
The interview

sir the press are here, one of the worker announced,

is she ready Bryan asked

yes sir he responded, let them in he ordered, he stared into the blue sky, only this could prove her loyalty, he was not ready to face the press despite their many pleas, so he thought Lola would be a better option, thats if she really thought good about him.

In the sitting room, there were two camera men who were capturing the interaction between the two ladies.

My name is Jessica Roberto the woman began, thank you for letting me in your house for this interview and its a pleasure meeting you in person,

pleasure meeting you Jessica and welcome

thank you very much, you know these days on social media your fiancée has been the topic of every platform, you know what they say but your fiancée doesn't give an answer to any of the words been said, so how do you describe your fiancée.

Umm my fiancée, as you can see he's not a media type, he's an introvert and loves been on his own.

so how do you cope with this introvert lifestyle, people really wanna know.

Lola chuckled, this whole social media thing.. they're like whats next what's going on, would this be better.... well an introvert can be the sweetest person you might ever meet, its up to you if you influence them or let them lie low in their shell, my fiancée is one of the most loving man I've ever met, he's busy I know, but when it comes to my time, I've got his full attention.

wow, thats nice, there's been alot going on since the announcement of your engagement with Mr Bryan, you know they say he's not human and he's an abuser.... what do you say about that, why did you give it a try

Lola laughed to her heart content, you know people love to hear what they want, they believe what they see because seeing is believing, I heard some people say they're not gonna last, she just got into the lions den, oh another prey... social media becomes interesting when people see what is not, as for me, I've found my perfect match, where people see a beast, I've found my hope, I don't really know what people gain when they hate on their fellow, its all now sounding like he has lost his humanity, I believe since all these occurred, not one of his worker had come on the media to say wrong things about their boss.... Jessica I just dish their words, and it pains me on how they inflict abusive wounds on my man, she took a bottle water and drank till it finished.

so are you saying all of Sarah's accusations are fake and false,

on Sarah's accusations, I have nothing to say, if they were true or false... I have nothing to say, ill neither call her a liar or a bad person, I don't know how far she and Bryan went, but if she really went through all those things she went through, then my apologies to her on behalf of my fiancée, she's a good person, she never took the whole case to court, even when she had enough evidence, I appreciate her kind heart.

ok Miss lola, I still have few questions for you, what do you say about your fiancée's blind eye to all the accusations.

like I said earlier, he's an introvert, in my opinion, giving the social media what they want might end up in a big fight or something, his silence means alot, its speaks alot of words.

Hmm Jessica breathed in, people are still wondering Lola, how long have you guys been dating.

I've long been waiting for that question, well we've been dating over a month now, and its been a fantastic journey,

wow, like you guys are really quick and understand each other very well

yea Lola said laughing.

so tell me do you think Sarah did her abuse awareness right or wrong, how do you see it

Lola breathed down, well for truth been told, I don't hate on anyone and I don't want anyone to hate on me, I really see what she's actually trying to do but things were not done appropriately, even if she's actually saying the truth, people will think she's accusing him wrongly or trying to get on him, like every hand is pointing on one person and that person is not saying a thing, it kinda sucks, I don't really know her own view on this but please please everyone watching this i beg of you, I don't have a beef on her neither does she have a beef on me, so don't try to create one, confusion and conflict leads nowhere.

she asked two more questions and they were done.

How was it Bryan asked coming down the stairs when he heard the press was gone,

it went well, I did try my best she answered

thank you, he turned around leaving after speaking,

Lola smiled at his back, I should be the one saying that.