
Chapter 4: The Mistress Arrives

"A...assistant?" I looked at the director in shock, hoping that I misheard.

Unexpectedly, the Director nodded. "Doctor Gray is a good senior. If you follow him, you will learn a lot of skills in the future. Are you not interested in this chance?"

"That... I think I..."

"She is willing to." Before I could refuse, Leo put her arm around my shoulder and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "She has no reason to refuse me, and I have already made a decision."

Being stuck between both of them, I thought for a moment and had to agree with my teeth gritted. "Okay, fine then. But I still have something to do today, so I have to leave first."

I quickly shrugged off Leo's arm, reached out for a taxi and went straight to Leander's parents' house.

While sitting in the car, I was a little lost still in Leo's embrace just now, but I had to get rid of the thought of him. After all, I still had to tell my parents-in-law about Leander's affair.

Moreover, Stella said that Leander sold the house of Bluesea bay, but who knows if that was true.

Getting out of the car, I paid the fare, and headed to my destination.

When I walked to the door, I heard a burst of familiar crying from inside.

I was mildly surprised, since I had not considered that Stella would come here.

Did she come here to complain first? Did Leander's parents know that Leander cheated on them?

Guesses and scenarios ran through my mind. Then I took out the key, opened the door and went in.

Stella was lying in Leander's mother's arms, and the child was held by Leander's father. Leander sat next to Stella and comforted her.

Seeing this scene, the thought that they were the family and I was the intruder flashed through my head.

I suppressed my rising emotions. As i looked over Stella's crying face, I told them what happened today calmly.

Leander's father looked doubtful, and his mother did not believe me. Leander glared at me.

My mother-in-law looked at Stella and then looked at the child with gauze on his head. Her expression was sour. I thought she was going to give me my justice, and scold Leander thoroughly. Unexpectedly she said to me, "Pauline, how could you hit Stella?"

"I hit her?"

I pointed at myself and asked in disbelief.

"If you didn't hit her, how would she cry like this! Even if Stella had a child with Leander, the child was innocent. Even if we oversee the fact that you hit Stella, why did you hit the child?" She glared at me. "It's fine that you can't have a son, but why do you hurt my grandson?"

In that moment I felt extremely wronged. I never expected that she would talk to me like that.

Did she truly see me as someone who would hit a child?

"I don't ever hit children."

"Mrs. Sanchez, don't be angry. It's not good for your health, and it's not worth it to get angry for people who don't deserve it. It's you who suffers in the end." Stella stood and pretended to be considerate.

"You are more sensible, unlike this crazy woman." Grandma patted Stella's hand and said warmly.

Hearing my mother-in-law's words, Stella looked at me smugly.

Her eyes seemed to say, "See, this is your mother-in-law."

I glowered at her and exasperated at what my mother-in-law had said. It was most likely because Stella was the first to complain to her. "She's lying, Mom," I explained, "The truth is..."

"Shut up." Leander interrupted. His eyes were full of anger.

"A vicious woman like you is always good at slithering your way out of being wrong. I saw it all with my own eyes this afternoon!" Leander held Stella in his arms.

"Yes, Stella has been wronged." When her mother-in-law heard Leander's words, she looked lovingly at Stella. I was absolutely shocked.