
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
102 Chs

Warzone (4)

The announcement blared, "The Founders have arrived to assist with the battle!" Aqua looked over at the Vultures, who paused and saw her standing beside them. "Aqua, come with us," said a Vulture. "We are your real family. These people don't care about you. All they do is fight and cause wars. Come, join us again." They aimed their guns at Bale, Zander, and Erik, trying to convince Aqua to leave with them.

Aqua looked at the three of them and then at The Vultures. "I'm sorry, Bale, Zander. I killed Zynkara," she said, frowning. Bale's eyes widened, and Zander and Erik were shocked into silence.

Bale clenched his fists. "Why would you do that?" he yelled, waving his arms around. "Because you guys killed my parents. They were Vultures too, but they were still my parents. I thought that by getting Lando to capture the target, I would get what I wanted. But I've caused so much pain now. I understand if you want to put a bullet in me right now." He teared up and aimed his gun at Aqua.

Aqua also teared up. "Lando isn't an ordinary Nephalem pilot. He's sweet, nice, and he thinks what he's doing is right. I know he didn't kill my parents. Zynkara did a long time ago. That's why I decided that this was the day to get my revenge. But once he was gone, I truly regretted it."

The Vultures had their guns ready to fire at them. "Did you truly care about Zynkara?" Bale asked. Aqua nodded. "I made sure he wasn't lying completely on the cold metal floor while he was dying," she said, looking away. "While I was with you guys for a few years, I learned many things about you guys in particular. You aren't bad people. You're just doing your jobs, and you've been doing it since your early teens." She looked at The Vultures.

Bale's eyes welled up as he gazed at Aqua. "I accept your apology," he said. He then turned to Erik and Zander. The Vultures trained their guns on Aqua. "Fine, we will kill you too. You can die with a family now," a Vulture sneered, their finger on the trigger. Without hesitation, Bale aimed his gun at the Vulture and shot them in the head.

He swiftly pushed Aqua inside a nearby dorm and ran in after her. Erik and Zander followed suit as the Vultures tried to take them down. "Why?" Aqua asked, looking at him. "Because you're sincere," Bale replied.

Suddenly, a whistling sound reverberated through the hallway, accompanied by the clanging of metal. The Vultures turned their attention to the source of the noise. "Who are you?!" they yelled, pointing their guns at the girl. They were dressed in white robes, and the yin and yang symbols on them shimmered in the light. "I am Blayne," a woman spoke up, holding what appeared to be a small white stick.

Blayne snickered. "I'm your worst nightmare." Bale snickered as well. "They're here, The Founders!" Zander grinned as Blayne clicked a button on top of the stick, causing it to transform into a two-sided spear.

With lightning speed, Blayne charged towards The Vultures. Bale couldn't even track her movements, but he could feel the rush of air as she passed by. Blayne thrust the spear into the chest of a Vulture, then used her strength to lift them up and swung them back, causing them to crash into the wall, dead.

The remaining Vultures fired their guns at Blayne, but she expertly blocked the bullets with her spear. Blayne sprinted towards the wall, then jumped off it, flipping in the air and swinging the spear. With a swift motion, she sliced off the head of another Vulture, causing blood to gush everywhere as the body stumbled back and fell to the ground.

Blayne landed smoothly on her feet, the robe swaying side to side as she turned her head at the other three Vultures. They aimed their guns at her again and she spun her spear in circles, expertly blocking the hail of bullets. With lightning-fast reflexes, she jabbed the spear into the first Vulture's neck, piercing through their skin and muscle with ease. Without missing a beat, she swiftly twisted the spear and thrust the other side into the second Vulture's neck. With a savage motion, she yanked the spear towards herself, ripping through flesh and even their jugulars. The two Vultures grasped at their necks, the sound of gurgling echoing in the air.

The last Vulture backed up in fear, but Bale peeked around the corner and shot them in the leg, causing them to fall to the ground. Blayne saw this and snickered, her eyes glinting with amusement. She walked towards the fallen Vulture, her spear held at the ready.

"Looks like you're the last one standing," she said, her voice dripping with venom. "Any last words before I end you?"

The Vulture scrambled to get up, but Blayne expertly kicked their gun away and held the sharp end of the spear to their throat. "I said, any last words?"

The Vulture swallowed hard and stuttered out a few words of surrender, begging for their life. Blayne tilted her head and considered the plea for a moment before swiftly slicing the spear through the air, cleanly severing the Vulture's head from their body. Blood sprayed everywhere as the headless corpse crumpled to the ground.

Blayne turned to Bale, Erik, and Zander, her eyes still shining with excitement. "That was fun," she said, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Anyone up for some more action?"

Lando and the others continued to back up as the Vultures charged towards them. They were heavily outnumbered, and the situation was dire. Lando fired his gun at the army while Hana and the guards joined in, trying to push them back. Solmon's Nephalem stood in front of the broken gates, firing at the Vultures. Tot and Jasmine's Nephalem joined in, and they continued to fight with all their might.

Despite their best efforts, the Vultures inched closer and closer, almost reaching the point of close combat. Suddenly, bombs with red glowing bumps were thrown from an unknown location. The Vultures were confused for a moment until the bombs erupted, sending many of them flying and killing plenty more. More grenades like that were thrown into the army, creating a line of explosions that sent the Vultures backing up.

Wallon walked past the Nephalem and looked at the army, tossing a bomb up and catching it repeatedly. "It's time for suffrage," he whispered and looked at them, throwing a bomb. The bomb was bigger in size, and it exploded as soon as it hit the ground in front of the Vultures, sending some falling to the ground and getting back up.

Kade walked over, holding two glowing swords. He pressed a button, and they glowed brighter. "Come on." A Vulture tried to charge at them, but was met with the blades. The blades melted the skin and flesh of the Vulture, and they screamed in pain. Curtix arrived with two pistols, aimed them, and fired a little bullet towards a Vulture. The Vulture tried to dodge it, but it suddenly exploded, killing the Vulture.

The Vultures began to panic, and they all screamed and ran for it, realizing they were outmatched. Lando breathed a sigh of relief, knowing The Founders had come in and stopped more casualties. "Get the injured to the med bay," Curtix walked over and looked at Lando. "Especially you."

Lando nodded as the guards cheered. They were victorious in the battle. He just smiled a bit. "We won." He looked at Hana, who nodded and gave him a hug. "I thought we would have died today." She chuckled, and he hugged her back slowly. "Yeah, almost."