the maid. In view of the fact that mental trauma cannot be physically treated, the doctor had prescribed some supplements and some herbs to ease the headaches and soothe the pain.

"Ugh," Ping Ting groaned, waking up. Her eyes widened as she found herself in a similar place. But this time, her response was calmer. She sat up with clear eyes as she called out for the maid in a hoarse voice, "Mei Yi."

As Mei Yi turned back and stopped cleaning the door, "Oh my lady, you are awake." Her eyes gleamed with happiness. Despite the desire to go and hug her miss, she controlled her urge. Her status prevented her from doing so.

"Go ahead, call the masters," she urged the guard to send a message. He nodded and swiftly left.

"You gave me a scare, lady," she cried out. Her eyes started to redden. Her miss suffered. Only if she took better care of her.


The door banged, making Mei Yi and Ping Ting jump. The rustling sounds of footsteps became clearer- when she turned her head.

Ping Ting did not have time to respond to the sound before she felt someone pull her into a crushing hug. "It hurts," she whimpered at how the person was squeezing her. She pushed him away and moved back into the bed till her back hit the wall.

Trying to regain his composure, he scratched the back of his neck."Oh," Ping Bo sheepishly pulled away. "I got carried away. I am glad to see you awake, xiao mei," he crooned and patted her head, but Ping Ting pulled away.

"Idiot," their Father spat out one word.

Her head snapped to his voice. She peered at him with a curious gaze. "Father," she called as she recalled yesterday's incidents. He moved closer to her. "Yes," he replied.

"You are my father," she mumbled. "Of course, sweetie. No one here would lie to you," he crooned. His eyes wrinkled with a soft smile. His voice was thicker. She could see the faint gray strands in his black hair tied in a traditional knot. He wore a dark blue beizi hanfu paired with black inner clothes.

"Then who are you?" She looked at the younger man in the same outfit but with a milder shade. Unlike the older man, the boy had a rounder shape to his eyes, a dimple formed on his left cheek as he smiled at her.

"Your older brother. Ping Bo."

"Older brother… Ping Bo," she prodded the words on her tongue. It felt strangely familiar. Her heart clenched, seeing the warm smile which spread across his face when she addressed him.

While taking a deep breath, Ping Ting's head lowered. An unknown emotion flashed through her eyes. She chewed on her lips for a few seconds before looking back. Her doe eyes observed their expressions.

"Then who am I?"


The first few chapters are slow... please stick with it! It will pick pace soon.

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