
Inside the mysterious mist 2

Now azel was now 5000km and the mist was now deep purple.and the corrupting power was increased by 1000x and now azel feeling it.even it's miniscule it's still affect azel.but with his strong mental power he easily overcome the corruption.

huh.azel take a deep breath maybe this mist will not affect me if I don't have this weakened state of mine.what a bummer.azel said.

but still the harvest we're still plentiful this place sure is a hidden treasure vault.azel didn't know the grade of the materials that he got from this place but even for him was a suprise the energy releasing from the material that he got from here was really in different level and even the looks it looks really old maybe more than a 100,000y/o not so sure but my alchemist subclass instinct is like telling me so.

well the truth is azel don't need to used his supreme focus to analyzed any kind of herb and minerals because he have the subclass of both alchemist and blacksmith but his favorite is his subclass of chef.

I'm pretty sure with my high attainment in the way of alchemist in the game it will be easy for me to create some medicine .I'm one of the rank 6 alchemist in the game and we are only 15 that attained this rank.

I'm kind a excited to to concoct some medicine .but the problem is I don't have any couldron even my beloved couldron was destroyed.tsk azel snorted.

after my weakened state disappear I will find some city to buy some couldron even if the level is low it will be enough for the time being I need to concoct some medicine I feel this world is not simple I don't know but my guts is telling me that to be careful.dont know why but I believe in my guts my gut never failed me.

when azel was finally exited the purple mist it take him 8000 km just to exit that mist that's pretty far.and the mist was change again it turned light blue and the feeling that it have is refreshing azel suddenly felt something is wrong.then he quickly circulate his supreme force. what that' was close it's affecting my soul that's dangerous.

then the same thing the material here were plentiful and have some faint of soul force this material here is good for medicine for soul ...hahaha I don't know what is this place but I'm sure I'm in the paradise.hahaha azel can't content the Glee inside him.

after 3hours he hit the 100 km mark and the mist change from light blue to blue.then the effect got stronger either.but still its the same now that he is prepared he just counter it using his owned soul he didn't used his supreme force

i also want to know what is the limit of my soul in here.the soul in the game is a hidden attribute like the luck but I'm sure my soul is strong because one of the boss on that game that can be defeated by a strong soul defeated by me. and I remembered some quest required strong soul and I don't have any problem finishing the quest that required a higher soul on the other hand I find it easy to finish it.well some potion required higher soul and I can make that potion with out a drop of sweat.

then he hit the 5000 km mark.and mist was now deep blue and beast appearing were in spirit form such as wraith,spectre,ghost but azel easily killed it using his soul and when the soul was killed the pure soul energy entered azel and he felt refresh Everytime it happened.but even it's look like he was enjoying azel but now he is having a hard time.it started when the time he reached the mark of 2000km he started to feel that he was like lifting a boulder but that was nothing but still he can't denied that feeling then when he reached that 3000km his facing slow down this time he really feeling it azel suddenly said it's quiet heavy.but he. still persisted with out utilising the supreme force.he forced his self.then when he reached the 4000km now he was now like carrying a mountain on his back and it was really hard.his knee's was bend when he was walking it took him 2 days just to finish the 4500km but suddenly his soul surge out boooom he heard a loud band inside his head and he felt like he was about to explode the sudden change shocked azel but he quickly composed himself and the suprise appeared on his face he had a soul breakthrough.hahahaahahhaha this is what I'm training for.then the heavy feeling vanished instantly.he can now move normal.hahaha then after some laughing session he started the plundering mission.hahahaha this feeling is really new to azel he was like flying and everything suddenly become very clear even with out using the supreme focus he can now easily identify anything around him just by feeling it's like his soul was suddenly become so sensitive that a very minute of energy he can feel it and can accurately locate it.hahahaha azel laughing like madman now he was really happy he didn't expect that he will gained something from his stubbornness.

azel then proceeded from advancing without any problem and keep collecting.until he reached the mark of 10000km of the blue mist and the mist remained blue but the blue now is different even he can feel the blue mist touching his skin and even if he keep pumping his soul the soul can't get anywhere.it was like there something blocking it.and the feeling of that was like he was carrying something heavy in his back again and it's become 100x heavier than before.

now azel can't even move right now and almost kneeling.and like the mist was pulling his soul out of his body.and the feeling is really insane it's really hurt dammit.azel cursed.is this the limit of me??no no no i need to persist.this is the first hurdle that I face I need to overcome this challenge.since I came to this new world all was so easy.i need this kind of reminder that this world is new and real and and what stake is my new life. if this little hardship make me suffer a lost.then forget about traveling.ahhhhh azel shouted in his mind and with out him noticing a sword appeared again on his forehead.this sword appeared last time when he is facing the chaos liquid back in the game.

but now it appeared again.but this time the looks of the sword is different the sword keep producing light and when it reached the limit.the light burst out azel was shocked what happened??azel asked confused.then there a faint of light in a shaped of sword covering the whole of azel.if a master of this world saw azel right now for sure they will be shock. because right now azel attained the highest form of sword the soul sword.but they will noticed that azel soul sword was different.its not only releasing frightening sword intent it also releasing an aura of a ruler that anyone feel it will kneel down prostrate in front of it.this is not the soul sword that known in this world. because this is the 'Soul sword of the sole supreme'