
Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

A young man from Earth named Ao Tian is transported to a primitive planet, where he becomes a young dragon. The long dragon life makes him incredibly lonely, and he eventually chooses to enter a deep slumber. Five hundred million years later, Ao Tian awakens to find that this planet has been dominated by humans, and one continent is known as the Douluo Continent. Spirit Hall, Clear Sky Sect, Bibi Dong, Tang San... Ao Tian's memories, sealed for millions of years, finally resurface, and he begins to find enjoyment in this new world. "Little Nana, don't call me Old Ancestor, call me Brother Tian." Gu Yuena blushes and says, "Alright, Brother Tian." It is said that the most powerful dragon god, who had transformed into a dragon by stealing a sliver of dragon qi that leaked out from Ao Tian during his slumber, was killed in the divine realm. Divine realm, God Kings... he couldn't care less; with one swipe of his claw, he'd turn them to smithereens! #Douluo Dalu #Soul Land ++++NOTE+++++ This is a Douluo Dalu I translation lmao. And apparently, this has been already translated by others here, I've seen 2 people who've done that. But I read their work and it's just barely readable. Mine should be superior to them. I edited the sh*t out of this to make the terms canon compliant. (yes i had to read the wiki so y'all better appreciate it) Some warning. There might be some inconsistencies when it comes to some terms or words but it should be quite minor. I am not the most diligent worker. But rest assured, there should be no major errors or weird sentences. If you'd like to read 50 advanced chapters then try visiting, p@tre0n.c0m/kekkler (replace @ with a and 0 with o). Raws: https: //www.uukanshu.com/b/147842/ (remove the spaces)

Kekkling_kekkler · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs


Zhu Zhuqing already knew that Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu, and Ao Tian were in a romantic relationship, Zhu Zhuqing, and her reaction to Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu's boldness was only mild surprise, not great shock.

Ning Rongrong opened her mouth wide, unable to believe what she had just heard.

How could these two girls be so audacious? Didn't they have any sense of shame?

Now she finally understood, that these three were likely in a romantic relationship.

'This guy's luck is just too good, to have two beautiful girls willing to be his girlfriends together,' Ning Rongrong thought.

Dai Mubai, on the other hand, was frozen in place, deeply affected by Gu Yuena's words.

They had already reached the stage of living together?

At this moment, Dai Mubai felt like his heart was breaking.

The goddess he had just fallen for, he hadn't even started to make a strong move, and she was already planning to share a room with another man.

Thinking about it, Dai Mubai felt extremely uncomfortable.

Gu Yuena furrowed her attractive brows and impatiently asked, "Is it possible?"

Dai Mubai shook his head repeatedly, saying, "It's not possible, it goes against the academy's rules."

"What rules?" Gu Yuena asked.

Dai Mubai pointed to the two wooden houses, saying, "The academy specifies that male and female students cannot share accommodations, as it would affect their studies. Moreover, boys can't casually visit the girls' dormitories. That's why you see, there's a thirty-meter gap between the two dormitories."

Gu Yuena said, "I'm voluntarily choosing to stay with him, and it won't affect my studies."

"That's right, that's right," Xiao Wu quickly nodded.

She had slept with Ao Tian for so many years, and now that they had come to the new academy, she naturally didn't want to be separated.

Dai Mubai waved his hands vigorously, saying, "Absolutely not, this is against the academy's rules."

Xiao Wu was a bit annoyed, putting her hands on her hips and saying, "I'm willing to be bothered by Ao Tian, is that not allowed?"

Dai Mubai resolutely shook his head, saying, "These are the rules of the academy, and when you come to Shrek Academy, you have to abide by them, unless you don't want to stay at Shrek Academy."

Ao Tian raised his hand to stop Xiao Wu, and smiled, "You two should just follow the academy's arrangements."

Then he sent a message to the two girls, "If you miss me, I can come to your place at night."

Xiao Wu's eyes brightened, and she nodded, "Alright."

Only then did Dai Mubai feel a bit more at ease, saying, "You four girls can arrange who stays with whom on your own. If you need any help, feel free to come over."

"Alright," Ning Rongrong said.

After sorting out the accommodation for the girls, Dai Mubai looked at Ao Tian and said, "Ao Tian, come with me. I'll take you to your room."

Ao Tian followed Dai Mubai to the boys' dormitory. The room on the far right was shared by Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, the middle one was for Oscar and Tang San, and the one on the far left, closest to the girls' dormitory, was Ao Tian's future room.

Dai Mubai explained some of the academy's rules to Ao Tian, such as not disturbing the villagers on the other side of the village.

After a few simple instructions, Dai Mubai left.

Ao Tian sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his room. It was relatively clean and didn't need much cleaning.

He remembered the scene where Tang San fought Zhao Wuji just now and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

He deliberately had Tang San fight Zhao Wuji alone for a reason.

Zhao Wuji wanted to teach a lesson to these new students, how could he not see that?

