"I'm just" Felicity struggled to her feet and shoved past everyone. Jared was right on her heels as he got to the bathroom and she fell to her knees by the toilet, throwing up.
It tore him up inside to see Felicity like this. He pulled her hair back from her face and waited beside her on the floor, wishing he could do more.
"What's wrong with her?" Janet asked, her nurse side taking over.
"She's been sick since we got off the plane about five days ago. It seems to be just nausea. She did have an accident while skiing, with a minor concussion, back and hip injuries, but she was able to leave the same day. Her nausea started before then," Jared explained.
"Right." Janet knelt by her daughter and searched in the cabinets beneath the sink for towels and handed some to Jared. "Wet these and put them on the back of her neck. I'll get some water for her to drink."