
Legend of the Ancestral Dragon

A young man from Earth named Ao Tian is transported to a primitive planet, where he becomes a young dragon. The long dragon life makes him incredibly lonely, and he eventually chooses to enter a deep slumber. Five hundred million years later, Ao Tian awakens to find that this planet has been dominated by humans, and one continent is known as the Douluo Continent. Spirit Hall, Clear Sky Sect, Bibi Dong, Tang San... Ao Tian's memories, sealed for millions of years, finally resurface, and he begins to find enjoyment in this new world. "Little Nana, don't call me Old Ancestor, call me Brother Tian." Gu Yuena blushes and says, "Alright, Brother Tian." It is said that the most powerful dragon god, who had transformed into a dragon by stealing a sliver of dragon qi that leaked out from Ao Tian during his slumber, was killed in the divine realm. Divine realm, God Kings... he couldn't care less; with one swipe of his claw, he'd turn them to smithereens! #Douluo Dalu #Soul Land ++++NOTE+++++ This is a Douluo Dalu I translation lmao. And apparently, this has been already translated by others here, I've seen 2 people who've done that. But I read their work and it's just barely readable. Mine should be superior to them. I edited the sh*t out of this to make the terms canon compliant. (yes i had to read the wiki so y'all better appreciate it) Some warning. There might be some inconsistencies when it comes to some terms or words but it should be quite minor. I am not the most diligent worker. But rest assured, there should be no major errors or weird sentences. If you'd like to read 50 advanced chapters then try visiting, p@tre0n.c0m/kekkler (replace @ with a and 0 with o). Raws: https: //www.uukanshu.com/b/147842/ (remove the spaces)

Kekkling_kekkler · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Bibi Dong's Plan

At this moment, Bibi Dong really wanted to find a hole to hide in.

It was so embarrassing; she had thought he was...when all he was doing was trying to remove a hair, and she had even closed her eyes...

"Why are you closing your eyes?" Ao Tian wanted to laugh but held it back.

Looking at Bibi Dong's slightly pouting red lips, he couldn't help but feel moved. However, he understood that such matters couldn't be rushed. Feelings needed to be cultivated slowly, and Ao Tian preferred things to happen naturally, when the time was right.

He was also surprised; he hadn't expected his charm to be so great that even someone as proud as Bibi Dong was willing to offer a kiss.

Hearing Ao Tian's words, Bibi Dong became even more bashful. Her body trembled slightly, and her snow-white skin took on a rosy hue, making her look incredibly beautiful and captivating.

"What's happening to me? I'm the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, the unparalleled Bibi Dong. How could I feel this way about a stranger..."

Bibi Dong woke up from her daze, struggling to free her hand from Ao Tian's grasp, taking a few steps back, and vigilantly watching him.

In just one day, she had been hurt by the two closest men in her life, and she had unknowingly grown to despise men. Yet, she had just fallen into Ao Tian's male charm trap.

"Who are you, really?" This was the third time Bibi Dong had asked Ao Tian about his identity. However, given that Ao Tian had just saved her, her tone was quite mild.

Ao Tian sat down at the table, turned a teacup, and poured two cups of tea, handing one to Bibi Dong. "Have some tea."

Bibi Dong hesitated when she saw the tea in front of her. After seeing Ao Tian drink from his cup, she took a small sip.

"I'm just a passerby who couldn't stand by when injustice was happening," Ao Tian smiled. (T/N: STFU, Fucking Hypocrite)

Bibi Dong didn't believe Ao Tian's words because there were too many suspicious points about him.

"How did you know in advance that I was in danger?" Her gaze gradually became sharper as she scrutinized the man in front of her. She suspected if this could be part of a conspiracy.

"I possess some ability to foresee the future," Ao Tian replied.

Bibi Dong clearly didn't believe him. She raised the corner of her mouth and said, "Then predict what I'm thinking right now."

Ao Tian gave a brilliant smile, and his ethereal handsome face immediately captured Bibi Dong's attention.

"Right now, you must be thinking, 'How can there be such a good-looking man in this world.'"

Bibi Dong's cheeks flushed red, and she quickly averted her gaze, as if Ao Tian had hit the nail on the head with her thoughts.

Summoning her courage, she continued, "So, what's your strength? How did you defeat Qian Xunjí so easily?"

Ao Tian pondered for a moment and replied earnestly, "My strength... should be better than that of a god."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but roll her eyes, looking a bit dumbfounded and cute. She was somewhat speechless. A man who looked this good was actually a liar.

