
Legend's journey

This a tale about a young man from earth who finds himself in a mystical world with dragons martial artists and immortals. Watch as he faces the world with courage and bravery while learning to not dwell on his past.

Wise_old_king · Eastern
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5 Chs

The martial talent test

After eating his delicious breakfast full of nutrients, Zhi Feng leaves home while saying goodbye to his parents. He runs through the village with the village square as his destination. While running he comes across various people that he has met throughout the years such as the village's blacksmith, our old man Jing and Grandma Xie who makes the best-baked bread.

After running for a while he finally arrives at the village square.

Already at the village square were the other ten-year-old children who were also going to be tested as well as the village head, Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai is an old man who deeply cared for his village. He has a lot of wrinkles on his face, a head full of white hair, and a long goatee beard.

"Zhi Feng, finally you're here, you could have missed the test. Luckily you're not late yet." The village head says while scolding him. "Sorry chief, I won't do it again." Zhi Feng responds as he scratches the back of his head. "Sigh alright alright go stand with the other children." Zhou Enlai instructs him. Zhi Feng gives a nod and does as he's told.

Over at the kid's section, he hears his 'age mates' talking. "I heard that a martial expert from the Wind Wolf Sect will come to test us." Child one says to the others. "Oh really, that's amazing. I heard that a martial master can destroy mountains and split seas." Child two responds with an awe-filled gaze in his eyes. "I know, the Wind Wolf Sect is one of the top 4 sects in the Square Mountain region and is a level two sect." Child one says with a cocky face as if he knows everything. W The other children were in amazement as well they all began to ask questions to child one who looked as if he had all the knowledge in the universe.

"How do you know this?" Zhi Feng asks as he approaches them. The kids turn over and look surprised at something. "What are you looking at?" he asks confused. "You can talk!!" the children exclaim loudly as if they've discovered a hidden secret. "Of course, I can talk. Why wouldn't I be able to talk?" Zhi Feng says flabbergasted. "You never talk so we just assumed you could not." Child two says. "Alright, I guess that does make sense in a way. Meh, who cares." Zhi Feng who cares. "But anyway, to answer your question. I'm the grandson of the village head and my name is Zhou hoa. Grandpa told me about it. He says that if I work hard and have good talent , I can become a martial expert." The now-named Zhou Hoa says with a smug look on his face.

"Alright alright." Zhi Feng says not impressed. "Huh, why is it getting dark?" He says out loud while noticing a large shadow on the floor. As he looks up he recognizes a figure blocking the sun. As the figure gets closer, it eventually lands on the ground with a mighty landing kicking up dust and blowing wind in all directions. When the dust clears the children can see a thirty-year-old man.

"Alright brats, I am a martial expert of the Wind Wolf Sect and I am here to evaluate you all." The man says with a shit-eating grin on his face.