
Legend of An Le

when a female proud bandit asks the crown prince to be his Crown Princess Consort. Crown Princess Consort position that has been available for a very long time.

bern123 · Urban
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126 Chs

chapter 13.2

"Fine." Emperor Jianing sighed, "You go down, zhen will allow a group of officials from the Da Lisi to observe the trial tomorrow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Huang Pu gave a courtesy and retreated.

"Zhao Fu, pronounce the decree, right outside my study."

Inside the quiet upper study, Emperor Jianing's voice was particularly cold.

Zhao Fu responded with a low voice. He finished drafting the imperial edict, stamped the jade seal and walked out of the upper study. He read it aloud before handing it over to the deputy steward to send it to the Da Lisi.

"Old Marquis, His Majesty says that the fraud case will be handed over to Lord Ren for trial. When there is a result, His Majesty will surely make a decision, so please return to the Marquis' residence first."

He did not miss the Marquis of Zhongyi's dismayed look and Gu Zhaoyi's limp figure on the palace maid.

The Marquis of Zhongyi, Gu Kuan, had an unsightly complexion and remained motionless on his knees.

Zhao Fu sighed. After all, Marquis of Zhongyi had been domineering for too many years. This matter has become so big, but he still dares to defy the imperial decree in full view of the public and still kneel outside the upper study.

The Qinglong bell was rung, a group of exam candidates kneeling at the Chongyang Gate, and a petition was filed by the officials of the government. Anyone would know that the Da Lisi had solid evidence in hand. Gu Qishan was only subjected to the test questions, the heaviest would only be stripped of the right of succession to the title, which would hardly touch the bones of the Marquis of Zhongyi.

But the Marquis of Zhongyi is so indifferent to the heart. To the emperor, what is this if not a case of taking advantage of merit and being arrogant in favor?

After waiting for a while, the news of the departure of the exam candidates from the Chongyang Gate came. Zhao Fu re-entered the upper study and reported softly, "Your Majesty, the guards came back and said that the candidates had thanked Your Majesty for his great kindness and had dispersed. It's just that ... the Marquis of Zhongyi has not yet risen."

"Don't mind him, he will naturally get up."

Emperor Jianing's barely eased face sank as he coldly snorted, "He is so rampant because he holds so much military power in the northwest. His Gu family's face was rewarded by zhen, and now he is using it to hold a favor!"

"Your Majesty, quell your anger."

Emperor Jianing waved his hand. His eyes narrowed, his expression was unpredictable, and his words were meaningful.

"The Gu family has been domineering for a long time, I have heard about it. But this Ren Anle ... can cause so much trouble, I really regret that I missed her last audience in the palace."

At sunset, the people who filled the streets finally waited for the decree to be issued from the imperial city.

There was no leap of joy, only relief and great hope in their eyes.

The people dispersed only after they had seen the official announcement posted by the Da Lisi that the court would be held at the chen shi hour of the second day.

[chén shí 7-9 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)]

Late at night, Ren Anle, who had been sitting at the Da Lisi for the whole day, finished reading the files left by Huang Pu and led Yuan Qin for a leisurely walk on the street.

"Miss, I'm afraid that tomorrow's trial will not be too easy for the right and left minister and the young lady."