
Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

A young man from Earth named Ao Tian is transported to a primitive planet, where he becomes a young dragon. The long dragon life makes him incredibly lonely, and he eventually chooses to enter a deep slumber. Five hundred million years later, Ao Tian awakens to find that this planet has been dominated by humans, and one continent is known as the Douluo Continent. Spirit Hall, Clear Sky Sect, Bibi Dong, Tang San... Ao Tian's memories, sealed for millions of years, finally resurface, and he begins to find enjoyment in this new world. "Little Nana, don't call me Old Ancestor, call me Brother Tian." Gu Yuena blushes and says, "Alright, Brother Tian." It is said that the most powerful dragon god, who had transformed into a dragon by stealing a sliver of dragon qi that leaked out from Ao Tian during his slumber, was killed in the divine realm. Divine realm, God Kings... he couldn't care less; with one swipe of his claw, he'd turn them to smithereens! #Douluo Dalu #Soul Land ++++NOTE+++++ This is a Douluo Dalu I translation lmao. And apparently, this has been already translated by others here, I've seen 2 people who've done that. But I read their work and it's just barely readable. Mine should be superior to them. I edited the sh*t out of this to make the terms canon compliant. (yes i had to read the wiki so y'all better appreciate it) Some warning. There might be some inconsistencies when it comes to some terms or words but it should be quite minor. I am not the most diligent worker. But rest assured, there should be no major errors or weird sentences. If you'd like to read 50 advanced chapters then try visiting, p@tre0n.c0m/kekkler (replace @ with a and 0 with o). Raws: https: //www.uukanshu.com/b/147842/ (remove the spaces)

Kekkling_kekkler · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Gu Yuena's Decision

Outside the wooden house, Di Tian and the others noticed the disappearance of the barrier and called out, "Lord?"

Gu Yuena quickly straightened her clothes and, with the circulation of her soul power, her complexion quickly returned to its previously pale state. She said lightly, "Come in."

Di Tian and the others entered the room, only to find Gu Yuena inside the spacious room.

"Lord, where is Elder Ao? We saw that the horse Elder Ao was riding on has disappeared," Di Tian asked.

Gu Yuena sighed and replied, "Elder Ao has left."

Di Tian was taken aback and quickly asked, "Did Elder Ao agree to help us?"

Gu Yuena shook her head and said, "No."

Di Tian suddenly felt a great sense of disappointment and asked, "Why? Elder Ao isn't a human; why would he defend humans like this?"

"Lord, do we still have hope as Spirit Beasts?" Zi Ji looked at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena sighed inwardly. She knew that if she didn't encourage her subordinates now, their beliefs might crumble.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry; I will try to persuade Elder Ao. Even if he still refuses to help us in the end, I will make sure he helps me regain my strength. As long as my strength is restored, even if we can't eliminate humans, we will have the power to protect ourselves. Trust me, our future will be bright."

Zi Ji looked at Gu Yuena and said earnestly, "Lord, I believe in you."

"I believe in you too," Di Tian added.

Bear Lord and the others also voiced their support. Gu Yuena had always been their pillar of strength, and as long as she was there, their faith wouldn't waver.

The fact that Ao Tian had left suddenly left Xiao Wu feeling very despondent, and her little face wore a displeased expression.

"I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to see him again," she thought to herself.

Gu Yuena's gaze fell on Xiao Wu, and she beckoned to her, saying softly, "Little sister, come over here to your big sister."

Xiao Wu didn't dare to approach and glanced at her mother.

"Go on," Xiao Wu's mother said, giving her a gentle push.

Nervously, Xiao Wu nodded and took small steps toward Gu Yuena.

From the conversation of the people earlier, she already knew that this beautiful lady was the highest leader of the Spirit Beasts.

She was just a little 100,000-year-old transformed Spirit Beast, so how could she not be nervous?

"Lo... Lord," Xiao Wu said as she approached Gu Yuena, imitating the way Di Tian and the others had addressed her.

Seeing her cute yet nervous appearance, Di Tian and the others couldn't help but smile, feeling a fondness for this little girl.

