
Legend of An Le

when a female proud bandit asks the crown prince to be his Crown Princess Consort. Crown Princess Consort position that has been available for a very long time.

bern123 · Urban
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126 Chs

chapter 11

This is destined to be an uneven night.

Before Ren Anle could wait for the results of the secret investigation back at Yuan Shu, the news that the banned cabinet minister Li Chong'en had hanged himself in his house reached her.

In the middle of the night, Pei Zhan and Huang Pu were already standing outside the courtyard of the study where Li Chong'en had hanged himself. Pei Zhan holding a letter in his hand, vaguely relieved. Huang Pu had a deep frown on his face and moved aside with a light hum when he saw Ren Anle.

"Lord Ren, you're here." Pei Zhan greeted him.

"Lord Pei, the magistrate guard who sent the summons didn't make it clear. What happened?"

Li Chong'en's body had already been put into a coffin. The empty courtyard is cold and gloomy, and the sobs of the women in the inner courtyard can still be heard.

"Lord Li hanged himself in fear of sin. This is the suicide note he left behind. In his suicide note, he pleaded guilty to His Majesty. He said that he could not bear the fact that Wu Yue was over thirty years old but had not made any achievements in his career, and that he had committed a great crime in a moment of confusion, and asked His Majesty to spare the whole Li family for the sake of his more than ten years of service to the court."

There was a clear sense of relief in Pei Zhan's eyes, as it was well known that Wu Yue, the son of the Minister of Household Affairs, is known to have been under Li Chong'en's tutelage since he was a child. The fact that Li Chong'en has admitted his guilt at this time is not so abrupt and will give an explanation to His Majesty and the court officials.

"Since Lord Li has confessed his guilt, this official will enter the palace early tomorrow morning to report to His Majesty that this case has been concluded and ask His Majesty for orders on what punishment should be meted out."

"Your Excellency cannot." Ren Anle did not miss the indignation in Huang Pu's expression on the side and stopped Pei Zhan.


"Your Excellency, the three candidates imprisoned in the Da Lisi have not yet been examined in the courtroom. Their testimonies will certainly make His Majesty more satisfied. There are still two days left. It's not too late for Pei da ren to wait for me and Huang da ren to get this case done properly before entering the palace to report it.

After a moment's thought, Pei Zhan knew that Ren Anle had a point. Even if the evidence of the crime was conclusive, it would be better to do it more beautifully. If the case was resolved satisfactorily, he would be able to join the court in no time.

"It is still Lord Ren's thoughtfulness. This official will first go back to write a folded paper to report to His Majesty the reason why Lord Li hanged himself, and wait for Lord Ren's good news on the other evidence." Pei Zhan was happy for a while, and habitually patted Ren Anle on the shoulder, and found something wrong when he touched the corner of her sleeve robe. He abruptly withdrew his hand with an embarrassed complexion, "The official forgot that da ren is a woman, my apologies!"

Ren Anle waved her hand and smiled, "It's alright."

Pei Zhan was really embarrassed. There was no woman in the court for more than a decade, since Ren Anle did not look like a woman, he almost broke the taboo. He smiled and left the courtyard.

Huang Pu was in a heavy mood and sighed as he prepared to leave.

It was a chilly, cold night, and the candle flame was dimly lit, making the mood dull and gloomy. Huang Pu, with a heavy heart, sighed as he prepared to leave.