She knew that there were gods in this world, and they were much more powerful than a 99th-level Titled Douluo. She even had a secret related to the gods, so she was well aware of their immense power.

But the guy in front of her named Ao Tian claimed to be even more powerful than a god, which she found incredibly arrogant.

Out of gratitude for Ao Tian saving her, Bibi Dong didn't expose his exaggeration.

In truth, she already had a rough guess about Ao Tian's strength. To be able to knock Qian Xunjí, who was already at the 95th level, into unconsciousness with a single palm, Ao Tian's strength should be close to that of a Limit Douluo. However, she found it unlikely that he had reached the level of a Titled Douluo at such a young age.

Thinking about it, Bibi Dong suddenly felt that the various halos that had surrounded her for so many years seemed dim in comparison to Ao Tian. She had been praised as a genius since she was young and had worked extremely hard in her cultivation, but she had only reached the level of a Spirit Saint. However, the guy in front of her had nearly reached level 99...

"I wonder how he cultivated his strength? The Spirit Hall is well-informed, so why haven't I heard about such a formidable person on the Douluo Continent before?" Bibi Dong contemplated.

"What are your plans for the future?" Ao Tian asked.

Bibi Dong paused for a moment, lost in thought. After a while, she replied, "Qian Xunjí, that beast, is no longer my teacher. I've always considered him my elder, respected him, and been filial to him, but I never expected him to..."

She couldn't continue and her eyes welled up with tears. After years of closeness, she had developed deep feelings for Qian Xunjí, even treating him like a father figure. However, everything had crumbled today, and she found it unbearable.

"If you want him dead, I can go kill him right now," Ao Tian said indifferently.

To him, killing a Pope was almost insignificant.

Seeing Ao Tian stand up, Bibi Dong hurriedly said, "No."

"Why? Even after the way he treated you, you still have lingering feelings for him?" Ao Tian looked at her.

"He was my teacher after all, raised me for many years, and taught me how to cultivate. Spare his life," Bibi Dong pleaded.

Ao Tian looked at Bibi Dong with surprise. In his impression, Bibi Dong should have a strong and decisive personality. But now, she seemed too kind.

However, he quickly realized that the Bibi Dong from the books was strong and decisive because she had experienced a lot of pain and hardship. The current Bibi Dong, before being hurt by two men today, was still an innocent girl.

"Alright, since you've severed ties with him, where do you plan to go?" Ao Tian asked.

Bibi Dong was suddenly at a loss. She had fallen out with Qian Xunjí, so where could she go? With the Martial Soul Hall's influence spreading across the continent, there might not be a place for her.

Suddenly, her eyes brightened, and she looked at Ao Tian, saying, "Can I follow you?"

Despite constantly reminding herself to be cautious of Ao Tian, Bibi Dong inexplicably felt a sense of trust in him.

Ao Tian smiled and said, "Of course, I can take you to the mainland for a walk. When you come back in a few years, you can become the Pope."

"Why should I come back?" Bibi Dong was puzzled.

"Come back to be the Pope," Ao Tian said with a hint of anticipation in his heart. He felt that Bibi Dong would be the most beautiful as the Pope.

Bibi Dong shook his head, "But... I don't really want to be the Pope, and besides, why would Qian Xunji let me be the Pope? He already has an elderly father who is a Limit Douluo, he wouldn't let an outsider like me become the Pope."

Ao Tian affirmed, "Don't worry, if I say you can become the Pope, then you can."

"Well, let's talk about it later," Bibi Dong said, scanning the room with his eyes. "Where is this?"

"This is a hotel in Spirit City," Ao Tian replied with a smile.

"Then... where do I sleep tonight?" Bibi Dong looked at Ao Tian nervously, his hands pulling on the corner of his clothes under the table.

Ao Tian pointed to the large bed and said, "You sleep on it."

"What about you?" Bibi Dong blurted out.

Ao Tian shrugged indifferently, "You sleep, I'm not a fan of sleeping."


Inside the Supreme Pontiff's Palace, Qian Xunji returned to his own bedroom.

His face was swollen, like a purple-black ball, with almost all of his teeth knocked out, with blood in his mouth.

"Someone come!" He yelled unclearly.

A delicate-looking maid walked in trembling.

Qian Xunji's eyes turned bloodshot, and in his eyes, the fragile maid gradually transformed into Bibi Dong's appearance.

A scream rang out as the girl was thrown onto the bed, the sound of tearing and begging for mercy filling the room...
