
Legend of Marvel

What happens when a regular boy is reincarnated with wishes into Marvel multiverse? . . The Legend of God of marvel who makes the whole Multiverse usher in peace. Making the Multiverse Peace Legion and establishing peace. No one can shake the peace, weak civilization is protected, Multiverse stability is guaranteed, Dimension Demon God are repelled to never come again . PEACE FORCE is created to protect weak. This is a legend never to be repeated again in annals of history.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Power Awakening

(Mc looks like 'Ban' from 'Seven deadly sins')

I have been living in a small village in Britain since I was born 10 years ago. My father was a knight from civilian background and my mother was from a family of Duke, yeah it's a nobel family but it's not a shit like they love each other and ran away from home no. My mothers family was killed for treason and my mother is the only member left in the family. Her name is Emily and my father was a knight of the Duke family, on the night of genocide my mother succeed in escaping with my father and later they both fell in love and married each other having me and Noah. I came to know about it just today on tenth birthday. They told me about as they feel I was an adult now and should know about it and yes child marriage is common these days so they also tried marrying me to a girl next-door but I am against it I told them I don't want to be married yet. Well the girl next-door is beautiful but I fell like I am marrying a child as I came from modern times so it's awkward andp I said I will not marry now wait for me to grow old.

GOD (Pov)

its been a while I have sent that kid over it's time to fulfill his wishes. I haven't met an interesting person for a long time let's see how much he can achieve, it would be a lot of entertainment.

.......... ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )

So when I was sitting near the lake that is on the side of my farm I fell an intense headache and information started flowing in my mind and overloaded it and I was in intense pain and passed out. I am having a dream where God was telling me that he is watching me and I should give him some entertainment and that all of my wishes are granted and then it blackouts . When I woke up I can instinctively sense all my power as if I was born to control them and I tried to check my power and thought what should I do.

I tried creating a sword, it appears out of thin air it's amazing you know. I tried making it's blade vibrate at molecular level so that it can cut through anything and waived it on a stone. Stone is neatly sliced into two pieces.

Now that I think about, it feels awkward to have so much power as I can feel my power I am pretty much invincible. I don't need to do a thing and I could live till Eternity, I can have unlimited wealth, supreme power, and everything that I could have wished for ever in my life. I have everything practically, each and every dream that I have ever have is completed. Now I felt lost at what to do, and just when I was at lost something amazing happened in front of me. Where I was sitting I can see a space-time wormhole, it's like a cyclone with a hole in between and when you see in the hole it would look a tornado from top view. wormhole is blue in colour with green wisps of energy flowing in it. it feels mystical unlike anything I had ever seen. it's oozing out heavy destructive aura that cause even space to be ruptured and cracks in areas near the opening. it's just wow!. When I was busy feeling it's beauty a creature comes out of it his whole body is black with green line pattern running on it and orange flame like hair that is made of some unusual energy. Green lights are coming from the green lines on it's black body, it only has 2 orange eyes and no nose mouth anything. I was shocked literally by the beauty of this creature I have utter fascination for this creature, looking at him make me feel he is in harmony with nature itself. When I was looking at him he is also looking at me with respect and worship in his eyes and comes to me and bows down to me with his right hand on his chest "Anodite civilization descendant 'Karl' gives his respect to SUPREME ANCESTOR, I came from the future on the order of COUNCIL OF ORIGIN and ELDER ANODITE CLESTIAL to give SUPREME ANCESTOR the MATRIX-io"

after saying that his suit that is whole black with green line on it converts into a black box with green lines circuit on it .(Like omnitrics from Ben 10) .


Anodite is a race born to wield magic, it's a race in Ben 10 anime.

Yes MC will create whole civilization of different species and hence will be called Supreme ancestor.

Celestial explained looks like Alien X from Ben 10 but mixed with anodite features.

Explain in next chapter

Guys you can join the discord link bellow. I have some more ideas which I would be writing a novel with new ideas along with this one.

Keep supporting, thank you.




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