
Legend of the Ashen Valley

The world is a prison for souls mired in the darkness, and breaking out of it can only become better. The book describes the adventures of a character that trying to find himself. His views on life change, passing through a bizarre metamorphosis from the convictions of a hot-tempered teenager who felt power and superiority to the calm look of an experienced wise man who is ready to do anything to protect his family, or at least avenge it.

MaxFinist · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Spirit of the past

A settlement appeared on the horizon. Wooden houses and tiled roofs, idol pillars along the road, designed to drive away evil spirits, Vtorak has already been here. From here peasants followed him, hungry for glory and change, came forward, walking towards their doom. If Orrick's words were true, then a very cold welcome awaited him. Nevertheless, it was most convenient to replenish water supplies and provisions here. Vtorak was not afraid of the anger of the peasants. They would not have been able to defeat an experienced warrior in an open battle, and the warrior did not plan to linger for a long time. Considering, however, that he might have to leave the village quickly, he ordered Rosha to drive the chariot to the forest on the other side of the village and wait there. Rosha, apparently, who had never driven horses before and had never ridden them, was completely delighted. Despite his blindness, the lizard assured Vtorak that other sensory organs would be enough for him to correctly lead the horses. The mercenary got off the transport and looked at Rosha. He calmly took the reins in his hands and led the horses forward. True, to the surprise of the mercenary is extremely slow.

- What are you doing? - he asked. - You will go like that?

- Rosha does not see the road. Rocha will drive slowly, enjoying the ride.

- How can you even drive horses then? - asked Vtorak, confidently walking, overtaking the chariot.

- Rosha feels vibrations from wheels and hooves. He hears if a horse is stepping in a hole or on a bump. He hears the rustle of grass on the horse's legs as she steps sideways from the road.

- Amazing... Just try not to break it.

- Rosha will not break, - the lizard promised. At that moment, Khali rode past on his horse. He did not say a word all the way, he slowed down, approaching the village, giving Vtorak the opportunity to go along with him. The mercenary wanted to alleviate the suffering of the knight, but he realized that he was not yet able to amuse or distract the old man from his thoughts. Therefore, the path continued in silence.

Entering the village, Vtorak and Khali saw the bearded faces of local peasants. Men, women and the elderly watched the strangers who came coldly. The guests proceeded to the headman's house and found him sitting in front of the house on the mound. A tall man talked with two young sons when he saw the guests. He immediately drove the children home, and he rose to his full height, with pushing low bushy eyebrows.

- Hello, elder! We would have to replenish our supplies here. Can we do it? - said Vtorak.

- You would go far away, - the headman replied. - We have enough trouble here without you. And if you won't leave by good...

- Calm down, oldman, - Vtorak barked, - Just sell us food and water, and let us go.

- Why are you returned? Not enough men's blood for you? Do you want to kill more? - Vtorak turned and noticed how the peasants began to surround them with the knight. Women and children have already hid in homes.

- Is that Vastryuk said to you? This is a filthy lie! So he's an idiot at all! - exclaimed Vtorak.

- Bad or not bad, but he won't lie to his fellow villagers.

- They ruined themselves, - snapped Vtorak, - I told them what to do, but they did not listen. They decided that they know everything better than me. That's why they perished.

- In general, listen, you bastard... Let's do this: you'll go back to where you came from, and then you will completely forget your way back to us. Then we will not burn you at the stake and we will not touch the old man. How do you like this opportunity? - Vtorak, without hesitation, grabbed the headman by the chest, intending to strike, when he suddenly noticed a girlish face in the crowd. Long hair sparkled with fiery gold even in the dim light of a gloomy day. Her face could not be confused with anyone else. Over the past years, in the memory of Vtorak, her features were a little worn out and distorted, but now they all again took the very ideal form they once had. Even after so many years, she could be recognized. A slender neck, large eyes, a sharp bend of the eyebrows, snub nose, birch bark hoop covered in fabric, a long golden braid. "She is still not married," an uninvited thought flashed through Vtorak's head. He let go of the headman and took a few steps to the girl. The peasants were afraid of him and parted. Only she remained standing in slight perplexity. Her eyes could not lie. She recognized Vtorak. Selyuki looked at them, unable to understand what was happening. For another minute the girl was bewildered, but soon by an effort of her will she returned to her gaze the long-forgotten angry gleam. The mercenary extended his arms and looked down:

- Forgive me, Mara. Forgive me... - he said.

