
Legend of Bai Feng: Journey to immortality

All human were transmigrated to a parallel world where the were given a chance to gain immortality.They could cultivate different path to gain immortality. Bai Feng an unknown person on earth when also transmigrated,then vowed to make a place of haven for the human in this world,to protect themfrom other evil races. How could this young Bai Feng fulfill this vow?He need immortality. ...

Apexfingers · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 4: Terrifying Facts about the outside world

The Bullock lord lead his subordinate to explore outside the novice protection zone,he soon found a small group of untamed beast which he and his  subordinate surrounded and killed easily without any causality.

As the Bullock lord and his subordinate journey on,they soon met their nemesis.

He and his subordinate saw a group of flaming wild dogs led by a golden flaming wild dog king.

He wanted to keep his pride so he ordered his underling to charge.

During their process of charging he soon discovered that he couldn't see the enemy attributes.

As soon as his underling charge to attack the flaming wild dogs,the wild beast were urge by the golden flaming wild dog king to kill the enemy on sight.

As they clashed the Bullock soldier forcefully reduce the HP of the flaming wild dogs,but were soon left dead by the overwhelming number of their enemy.

In the panic,the Bullock lord tried to escape,but was caught by the golden flaming wild dog king and torn apart untill there was only the eyes remaining  of the Bullock lord which the golden flaming wild dog king smashed then the view sharing mode was interrupted.

The world chat channel was silent for a moment.

Soon again the chat channel was engaged.

"Just like that the Bullock lord was torn to nothing."

"Oh my God are the creatures outside the novice protection zone so terrifying that even an S rank soldier would be killed easily without remains."

Soon a group of people sent friends request to Bai Feng at the same time,but he ignore them acting very cold.

Unlike the Bullock lord he was more careful and didn't rashly dash out of the novice protection zone to find resources.

Bai Feng felt hunger and logged out of the system panel but then remembered his subordinate hero Seraph kneeling the whole time.

Bai Feng then followed the bushy pathway with his subordinate Seraph to search for food.

He soon found traces of living animal like Wild Boars.They have thick furs and should be a problem for weaker soldiers.