Gu Yuena sat down, holding Xiao Wu in her lap, and asked, "Xiao Wu, you don't have to call me 'Lord,' you can call me 'big sister.' Can you tell your big sister what your relationship with Elder Ao is?"

"Bi... big sister, I and him are classmates?" Xiao Wu replied.

"Classmates? What's that?" Gu Yuena was puzzled.

She looked at Di Tian and the others, who shook their heads in unison.

Xiao Wu explained, "After Spirit Beasts transform into humans, they need to experience the aura of humans to cultivate. So, I enrolled in a junior Spirit Master academy, where I learned human knowledge. Elder Ao also went there to learn."

Gu Yuena nodded and said, "Elder Ao must have just awakened and is not familiar with the human world, which is why he went there to learn."

Di Tian's expression changed, and he said, "Lord, you can't go there."

"Why?" Gu Yuena asked.

Di Tian said, "The Spirit City is currently the most powerful force on the Douluo Continent, with many Titled Douluos. The strongest among them has even reached Level 99, just slightly below my level. You are injured now, and it's not safe to go there."

Although Di Tian and the others spent most of their time here, they occasionally received updates on the external situation, and they knew that the Spirit Hall was currently the most powerful force among the Spirit Masters.

Gu Yuena replied, "Don't worry; the day for a decisive battle with humans has not come yet."

She turned to Xiao Wu and continued, "Xiao Wu, where is your academy?"

"It's in Nuoding City."

"Can you take your big sister there?" Gu Yuena asked.

"It's still the summer vacation; school will start in a little over two months," Xiao Wu replied.

"In that case, can you take your big sister to Nuoding City when school starts to find Elder Ao?" Gu Yuena asked.

Xiao Wu pondered for a moment and said, "Okay."

In the conflict between humans and Spirit Beasts, she chose to stand with the Spirit Beasts. Hearing Gu Yuena's account of the tragic fate of the Spirit Beasts had deeply touched her.

In her heart, she also hoped that Ao Tian could help Gu Yuena.

"Lord, are you really going to the human world?" Di Tian expressed his concern.

Gu Yuena replied, "Elder Ao is our hope for rising to power. We can't miss this opportunity."

"Then let us accompany you," Di Tian requested.

Gu Yuena's current strength was even weaker than his, and she might be in danger if she encountered human Titled Douluos.

Gu Yuena shook her head and said, "No need. If all of you enter the human world together, it will attract even more attention. If our identities are accidentally exposed, it might even draw the attention of the Divine Realm."

"But your safety..."

"Don't worry; it won't be easy for human Titled Douluos to take me down. You can stay here and cultivate. When I need you, I will contact you."

Di Tian and the others had no choice but to agree.

Gu Yuena smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, you can stay here with your big sister during these two months."


Xiao Wu liked Gu Yuena very much; she was a beautiful sister who had left a good impression on her.

"Sister, can I ask you a question?" Xiao Wu said.

"What do you want to know?" Gu Yuena asked.

Xiao Wu looked at Da Ming and Er Ming outside the room and then said, "My companions Da Ming and Er Ming want to transform into human forms like you, but they don't want to become humans. Sister, can you help them?"

"That's simple," Gu Yuena smiled and said, "Their strength is still a bit low. When their strength grows and they break through the 100,000-year level, they will naturally have the ability to transform into human forms."

Gu Yuena looked at Di Tian and said, "Di Tian, these two little guys have potential. I'll leave them in your care."

"Don't worry; I'll train them well," Di Tian grinned.


After leaving the core area of the Star Dou Forest, Ao Tian's figure reappeared outside the forest.

Beside him stood his dragon horse.

"I can't believe she tried to use her beauty to seduce me into helping the Spirit Beasts," Ao Tian muttered, not expecting Gu Yuena to resort to such tactics.

"Solving the issue between Spirit Beasts and humans is not impossible, but it won't be easy. I'll consider it when I get bored. Since Xiao Wu has returned, and the Dragon Clan inside has seen me, there are still two months of vacation left. Let's head back to the Spirit City."

Thinking of Bibi Dong, a smile formed on Ao Tian's face. Bibi Dong was probably waiting for him to return.