
A bone to pick

The fight began without delay. The hoodie wearing person's eye glowed a fiery blue and yellow and and they held out there had, freezing James in place. A group of white poles shot out of the wall beside James and he was thrown into the wall on the other side. Another group hit him from below sent him into the ceiling and he landed a few feet in front of the other person. James slowly got back to his feet and leaped at the attacker with his fist held high but it didn't connect. The other person had vanished in the blink of an eye. James turn around to find the person balancing a bone on his finger. Their hood had fallen back. Showing a round skull with two white eyes and a massive smile.

"S-Sans?" asked James.

Sans stopped juggling and the bone disappeared.

"How do you know who I am?" Sans asked in a deep, New York accented voice.

"Your from that game ... what was it called ... oh yeah, Undertale!" said James.

"Undertale? Game? What're you goin' on about?" James though back to what Edward said. If Undertale is a different dimension then the game version in his dimension is different.

"I'm from another universe, another dimension even."

"You're from another timeline? That kid. I thought I'd gotten them to stop messing them up!"

"N-no, I was sent here by a weird pedestal or something. I'm from another group of time-" Before James could explain fully, Sans' eye burst into an even more violent flame and James smacked against every surface imaginable: ceiling, floor, left wall, right wall, back wall, front wall, window, pillar, and so on.

Once James' beating had ceased, he looked up and saw Sans was completely exhausted. He got up and quickly inspected his arm brace. Some of the sticks had broken but it was mostly still in one piece. But his beating wasn't over. A giant Gaster Blaster appeared above James with it's mouth open and already charging a beam.

"I'll give you one chance kiddo. Tell me where that monster has taken kid and Chara. I know you know so tell me now!" shouted Sans. A single tear ran down his blank eye and fell to the floor. James' head fell and he looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." said James.

"Then your worthless to be kept alive! Die like the others!" Sans raised him arm and brought it down.

The Gaster Blaster fired it's cannon like beam.

It engulfed James and he felt the energy fill his body and rip him apart from the inside out. He had failed. Now it's up to the others to protect a planet that they didn't even start their lives on. The heat of the energy grew and the brace had fully dissolved into the beam. James was blinded by the bright beam but the faint, fuzzy outline of Sans could just be made out. Even hotter. This energy was acting strangely. It wasn't killing him. It just kept filling James' empty, powerless body. As if he was being recharged. But he didn't feel the same as he had when full on energy. This was a new energy. A sort of ... fresher energy.

James stood up and the beam stopped firing but was instead drawn into James' body. More and more. It was drawn to him. An empty husk that was ready to be reborn. Sans brought his arm back up, snapped his fingers, and the Gaster Blaster disappeared.

"What the hell are you?!" he staggered. James looked at him right arm and started swinging it in a figure of eight motion. It had completely healed. He looked Sans directly in the eyes.

"I'm your worst nightmare..." said James and he activated blitz while drawing his sword.

It felt different. His sword was lighter and blitz felt calmer yet more powerful. James held up him celestial weapon and saw that it had changed from a two-handed broad sword to a long and thin katana with the same flame pattern down the side with the names. It's handle was red and blue with a hexagram like symbol as the guard. But that wasn't all that had changed. Instead of the red, raging, aura of normal blitz, it was now a more elegant blue colour with a more controlled form. Sans looked in fear. His vision blurred as he breathed heavily and he saw not a human in the blue flames ... but a devil. With a tall, muscular body, and red skin, horns, and pointed tail.

"What's the matter Sans, you scared to face me with my new powers?" asked James menacingly. Sans ran in the opposite direction and teleported away. Out of the door way at the other end of the hallway and man dressed in black with purple eyes clapped. It was The Jumper.

"Well done James! You've defeated my champion. Your quite the interesting character. And as promised to those who begin this challenge I'll send you to where you desire." said The Jumper.

"I want Edward to come with me!" demanded James.

"Don't worry, he's fine. The one you met in that place was just another timeline's version I saved from a collapsing universe. Maybe yours will suffer the same fate. But you must get going now. The timeline won't continue itself!" The Jumper made a portal and James was sent tumbling through.

The Jumper looked at the place where James had transformed.

"Welp, time to find that Damian guy. He's quite the bi-," a portal whooshed into existence, " to find."

Made in cooperation with my friend LiamIsPro14.

To learn more about his character 'The Jumper', read his story called:


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