
Legend of Steel

Matthew is an orphan who grew up on an abandoned planet filled with garbage, eking out a living by picking up trash day after day. However, by chance, he discovered a broken mech buried amidst mountains of refuse. This mech, harboring tremendous power and a unique intelligent system, became Matthew's salvation, helping him escape the shackles of the waste-ridden planet and step into a new and vast human society. Yet, the true identity of this mech, which Matthew christened "Daybreaker," along with the mystery of his own birth, constantly haunted him like a shadow. In this strange and complex new world, Matthew's social skills stood out as unusual, with his philosophy of life almost entirely based on survival instincts, and he was almost oblivious to the nuances of love and interpersonal relationships. Nevertheless, as time passed, the various experiences and hardships of life gradually began to open his eyes to these intricate human emotions, and he learned how to find his place in this society. For Matthew, this unknown society was full of challenges and opportunities. With his cool head and deep understanding of the cruel laws of survival, he quickly made a name for himself in this new environment. He absorbed knowledge and skills like a sponge, exhibiting astonishing talent and aptitude whether it was in the professional skills of a mech pilot or practical techniques like combat and cultivation. Every time he appeared in public, people were amazed by his talent and potential. However, Matthew's journey to growth was not without obstacles. He faced countless choices and challenges, and every decision could potentially be a matter of life or death. But it was precisely these difficult experiences that gradually forged his unwavering resilience and shaped his legendary status as a mech pilot. In the vast expanse of interstellar space, as the silhouettes of spaceships and mechs emerged once again, humanity was once more drawn into the profound and vast currents of the universe. And Matthew, as a witness and participant of this era, would continue on his relentless journey of struggle, writing his own legendary chapter with courage and action.

SpaceTimeSpinner · Sci-fi
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35 Chs

Chapter 30: A Powerful Physique

Matthew, the seemingly calm but deep-rooted man, confronted Number Six and a teenager. His gaze was as sharp as a hawk's, so no one dared meet it.

"Why did you attack us?" Number Six's voice trembled in disbelief as she tried to understand the man's motives.

Matthew, however, just shook his head slightly, dismissing the question. "Looks like you started it." There was a hint of mockery in his tone.

A scarlet blush instantly flushed across Number Six's face as she defended, "I ... just wanted to take your dagger!"

But Matthew wasn't interested and didn't even look at her again. In his opinion, the priority right now was not to dwell on such trivialities as who had made the first move.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Look, I have no interest in you. But if you don't cooperate with me, I don't mind making your lives pay for it." His voice was calm and cold as if he were talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

This naked threat made Number Six and the teenager feel a shiver run down their spines as if there was an invisible sword hanging over their necks. They shivered involuntarily.

Matthew, however, was not moved by their fear. He scrutinized them with a cold gaze as if looking at two insignificant prey. "Tell me, are there any other survivors of this spaceship?"

Number Six hastily shook her head, her voice filled with panic: "No ... more! Except for the two of us, everyone else is dead!"

Matthew didn't let his guard down because of her answer. He continued, "Then do you know the exact location where this universe ship is now stranded?"

Number Six shook her head again, "I'm not sure; the only way to find out is to go to the main control room."

Hearing this, Matthew stopped talking. He stood up and prepared to go to the central control room to find out. However, Number Six suddenly opened his mouth and prayed, "Can you untie us first? So we can go to the main control room with you!"

Matthew looked at her but didn't stop. He said indifferently, "There's no need to go to that much trouble." With that, he picked up Number Six in one hand and the boy in the other as if they were nothing.

Number Six was startled by his actions, and she quickly closed her mouth, not daring to say anything more. On the other hand, the teenager looked at Matthew with a face full of horror, as if he were looking at a devilish figure.

Matthew ignored their reactions. He carried them both straight to the central control room, speaking softly. They only felt sore after Number Six, and the teenager had been carried backward for a while—especially the teenager who had been spoiled since childhood and couldn't help but grunt in pain.

