
Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

A young man from Earth named Ao Tian is transported to a primitive planet, where he becomes a young dragon. The long dragon life makes him incredibly lonely, and he eventually chooses to enter a deep slumber. Five hundred million years later, Ao Tian awakens to find that this planet has been dominated by humans, and one continent is known as the Douluo Continent. Spirit Hall, Clear Sky Sect, Bibi Dong, Tang San... Ao Tian's memories, sealed for millions of years, finally resurface, and he begins to find enjoyment in this new world. "Little Nana, don't call me Old Ancestor, call me Brother Tian." Gu Yuena blushes and says, "Alright, Brother Tian." It is said that the most powerful dragon god, who had transformed into a dragon by stealing a sliver of dragon qi that leaked out from Ao Tian during his slumber, was killed in the divine realm. Divine realm, God Kings... he couldn't care less; with one swipe of his claw, he'd turn them to smithereens! #Douluo Dalu #Soul Land ++++NOTE+++++ This is a Douluo Dalu I translation lmao. And apparently, this has been already translated by others here, I've seen 2 people who've done that. But I read their work and it's just barely readable. Mine should be superior to them. I edited the sh*t out of this to make the terms canon compliant. (yes i had to read the wiki so y'all better appreciate it) Some warning. There might be some inconsistencies when it comes to some terms or words but it should be quite minor. I am not the most diligent worker. But rest assured, there should be no major errors or weird sentences. If you'd like to read 50 advanced chapters then try visiting, p@tre0n.c0m/kekkler (replace @ with a and 0 with o). Raws: https: //www.uukanshu.com/b/147842/ (remove the spaces)

Kekkling_kekkler · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

The Ancestor of the Dragon Clan

Ao Tian transformed back into his human form and shook his head, saying, "I was sleeping in the heart of the magma space, although it was connected to some volcanoes. What's the matter?"

Ao Tian was somewhat puzzled. While Gu Yuena hadn't quite hit the mark with her guess, she was close. He didn't understand how she knew about his slumber within the magma.

Upon hearing Ao Tian's response, a flush of excitement quickly appeared on Gu Yuena's somewhat pale face.

Her heart was surging with excitement, and she stepped forward, approaching Ao Tian, and bowed, saying, "Gu Yuena pays respects to Senior."

At this moment, she no longer exuded the majesty of a Dragon King. In front of Ao Tian, she appeared more like a young girl next door facing her admired older brother.

Di Tian and his companions couldn't help but open their mouths in shock, finding it hard to believe their eyes. The dignified Dragon King could display such a docile side, and they couldn't fathom Ao Tian's true identity, which had prompted the Dragon King to humble herself like this.

Ao Tian was perplexed and asked, "Did you know me before?"

Gu Yuena nodded and excitedly said, "The Dragon God's memories contain information about you."

Ao Tian grew even more puzzled. He didn't know the Dragon God before he entered slumber, so how did she know about him?

Seeing Ao Tian's confusion, Gu Yuena reached out to touch him but quickly withdrew her hand when it brushed against Ao Tian's arm. She said, "I'm sorry, Senior Ao Tian, I got carried away. Let's continue this conversation inside."

She made a gesture of invitation. "Alright," Ao Tian said, taking the lead and walking into the wooden house.

Gu Yuena followed behind, nervously and excitedly, like a young servant girl.

Di Tian and his group also followed suit. They now understood that Ao Tian was an ancient and powerful being, but they were curious about the relationship between Ao Tian and the Dragon God.

"Mom, let's go and see too," Xiao Wu said, shaking her mother's hand.

After spending so much time with Ao Tian, she finally had the opportunity to learn about his secrets, and she couldn't help but feel excited.

Xiao Wu's mother picked her up and hurriedly followed.

Although there were few seats inside the wooden house, the space was quite spacious. It seemed that the Beast Spirits, due to their large physical size, didn't like cramped spaces, so they had built the house larger.

