
The strange Mist

Azel was traveling for almost two hours now.but still all the beast that he encountered were all weak.even some beast got intimidated just by the presence of the wolf.

the wolf was exuding a strong aura.the wolf was strong from the start before even azel subdued it.the wolves pack has their owned territory and quiet tyrant Insome places of the forest.

before the wolf subdued by azel it was already a terabeast 4star count.but right now it was 7star count just by eating the food that azel cooked.the jump look miniscule but the truth is a big lift

every star was a big lift for the beast.even more so to the alpha wolf since it purity of blood is not that strong.

but after it ate the food.the wolf noticed the big changed on it's power.and even it's blood was affected.even it will take some time to fully upgrade it's bloodline it's not now impossible.remembered the wolf only ate once but the change was really big.

Since then the pack treated azel in different way.the wolves knew that they're the ones who got the winning lottery . just by eating once the change brought by it was really huge.and what will happened if they eat more.??even the alpha wolf don't know what will happen.

but for sure it will bring him to the level that even for the wolf was unknown to it.

While the wolf was lost in it's own thoughts.azel was collecting different things on the way from herbs with different color fruits that looks really funny and even pebbles that the wolf normally stepped on.

even the old bones that look like a piece of trash azel collected it.then from then on the wolf was looking at azel in a pitiful gaze.that made azel infuriated.but azel didn't waste the time to explain he just doing the the thing in his owned way.from the old branch tree to different kind of sand.thats make the wolf look azel in confused way. of course it knew that some of the thing that azel picked were precious but for the other.nyyaaaaa never mind.the wolf just let azel do the things that he want.

but azel don't mind it he let the wolf think whatever want it to think he don't give a shit. because the things that he picked will come into handy some other day.he need it for some experimentation. so they continue they're strolling while azel collecting different things.

then the wolf suddenly make a sudden full stop .but because azel was in alert on the whole journey. azel make a summer assault and land perfectly again at the back of the wolf.and look at the surrounding first. it didn't get angry at the wolf.because from the start it can feel something wrong from this place his scan can't penetrate to this place.he jump from the back of the wolf and landed in front of the mist.when azel was about to touch the mist the wolf suddenly gave him a warning sound.azel just look at the wolf and patted it to confirm that he knows what he is doing that it don't need to worry.that by giving it warning azel knew that the wolf was loyal to him even if it not on the level that it will sacrifice its life for azel.but for giving him a warning azel felt contented.then azel smiled at the wolf and look again on the mist.

this time azel carefully inspected the mist.

the mist was thick so you can't even see what inside using naked eye.azel used his supreme focus and find out that the mist was full of focus and what the mist made even more mysterious.was the mist remain in the same location it was like it can't move more forward even the height was fixed in azel estimation it was maybe 10km high .when azel scan how far was it.even the 1000km was not enough to measure it.so he speculated that it was more that ten thousand km or more he was not sure.

but he was sure on one thing that there are something strange inside the mist. because when he tried to used his supreme focus. there where some movements inside. and the movements was from small to big some even slow some fast some sluggish some quiet some loud.but it's was quite blurry because of the mist.

so he made some experimentation he added some supreme force and supreme spirit oh his supreme focus. that made him happy he didn't expect it to actually perform really well it actually exceeded his expectation.

He can see now what inside really well clear as day light clear like there is no mist where he was looking at.

Then he decided to enter and ordered the wolf to stay here for at least half a day if he still doesn't come back it doesn't need to wait the wolf can go back to where the cocoon at.

the wolf first hesitated and want to come with azel even it was afraid.but azel just assured to it that he will be fine and was easy to move alone.then the wolf was no choice but to compromised.the wolf gave azel last warning and look direct into azel eyes before the wolf was finally convinced because of the confidence of azel eyes .then it moves backward lay down and nodded at azel.it saying to azel that he will wait from here.that he can go in now.

then azel smiled then entered at the mysterious mist.then his silhouette was slowly fading away.


Althea was observing the fight of her apprentice carefully sometimes she was giving her some advice . her apprentice was using a wand with small ruby jem in the top of the wand it was her gift to her apprentice when Erica became a gold mage.this was 2 star sky tier wand.

this wand was given to her by her grandfather when she became the youngest warlock in the history of meyza empire.and now she gave it to erica as a congratulatory gift to when she become her direct disciple.

in this world mystic weapons/accessories where graded by 1 to 5 star where the 5 star is the highest and it has three tier known as earth tier,sky tier,heavenly tier there was a legend that there are higher grade than 5 star but that's is only a legend it never appeared in the history of the empire of meyza.

then she finally killed the flaming boar using the flame spear that pierced the heart of the flaming boar.

then Althea gave a approving smile to her apprentice even though the level of the boar was low it drain her to the core.she was almost run out of energy if not for her master guiding her who knows who will came out victorious.