- Are you, know him, or what? - asked one of the crowd.

- I... - Mara still couldn't recover from a meeting, when she suddenly was stunned by the words that Vtorak spoke after so many years. Tears came to her eyes and in her soul, finally, the awakened anger really woke up - We... yes... He chopped off my father's hand! - the girl took a step forward and hit the warrior in the face with a swipe. He calmly suffered a blow. A silver ring was on the girl's hand, which hurted Vtorak. A trickle of blood ran from his broken eyebrow.

- Dirty mongrel!

- Yes! Hit him again!!

- Let me participate! - Suddenly Vtorak heard a familiar voice from a distance. He looked around and saw an ugly creature on the roof of a neighboring house, only vaguely resembling a man. It was Tigma. The magic iron brought him back to life: metal was overgrown with a gap in the head, the lower jaw now also became iron, an awkward prosthesis grew in place of the severed arm. On the fingers of the surviving hand were metal claws. His face has become even more frightening. From the left half of the head, another face began to appear. The inferior face already had its own erupted eyes, a small mouth and an unformed nose. This creepy twin also moved his jaw and opened his still blind eyes. Orrick's experiment failed: apparently two souls are in no way able to coexist normally in one body.

- Damn... - snapped Vtorak. Tigma began to walk limp along the roof from side to side, like a wild beast before a throw.

- Hello, dear village, hello, dear threshold... Don't you recognize me?! It is me! Gordey!

- What? Gordey? But how? - He heard a worried mumble.

- This man... - he pointed with his clawed finger at Vtorak, - He caused a lot of evil to people. I know something about him, believe me. He was killing our brothers. He burned villages. He mutilated people. Take a look! Look what he did to me! He brought so much suffering to this world... and no one could give him what he deserved. Neither the gods, nor the people. But now... when we all... everyone to whom he once inflicted unbearable pain, gathered in one place, he had no chance to leave alive. Brothers! Let's put this spawn of doom in fire together! Together we will quench our thirst for revenge! And then... then the souls of the dead will finally find peace! Let the feast begin! - Tigma raised his hands to the sky, but did not hear the glee of the crowd, which he was waiting for. Silence hung over the village.

- I don't know what about the rest, - said the headman, - But in front of me I see only one demonic spawn.

- Yes! Yes! Right! Kill the demon! - the peasants supported him.

- What the hell are you Gordey?! He lived with me through the fence, that I didn't recognize him? - Someone exclaimed.

- Right! Yes, and to hell with it, even if it is he!! He took seven copper coins from me, son of the bitch, but leaned back! Who will return money?

- Put the bastard on the pitchforks! - People shouted. Tigma was stunned. Vtorak stepped forward and drew his weapon.

- I did all this for you! I survived for all of you! I avenged our brothers!!! How dare you?!

- Hey, Tigma! Look! Nothing is left of you already! Stop it, while it is not too late.

- Nothing?! - roared Tigma, - Nothing is left?! The most important thing is left of me! The desire to kill my murderer!!! - with these words he rushed to Vtorak, but missed and clawed his claws into the villagers standing next to him. Their death was terrible. Immediately in the air rose buckshot of bloody spray. Some men rushed away in horror, someone rushed into barns and pantries for pitchforks, axes and other improvised "weapons", several people tried to grab Tigma, but he was too strong. Four healthy lumberjacks and two plowmen failed to keep him. Then it was the turn of Wtorak to strike. Remembering that because of the strong metal staples, he could not cut the monster with the sword, he directed the point of the sword to the enemy's chest. The blade went into the flesh like into the oil, between the ribs. Tigma quickly noticed this and threw the warrior away, but the sword still managed to reach the lung monster: both of his mouths cleared their throats with blood.

- No one will ever value you as much as your true enemy, - Tigma smiled, wiping his mouth from blood with his hand. People surrounded him, but no one was in a hurry to attack, - There is no person closer in the world than the one who brings you death on the edge of the blade. Only he really touches your soul. Let it be iron. I even loved you, my enemy... in a way.