However, as if he didn't hear his moaning, Matthew walked forward with great strides. Seeing this, Number Six hastily signaled the teenager to hold on. She knew that her life was now in this man's hands, and the slightest mistake could lead to murder.

After a long stretch of corridor. Matthew stopped and asked coldly, "Which way is the main control room?"

Number Six hurriedly pointed, "The main control room is through here.

Matthew had just taken a step when he suddenly remembered the Dawnbreaker. If the Dawnbreaker couldn't see himself now that he was back to normal, he must have been distraught! It's better to see the Dawnbreaker first! As soon as this thought appeared in Matthew's mind, it grew uncontrollably and filled all of Matthew's thoughts: first, go to the Dawnbreaker's place and look!

Matthew made up his mind and looked at the two people in his hand; it's not safe to leave them here; bringing them around is safer. Anyway, the two people don't weigh much.

Matthew carried the two people and walked towards the gangway. Six said sharply, "The main control room is not that way; you're going wrong!"

Matthew shrugged in disbelief, "I know!" Matthew's shrug was easy for him, but it was bitter for Number Six and the teenager. The two men's bodies moved up and down with Matthew's shrug, and the two men had a burst of gas and blood in both eyes, and the gold stars flew around.

Matthew was walking extremely fast because of the fiber rope along the way. In a short time, the three of them reached the safety door of the passageway.

The safety door was already closed, but Matthew clearly remembered that this door had just been open, so he couldn't help but ask Number Six, "How did this door close?

Matthew walked extremely fast this way, turning the two of them upside down; it was not easy to get back into the churning chi; number Six explained, "The passageway inside here has already ruptured to prevent the loss of pressure inside the silo, so this door has been closed!"

"Then how do I open it?" Matthew asked.

Six lost his voice, "Do you want us all to die in here? There's a vacuum outside!"

Matthew asked an idiotic question, "Vacuum? What's wrong with a vacuum?"

Number Six was about to faint, "Geez, what era is it that people still ask such a common sense question that a three-year-old child would know? Thinking about the fact that Number Six of the family had lost at the hands of such a person, Number Six even had the urge to wipe his neck directly! The teenager, held by Matthew's other hand, also froze at the words and chuckled softly.

Matthew was surprised at their reaction, "What? Is something wrong?" How could they not imagine what kind of environment Matthew grew up in? Matthew came to the Dawnbreaker only after the outside world began to communicate. 

Even in the virtual network, he was either in the Teacher Consciousness Training Base or with the "Blink" gang of old men in the Gutista neighborhood to mingle. So many things that seem very simple in the eyes of others are just common sense; he knows nothing.

Life is still in other people's hands; Number Six did not dare to be too arrogant and explained: "There is no air in the vacuum, there is no protection to go in, one aspect of respiratory care is not available, on the other hand, the blood in the body of the same existence of pressure, if the outside air pressure disappears, the pressure of blood in your body will burst your blood vessels, you will die in a few seconds of bleeding all over the body, so enter the vacuum must wear a pressure-resistant suit! vacuum must wear an anti-pressure suit!"

Matthew said in disbelief, "I know I can't do it without oxygen, but I don't need to wear a pressure suit; I just came from there. I didn't wear a pressure suit, but I'm still fine?"

No pressure suit? How is this possible? This channel is at least fifty meters, the gravitational matrix of the universe ship, and the oxygen is still yourself and the young master to complete the restoration, and this guy has long before entered the room just now. Is it possible ... is it feasible... There are still people worldwide who do not need to wear pressure suits. And in the Vacuum without the blood vessels bursting and dying?

Is this guy still human? I'm afraid the physical body's strength can't even compare to mutated creatures! Six and the teenager looked at each other, seeing their faces without a trace of blood color in their eyes and the fear under those eyes that couldn't be covered up!

He couldn't be from a primitive orc tribe, could he? I have heard that some primitive orc tribes have retained the vice of cannibalism to this day. Ah! All the blood color on the faces of the Number Six and the teenager vanished instantly!

God, please hear our prayers!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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