With his status, how could he be willing to let a Spirit Saint teach them a lesson, let alone have Gu Yuena and Xiao Wu be taught by Zhao Wuji?

If he had intervened, he would certainly have defeated Zhao Wuji, but it wouldn't have been easy to explain. So, letting Tang San handle it was the best choice.

He just needed to slightly increase the power of Tang San's hidden weapon, and he would be able to make Zhao Wuji lose.

Afterwards, people would only think that Tang San's hidden weapon was incredibly powerful, which is why he defeated Zhao Wuji.

Ao Tian just wanted to keep a low profile, he would let Tang San have the glory, he just didn't anticipate that Zhao Wuji would injure Tang San so severely.

On the first day of school, even the dean of Shrek wasn't around, and there weren't any classes. Ao Tian went straight into the girls' dormitory.

To his surprise, Gu Yuena and Zhu Zhuqing were sharing a room, while Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were in another.

He initially thought that Xiao Wu would be sharing a room with Gu Yuena, since he might sneak over in the future. Now with Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing acting as third wheels, it was quite inconvenient.

"Ao Tian, you're here?" Xiao Wu, who was tidying up the room with Ning Rongrong, was the first to notice Ao Tian's arrival.

Ao Tian asked directly, "How come you're living with Ning Rongrong?"

Ning Rongrong, who was busy making the bed on the side, suddenly felt a bit disgruntled.

What's wrong with living with me? Are you still rejecting me?

She discreetly perked up her ears, wanting to hear what Xiao Wu would say.

Xiao Wu glanced at Ning Rongrong from the corner of her eye, then tiptoed and leaned in towards Ao Tian's ear, whispering, "Aren't you planning to help Sister Zhuqing improve her cultivation speed? If Sister Zhuqing stays with Ning Rongrong, it will expose your secret, right? So I'll have to bear with living with Ning Rongrong a little, while Zhuqing and Sister Na'er can stay together."

Ao Tian patted Xiao Wu's head and said, "I've noticed you've had a lot more thoughts recently."

"Really? I don't feel that way," Xiao Wu said, smiling up at Ao Tian.

Inside, Ning Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up straight and said, "You two lovebirds, don't display your affections here. Xiao Wu, come help clean."

Ao Tian smiled and asked, "Do you need any help?"

Xiao Wu shook her head and said, "Sister Na'er's room is even messier, why don't you go help her?"

"Alright, after we finish tidying up, I'll take you all to have a meal in Suotuo City at noon," Ao Tian said.

"That's great!" Xiao Wu cheered.

Ao Tian went to Gu Yuena's room and found her and Zhu Zhuqing quietly cleaning, without a word spoken between them.

Ao Tian was a bit amused. Gu Yuena rarely spoke to anyone other than him and Xiao Wu, and Zhu Zhuqing was usually quite reserved. These two living together might end up getting bored.

"You're here." Gu Yuena stopped what she was doing and smiled.

Ao Tian took the broom from Gu Yuena and said, "Let me do it."

Gu Yuena stood aside, wearing a sweet smile.

Zhu Zhuqing watched as Ao Tian took over Gu Yuena's work, a hint of curiosity flashing in her cool eyes.

She was becoming more and more curious about Ao Tian. He was wealthy, immensely talented, and could make two genius girls willingly follow him. This man was definitely not ordinary.

For Ao Tian and Gu Yuena, cleaning the room was actually quite simple. They just didn't want to show off their extraordinary abilities in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

An hour later, the girls' room was cleaned spotlessly. Ao Tian said, "The academy doesn't have any other arrangements today. Let's go have a meal in Suotuo City."

"Alright," Gu Yuena said.

At the mention of food, Xiao Wu hurriedly ran over from the adjacent room.

"Sister Qing, come with us," Xiao Wu invited.

Zhu Zhuqing shook her head and said, "I'd rather not. I'll just eat at the academy's cafeteria, and after eating, I need to focus on my cultivation."

Xiao Wu held onto her and said, "Come on, Ao Tian's carriage is so big, you can also cultivate on the way."

Then, she whispered in Zhu Zhuqing's ear, "Tonight, I'll teach you how to cultivate quickly. You're not in that much of a hurry for this bit of time, right?"

"Alright," Zhu Zhuqing agreed.

"What about you, Ning Rongrong?" Xiao Wu turned around and asked. The recent well-behaved image of Ning Rongrong had changed Xiao Wu's opinion of her.

"Can I come too?" Ning Rongrong asked.

"Of course, we're classmates now."

Ning Rongrong actually really wanted to go. She didn't want to be isolated by Xiao Wu and the others, and she also wanted to ride in that carriage again.

"Alright, I'll go with you all. But I'll treat for this meal," she said.

"Sure, sure," Xiao Wu said with a smile. "Let's go now. We've been busy all morning, and I'm starving."

"Do you think we should invite Dai Mubai and the others?" Ning Rongrong suddenly asked.