Inside the house, only Ao Tian sat in a chair, while Gu Yuena stood beside him.

"Please, have a seat," Ao Tian said.

"I dare not," Gu Yuena replied.

The hierarchy and status among the Dragon Clan were strict, and now that she knew Ao Tian was an extremely ancient elder, she naturally didn't dare to be impolite.

"If I tell you to sit, you should sit," Ao Tian said with a slightly furrowed brow.

Gu Yuena quickly took a seat. Then, with a thought, the entire wooden house instantly lit up, as bright as daylight.

She possessed the ability to control elements, so creating light in the darkness was effortless for her.

Xiao Wu looked around, trying to find the source of the light, but after searching everywhere, she couldn't pinpoint it.

Gu Yuena finally returned to the main topic and said, "Senior Ao Tian, you may not know this, but the Dragon God has a significant connection with you."

"Tell me more," Ao Tian said, suddenly becoming interested.

Gu Yuena continued, "When the Dragon God was still weak, he once had a fortuitous encounter where he fell into a volcano. There, he felt an extremely terrifying pressure. He wanted to dive into the magma's depths to investigate, but the further down he went, the more terrifying the temperatures became. In the end, he had no choice but to give up."

But soon, he discovered that there was a peculiar power within the magma that could rapidly enhance his cultivation.

The Dragon God, at that time, secluded himself there for a hundred years. When he emerged, he was already invincible. He realized that he had inherited the Dragon Clan's legacy and used his own power to develop and strengthen the Dragon Clan.

Later on, his power continued to grow, even surpassing the level of a God King. However, he never ventured back into that volcano because he understood that a terrifying powerhouse slumbered within. Even at his peak strength, he would have to look up to that formidable being.

In his heart, he regarded the dormant entity within the volcano as the ancestor of the Dragon Clan."

After Gu Yuena finished speaking, her expression was full of admiration. Her purple eyes blinked continuously as she gazed at Ao Tian.

The others were equally shocked. It turned out that Senior Ao Tian had lived even longer than the Dragon God himself. Furthermore, the Dragon God's achievements were because of the inheritance from Senior Ao Tian.

If they had heard such statements in the past, they would have scoffed or even executed anyone who dared to make such claims to preserve the Dragon God's dignity.

However, now that it came directly from the Silver Dragon King's mouth, they had no choice but to believe.

No wonder Senior Ao Tian could defeat them with a mere flick of his finger. It turned out that Senior Ao Tian had such a terrifying background, surpassing even the Dragon God they had followed.

Di Tian and his companions felt deep respect for Ao Tian. In their hearts, they believed that Ao Tian could lead them to a new era of glory.

"So, Senior Ao Tian is our true ancestor," Gu Yuena said with a devout expression. She stood up and was about to kneel down in reverence.

Ao Tian raised his hand, and an irresistible force prevented Gu Yuena from kneeling.

"I'm not dead yet... There's no need for such gestures," Ao Tian said.

Suddenly, Gu Yuena's expression turned sorrowful, and she said, "Senior, the Dragon God was originally the master of the Divine Realm. He generously accepted humans into the realm, allowing them to cultivate to a certain extent. However, the Dragon God encountered some problems of his own.

The humans' cultivation speed was astonishing, and they eventually turned against the Dragon God, who was experiencing difficulties. They killed the Dragon God, and those who resisted among the divine beasts were also slain. The rest were captured and treated as pets.

They even manipulated the laws, ensuring that the spirit beasts from the lower realms would never have a chance to become gods. To achieve godhood, spirit beasts had to transform into humans. The fate of spirit beasts was to be hunted by humans and become their spirit rings. If we don't resist now, in a few tens of thousands of years, spirit beasts will be completely extinct."

Gu Yuena looked at Ao Tian with a mournful expression and said, "Ancestor, please lead us in breaking free and carving out a world of freedom."