
Legend Of Legends: The Bandit King

Divyat like most people born into his era was ordinary, he was destined for nothing more than mediocrity. yet he wished for so much more than what his life could offer him. With an unattributed spirit root, there was only so much he could achieve on the road of cultivation, yet it was a road he was more than willing to walk on, crawling every inch of the way to get the power he craved, even if his end seemed predetermined and limited. Then one day tragedy struck, the sect and the family that he loves and loved him back in return was attacked and awash in flames before the dawning of a new day. In his bid for survival Divyat ended up accidentally Killing a nature spirit, one responsible for the balance of winter and wind, absorbing it's power and becoming a new avatar of nature, a mortal deity in and out of itself with power over elements. But a boon as good as this, is not worth anything without your loved ones to share it with, so instead Divyat will use it to get his revenge and should anyone get in his way, he will freeze them to cinders, because when a man's heart has gotten cold enough; even the world itself will burn from it. Cover is not mine and was taken off the internet.

Anone · Eastern
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187 Chs

054: The Practice

Soft mewls resounded within Divyat's abode as a wet nose touched his. He shuddered awake from the stimuli, coming face to face with a four eyes on a somewhat equine head with nubs for horns.

This was the final gift he had received for coming first for the trial, it was quite ironic but from what he heard, Cao Man had been responsible for getting this for him. It was a cub, but once full grown it became a species of demon beasts that's called a white stag.

But then again not many people believe that they were demon beasts, instead they were seen as spirit beasts due to how pure it was, fierce and quite resilient, the white stag was actually capable of naturally healing, and could adapt to its surroundings.

But above all else it was highly suspected that the missing Winter Stag had actually evolved from a white stag. But that was also speculation, either way Divyat got up and took the small dog sized deer in his hand.