- Go to hell! - snapped Vtorak, - I do not care about you.

- How dare you! - exclaimed the mouths of Tigma in unison, - We are almost brothers with you! Although we hate each other, but... our stories are tightly intertwined. We will never forget about each other!

- You are a monster, Tigma. Even your people no longer accept you, - answered Vtorak, - Look! They will destroy you like a monster, like a wild beast, like an animal!

- No! - Tigma attacked, but Vtorak quickly repelled the blows of his claws, - I know... I know... They consider me a monster, because I am disfigured by witchcraft... Screw you, the almighty Gods which to let this happen!!! How did you allow... How could you let the sorcerer do this to me?!

- Calm down, Tigma.

- No... no... You killed me! - exclaimed mouths, - you let him make me a freak! And you! You are all rootless creatures! - he looked around the surrounding peasants, - I grew up with you! I lived with you! And what are you paying me now for that?! You are on the side of the killer! Just because he looks like a human!

- Then I raised my sword for self-defense! - exclaimed Vtorak, - They do the same! You came to the village to do evil. Therefore, they do not accept you!

- Shut up! - Tigma growled, when suddenly behind him Khali jumped with a pitchfork and, seizing the moment, pierced the back of the monster. Tigma turned to grab him, when suddenly two more pairs of pitchforks pierced his body in front. He was immobilized.

- Surrender to the mercy of the people, - said Vtorak.

- At the mercy...? "Mercy"? They will burn me! - shouted the monster.

- They won't do it if you give up. I will not allow it, - Vtorak firmly assured.

- Actually, we'll do it anyway, mercenary, - the headman answered, scratching his head.

- That's right, let's do it! - confirmed another peasant, - Why do we need such waffles in the woods? Drag him to the fire! Let it blaze!

- Cursed fools! - Shouted Tigma, tensed all his muscles and threw the peasants standing around. He pulled the pitchfork out of his stomach and looked at Vtorak. The loss of blood seriously weakened Tigma, but he still stood, - Come on, nits... come on!

- The last time I tell you to leave, - said Vtorak.

- What are you, cormorant, completely lost your mind? - Looked at the mercenary elder, - He hurted Fedor! Now he will not go anywhere until we shake his soul out of him.

- And if I don't have a soul, scum? - asked Tigma and rushed to the headman, but Vtorak threw him back and struck his chest with the sword as soon as the enemy got to his feet. This time, a sword pierced the monster's left collarbone. His head immediately fell to one side due to cut tendons.

- You have even two souls, - said Vtorak. Tigma opened his mouth to answer something else, but in a flash, the warrior thrust a blade into his mouth. In the last seconds of his life, Tigma tried to gnaw through a sword with a metal jaw, but the metal forged in the Hidden Forges was stronger, and the monster fell helplessly to the ground. The peasants rejoiced.

- Now we need to make a bonfire for him, - the headman concluded, -

after all, he was once one of ours... but... that Fedor he killed, - he looked at the torn corpse, - This, of course, is not "thank you" at all.

- Once I already killed him with a sword and left him lying on the ground with a broken skull and in a pool of his own blood," said Vtorak, - But, to my surprise, today he found me again. You're right: a corpse must be burned. And then...

- Yes, I understood, I understood... What a roly-poly - never felled! Don't be afraid, we will set it on fire. Some pieces of iron will remain and that's it. Hey you, - he shouted to two young men, - Wrap him in rags! Women and children do not need to look at the freak.

Vtorak wiped his sword about the shirt of a dead peasant and sheathed it back while the people fussed around. Hali rose from the ground. Vtorak walked up to him.

- Thank you! - he said, smiling at the old man. - Maybe you're not such a bad warrior?

- No, not true, - he answered, smiling slightly, - Pitchfork. That's what I can hold in my hands... but not a sword.

- Well, the choice is yours. Do you hurt yourself?

- It's okay, don't worry.

- Well done, man! - the headman encouragingly raised his fists, passing by. Khali answered with a smile, - What is your name?

- Azarius.

- Keep it up!

- It seems you will be welcome here, - Vtorak winked.

