
Legacy War

Vijay Mathur and his other siblings battle for their family legacy and want to next Beast King who controls the whole Beast world, Where Beasts souls enhance human abilities and make supernatural beings, For Succession they need to prove to the five Beast Saints their capabilities and chose to be the next beast king. During the journey how they improve their relations and leading each other on the right path They will learn worth of each other and defeating the threats of demon kingdom and angels empire.

Samuel_Carla · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12 Accusation

"How can you say that" Amarjeet Singh asked him, He looked at him suspiciously, Amit continue his statement.

"It's easy, After 3 years princess able to capture him. If she that much competent so why she didn't do it before". He cleared his point. No one has reply and shutting down their mouth. But suddenly a voice comes from behind him.

"That means, You wanna say Princess Amrita and Prince Vikram planned it" Beast king growled at him, he thought what he was saying is just crap. He don't want to believe on him, So he just ignore him. But it wasn't easy for beast king.

"3 Years ago when Vikram started the fire inside the palace for running away, Princess is the one who was following him and lost him in forest. After hearing this all of the saints mouth shut even beast king couldn't say anything. He remembered the day when vikram ran away, Now everyone also thinking about that incident.

"Everything he just said is crap" A voice comes behind him. Amit familiar with that voice, Amit sighed and turned looking at him. Rain was behind him, He was preaching for her wife. Well Aware of their relationship he couldn't stop himself to laugh.

Seeing him laughing, Rain understood why he was. Rain coutinues himself,

"We are talking about here princess of beast continent, Amit has no proof against her. He was just accusing her on a baseless assumption." Rain cleared his point in loud voice, Hearing him saints again start trusting on princess Amrita and believe what was amit saying is total crap.

Standing in tall in front of him, It was like a challenge for amit. Amit smirked and standing tall in front of him too.

"I never said that I accused her, Remember What I said". Taking a pause and continue,

"I said before Vikram has ulterior motives, I never said Amrita and Vikram planned it. He was our father who said that" Hearing that everyone was stunned. Everyone realizes he was right he never accused her he only accused him.

In the meantime, Vikram was out from the prison but he was infected by a poison. He knows very well if he did something reckless so he has to face consequences. Roaming around inside the palace he reached near a room and he called a guard who was patrolling near by.

"Why this room is locked" He asked that guard furiously. Looking at him the guard was afraid and he started to stammer and hesitate to say anything.

"Queen ordered to do it" That knight hesitately said it, After hearing that Vikram took a few steps back to the door and kick that door with his full strength. The door had broken and the knight who was there only can see.

"If queen will know about this, She will get mad prince Vikram" With a stammering tone he warned him, Vikram glance him and that knight felt chills.

"I don't give a F**K to your queen, even not her orders Do you get it?".

Threatening the knight he opened the door and go inside the room, When he was inside that room he noticed the room becomes dusty and spider's a toy horse at his feet, he saw that and sat on a dusty bed. Looking at the floor, A wooden horse lay down near his feet. Took it into his hand and lay down, Holding that toy like a kid, shrinking own body and closed his eyes.

Looking around arnav seems worried a little, He was walking in hallway and keep check time to time around him, He want to make sure no one would follow him. Look around himself 2 and 3 times he entered a room, Around that room no guard was on duty.

"Anya are you there" calling Anya's name he entered, Anya was standing beside her bed. Seems she was waiting him for long, Her hands were crossed in tension bitting her own lips.

"Yeah I am here" she hurriedly answered, Arnav come there, looking at her he said.

"Did she awake" He asked her, She look at beside her. Moon was lying on bed and her face was badly injured her skull was broken a lot of areas. The beautiful girl turned into a ugly monster overnight, Amit badly injured her even sages hasn't enough beast force to heal her.

"No, She isn't responding. She only breathing". She replied to him, Making a fist he slammed it on wall and regretting. He cursing himself, He shouldn't be on the ship on that day he was thinking that but it was no more usefull he knows that too.

"We should ask for help" Anya suggest a opinion him, He look at her furiously.

"Are you mad anya, Whom will help us huh. If Amit bro knows she's alive, Then only god knows what he will do to me". Amit already see a deadly face of his brother so he had no courage to face him.

"Sister Amrita will help us" When she said it a loud laugh she heared, Arnav control himself and laughed loud on her, He took few steps to her.

"What you said before, Sister will help. Are you really that naive, If Sister will know about it she kill her that demon girl first". He told her in arrogance, Anya didn't want to believe so she talk back and said.

"How can you say that about her, she's so perfect she will really help us" Anya praising her elder sister whole heartedly, her sparking eyes were the proof, she's a role model for her everything she learn from her.

"Her perfection is the real problem" He turned his back to her and said. Anya couldn't able to understand what arnav was trying to tell her.

"What do you mean by it" She asked him in confusion, Arnav took a deep sigh and hold her shoulders.

"When you weren't here, A lot of things happened so it's better if you stay away from her" He said her, He advise her to stay away. Arnav know something which she doesn't, Anya getting more confused she was about to say something again but before she could a knock voice disturb them.