
Legend of An Le

when a female proud bandit asks the crown prince to be his Crown Princess Consort. Crown Princess Consort position that has been available for a very long time.

bern123 · Urban
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126 Chs

chapter 8

"This time, the Imperial examination is for the imperial court to select the wise and virtuous student. The throne of the country is at stake. The Crown Prince...."

Inside the upper study room.

Emperor Jianing flipped through the recent memorials, lowered his head and instructed. He looked at his obviously absent minded son. his eyes narrowed, then brought a touch of profound and unpredictable meaning.

"Crown Prince".

Han Yue returned to his senses. When he caught Emperor Jianing's strange look, he concealed his gloomy look and answered, "Father is right. I will order the five city walls military forces to strengthen the security of the capital to take precautions, so as to avoid bad people who act sneakily to disturb imperial examinations."

Emperor Jianing tapped the desk lightly and said casually, "I have always trusted the Crown Prince's deployment. How did the Crown Prince think the sons of the various families performed during the autumn hunts a few days ago?"

"There are many sons who are good at riding and shooting. Dajing is full of talents." Han Yue reported back in a slow voice, respectful and docile.

Looking at the prince's serious face, Emperor Jianing raised his eyebrows and finally threw out the words that had been grinding in his mind for several days.

"I heard that the women from the capital's families gathered that day and interesting things happened. The crown prince can have eyes on the ones that catch his eye, I will keep her for you first for the royal election in six months."

The story of Ren Anle's blatant collision with the crown prince at the autumn hunting has been making the rounds. If a man had done that act that day it would have been a crime of treason, but ... Ren Anle is a woman, and the rumors are getting around with a little romantic color.

Not only does he have a face like Taizu, but his luck in attracting peach blossoms is no worse.

[ peach blossom - is known as a love affair; the language and meaning of the flower is: captive of love.]

His son has been known as a virtuous and benevolent person since he was a child, and he has never made any mistakes. Although he has brought back a rotten peach blossom this time, the Emperor Jianing is particularly relieved and genuinely wants to watch the excitement.

The emperor's words landed, and Zhao Fu, who was standing on the side, clearly saw the prince's complexion pause. He could not help but look towards the emperor, who was smiling in a wise and calculating manner, with a small drum beating at the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you, Father, for your concern. This son of yours wants to focus on the affairs of the court, he has not thought of other matters." Han Yue bowed his head and excused himself not too gently.

"Oh, is that so? Then how come I have heard that the gifts sent from the Eastern Palace to Taishan have never been broken for ten years." Emperor Jianing lifted his cup of tea and took a sip, his voice gradually becoming unsafe.

The prince had never concealed these things from him, so he had never pierced this layer of paper.

Han Yue raised his head, his gaze cold and solemn: "Father, she is my future consort. I only wish to treat her with the same importance as my father treated my mother back then."

It was common knowledge that Emperor Jianing had great respect for the late Empress Huide of the Middle Palace.

Zhao Fu glanced at the solemnly browed Crown Prince and felt a little emotional. Since Empress Hui De's death twelve years ago, His Highness had rarely mentioned his birth mother in front of His Majesty.

Emperor Jianing was taken aback for a moment, his eyes wavering slightly as he put down his porcelain cup and gently reprimanded, "Nonsense, how can she be compared to your Mother Empress."

But in the end, his face softened and he let the matter go.

Prince, I heard that Ren Anle has caused a lot of trouble at the autumn hunt? The Minister of the Left came to the palace yesterday and had a lot to say about it. She is quite a character, to be able to stir up rumours in the capital."

Seeing that Emperor Jianing's face was slightly sunken, Han Yue unprecedentedly explained, "Father, there is no need to listen to the rumours. General Ren is a man of nature, perhaps she acts in an unconventional manner."

Emperor Jianing's hand tapped on the desk fiercely and narrowed his eyes.