
Legend of Limits

Jace attempts to flee from his former allies with James's journal in a hazy sequence of events, dialogue, and past occurances that the reader must attempt to piece together to figure out what's going on behind the scenes. As Jace attempts to uncover the truth behind his friends' betrayal, Jace will have to tangle with his former allies, current friends, and ruthless enemies as he makes his way across the continent with Quartz trying to kill him at almost all times and James's grimoire in hand. The version of Legend of Limits with the most chapters and the least grammatical errors is available on RoyalRoad.

Henry_Beblo · Fantasy
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41 Chs

James Anachronism

James: "You demon...you're willing to hurt so many people...for power?

???: "But of course, friend. I cannot simply leave your precious grimoire in the hands of such a fool as he who would use it as intended, no? That Jace is too naive. If he would just murder all of his friends, I would have no choice but to challenge him in person. If he knew that I was the one behind all this and knew where I was, I would have almost no chance of surviving. You know my limits, James. I have always been your expert when it comes to the dark arts and mass manipulation, no? In fact, I am the one who made the grimoire you used to weave such intricate spells, so it would only be fair for me to reclaim my grimoire, no?"

"You were...no...no, no...no...you were...using me from the start?

"HAH! You are the greatest fool I have ever known! Of course a sorcerer well-versed in the dark arts, one who has deceived demons and taken demonic powers as their own, would not help a low life such as you out of the goodness of their heart! I had been observing you long before I ever decided to approach you. I observed you over and over and over again. Eventually, inevitably, I figured out why I was drawn to you so. If I were to make you trade your blessings from the side of order for my damnations from the gods...I would be limitless. Everyone knows there is only so much a lowly human can do--people cannot even have more than one profession if they wish to become an expert in their trade. However, when considering the limits of humanity, one must also consider the immense power of a group of specialized individuals: a coven of witches, a patrol of knights, an order of paladins. Now James, imagine how powerful one could be if but a single person could have the experience, the knowledge, the instincts, the physical capabilities, and the magical aptitude of any type of group--no, OF ALL TYPES OF GROUPS AND EVEN THE POWERS OF THE GODS THEMSELVES! Just picture it, James! I could surpass all others, I could finally have the power to shape the world, to make the world I want to live in. I could erase all but those I love, and I could live with those I love forever. I could bring back all of the ones who died! James, if you cooperate with me, if you stand by my side, together, we could have everything! All you need to do is tell Jace to give you the grimoire, then bring it right back to me yourself. Then we can be omnipotent, no, even greater than that! We could be gods! We could be unending, eternal!"

"You're insane..."

"I am sorry James, you must have not heard what I said. James, you could be a--"

"BEING A GOD WOULD ONLY BRING SUFFERING! Why do you think we have limits? We have limtis because, if humans could have the powers of gods, they would no longer be humans. Don't you get it? No, I suppose you wouldn't...no one would...I won't even bother explaining myself. I can tell by the look in your eyes...you can't even hear me now. You can't see me, either. All you can see...all you can hear...is what you want...the power...within...the journal..."

"He is such a fool...I offered him power...and he said it would only bring suffering...what a fool...what a fool...what a fool...sleep now, you fool. You will rue the day when your limits prevent you from saving the ones you hold so dear...and when you lose those you love so dearly, you will finally see the way I see...hear the way I hear...and be the way I am."

When James woke up, he was all alone once more in this eternal abyss filled with nothing but distant lights and darkness. James could not move his limbs more than a millimeter in any direction and could only turn his neck fifteen degrees in either direction.

There was no hope for escape...

Henry_Beblocreators' thoughts