- Time will tell, but you're right. I won't go further with you. Forgive me, old friend...

- It's okay. I understand everything, - said Vtorak and bowed to the old man goodbye.

He looked up to find Mara, but did not have to look for her. She herself was walking towards Vtorak. In her hands she clutched the axe, which she armed during a fight with Tigma. Vtorak tensed reflexively, expecting him to dodge the strike, however, strike did not follow. The girl came up close and drove the iron axe into the ground at the foot of Vtorak.

- I agree to stop attacking you, - she said, - but I will not grant you the forgiveness you so long for. Don't even expect this.

- I just wanted to...

- Whatever the others say, - she interrupted, - you should leave as soon as you replenish your supplies.

- Good. I will leave for Stargrad. He's southwest of here, - he hesitated. Mara stood opposite him and he expected her answer, but she still couldn't look at him. He suddenly recalled an old belief that he had once heard from village children - You know... Now the winds carry clouds from north to south. If you suddenly want to tell me something... just go outside when there is a thunderstorm and scream into the sky when lightning flashes. The wind will bring the thunderstorm to the city, and along with the thunder I will hear your words.

- The peasants believe this, - said Mara, and Vtorak first saw a shadow... no, a hint of shadow... of smile. But no matter how small this donated piece of spiritual warmth was, he at the same instant kindled a soul to a hot flame.

- If I could, Mara, I would change past to the perfect.

- Go away, - she said sternly, and lowered her large eyes. Vtorak sighed, but complied. He bought the necessary supplies from the villagers and set off from the village. At the chariot, when Rosha helped to pack food bags at the feet, a young man with short blond hair caught up with a mercenary. The boy is tall and thin, he hailed the warrior from a distant voice.

- Wait, good master!

- What do you want? - Turned around Vtorak.

- You must have been wandering for a long time! And your chariot was clearly made near Stargrad, so I decided that you must have been there recently?

- Why do you think recently?

- The wood is not worn out at all, - Vtorak exchanged glances with a lizard.

- You're right, boy, - Rosha hissed.

- Yes you are right. So what?

- I have one question for you... I was a servant of master Oha. During the coup, it was necessary to disappear. Everyone ran in different ways. I took out securities, and he himself escaped. We should have met in this village for a long time ago, but it's time all gone. Do not know what happened to him there?

- Oh, you are servant, then? - thought Vtorak, - So after all, your master was executed.

- Oh no... executed?

- Yes. And what? I will not grieve over him. He betrayed me, although I did all the work for him and finished off Delius.

- So it's was you!..

- It was me.

- Master Oha did not betray you, good warrior Vtorak.

- They arrested me in his name, - retorted the mercenary, clasping his hands incredulously on his chest.

- You understand that anyone could name his name... - the young man squinted slyly. - Do you have any other evidence of my master's guilt?

- Honestly... - Vtorak exchanged glances again with a blind lizard," Pat said that...

- Pat?! - the boy was surprised, - He financed the mercenaries!

- What?

- Therefore, they could receive special orders from him about you.

- How can you prove that?!

- I have receipts from master Oha and master Pat, that each of them will invest in to support the uprising. Oha basically bribed the nobles and merchants to accept the new monarch, but Pat just dealt with, so to speak, the power side of the issue... I hid all the exported papers in my room, in the tavern! Come on, I'll show you everything!

- No, I have no time, boy... - Vtorak grumbled. - I believe you. He's guts of a bitch... Puted me in a cage for nothing, then...

- Master... - the boy modestly voiced his voice, - If master Oha was killed, I... let me go with you! I want to avenge master Oha!

- You are too young to get involved in such games, - the mercenary shook his head. - You cannot be with us.

- Please, sir! - tears flowed from his eyes, - He picked me up on the street... a dirty, hungry orphan. He gave me everything! All I have!

- Go back to the village. I promise, I will repay Pat for all his atrocities.

- Oh... - he calmed down. - I belive you... - the boy wiped away the tears, - Be careful, master warrior... Pat has repeatedly helped the dark cults in the valley... He is obsessed with magical power, about which legends and fairy tales were composed. Be careful.

- Caution has nothing to do with it. Be healthy!