
Legend of An Le

when a female proud bandit asks the crown prince to be his Crown Princess Consort. Crown Princess Consort position that has been available for a very long time.

bern123 · Urban
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126 Chs

chapter 11.2

Huang Pu frowned upon hearing this, and said, "Lord Ren, the eldest lady of the Marquis of Zhongyi's Mansion has been very favored by the Emperor these days. The Marquis' popularity has been unparalleled for a while. Besides, this alone does not count as ironclad evidence"

How dare Ren Anle pull the hair out of the tiger's head?

Plucking hair from the head of a tiger. The metaphor of pulling hair from a tiger's head is to offend people and things beyond one's ability.

"Naturally it won't be that simple, but we can use this clue to lead the way. It depends on the da ren's means."

"Lord Ren is saying..." Huang Pu looked in the direction of the Da Lisi and had a slight moment of clarity.

"Wu Yue, once we get the testimony out of him, we can follow the vine and find the person who really leaked the exam questions. Lord Pei is now at ease on his laurels and will return to his house to rest, so Lord Huang's surprise interrogation tonight may lead to clues.

Whether this fraud case will be buried in the dust or revealed to the whole world will depend on... whether Lord Huang is willing or not, and whether he dares to ?"

Ren Anle's voice was awe-inspiring, and her boldness was evident in her words. Huang Pu paused and spoke slowly after half a second:

"Since Lord Ren is willing to accompany me to wade through this muddy water, why would I dare not? It's just whether Lord Ren can tell this officer why you want to get involved in this matter, which will not benefit you in any way?"

He had been studying for ten years and did not want the scholar who had gone to the capital to take the imperial examination to endure injustice, but what is the purpose of Ren Anle?

Ren Anle raised her eyebrows and brushed her embroidered hem, her smile overflowing, "I naturally want the seat as the Minister of the Da Lisi ..."

Huang Pu's expression was stunned.

"A mere fourth-ranking shao qing position, it may be assumed that His Highness the Crown Prince will not be able to look at it." Ren Anle trailed off, dragging her chin and narrowing her eyes in a helpless manner.

The pitiful old-fashioned and upright and outspoken Lord Huang, could not get his breath back, and almost died young in this small, dark courtyard.

The Left Minister's residence.

The Minister of Revenue, Du Lan Zheng, stomped his foot and looked uneasy: "Your Excellency, what do you mean when you say that the people you sent to the Da Lisi cannot enter?"

The Minister of the Left said with sunken eyes, "Dali Temple's defenses were changed overnight. It is now impossible to deliver the testimony to those three people."

How could Pei Zhan, with his skills, guard the Da Lisi like a barrel of iron? Now that this matter is of great importance to His Majesty, he must not see the presiding judge in private until the case is settled.

"How good can this be. This unfilial son has actually caused this kind of trouble." Shang Shu Du looked dishevelled, as if he had aged ten years overnight.

The Minister of the Left narrowed his eyes at Du Shang Shu, who was running around in circles. He tapped his hand on the desk, his eyes dark and deep.

That night, Pei's residence was quiet and peaceful. The Da Lisi minister slept comfortably on a warm fragrant jade pillow, while the Da Li government office was heavily guarded and the lights were burning all through the night.