
Legacy: The Testing Ground

Set 30 years before the start of Legacy. A dungeon break led to a monster horde taking everything away from Lyon. Revenge can’t bring back the dead, nor is the pursuit of power an easy path to take. However, one thing holds true: no matter how he is tested, he will move forward.

Rui23 · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Report or Investigate? Senior Vice Ven's Decision (1/2)

Lyon POV:

I learned from Isabelle that Enigma had managed to make a more stable and potent drug thanks to her ability. However, they weren't completely happy with the results and soon resumed the experiments in order to push the drug further. Landseer Time was one of the effects created by their ongoing trials.

I also spoke with Gia and Cirris. I couldn't get much out of them regarding X, but Gia did shed some light on what type of person he was.

She told me that although X was a mysterious person, he was trustworthy. Neither of them knew where he was now, and all they could tell me was that he had moved on to other plans.


I sat down on the chair and stared at the ceiling. Brunaulf had sent the Senior Vices to District 3, so if anything unexpected happened, I would hear about it quickly. District 2 was essentially mine now too.

'It's almost time to prepare to face the Ruler.'

I recalled my fight with Solina and wondered just how much stronger the Ruler would be. How would I break through his military force? How would I deal with his Royal Guards? It wasn't going to be easy.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no simple solution. I was going to need the Vices, Watchers and Workers to move out together in order to even the playing field against the Ruler and...

That's what bothered me.

I had gotten used to watching everyone grow around me, so the thought of some of them dying during the upcoming battle made me feel uncomfortable.

Even if I somehow took out the Ruler, would his Royal Guards put their weapons down and surrender peacefully? Would the Organization follow the same rules as the rest of the districts and accept a new leader regardless of the circumstances?

I leaned forward and closed my eyes.

"A war..."

I stayed silent for a while as I thought over my time here. I don't know when it happened, but sleep came to me quickly.


Jasmine POV:

"Not bad. You've already reached the Mid Uso stage."

I popped another lollipop in my mouth as I watched Marina follow my instructions. I had been teaching her these past few months, so I couldn't go and help Leo directly.

"Hmph. You should be more concerned."

Her Ki gradually calmed down as she folded her arms. I raised an eyebrow slightly and looked up at her.

"Why's that?"

"Lyon. Can't you see how many women have gathered around him lately? It's aggravating."

She looked angrier than the last time she brought this up. Well, I could relate to how she felt, but what could be done about it?

"It can't be helped. Leo has that aura that attracts people to him—he's a natural born leader. What else can I do? Lock him in a basement?"

"You tried that already."

"Exactly. And how did that work out?"

She glared at me but didn't respond. I shrugged my shoulders and crunched down on the lollipop. I wasn't surprised that Marina had seen through my plan—it was pretty obvious.

"Then... What will you do if he doesn't choose you, Jas?"

"Tch. I'd still love him regardless."

I clicked my tongue and pulled out a new lollipop. It was annoying to think about the possibility of not being the one he wanted, but that was life too.

Once I met Zane, I never thought anyone could steal my heart the way he did. Then along comes his very own disciple who sweeps me off my feet. My heart was full now—there was no room for anyone else; this was something I had already accepted.

"You're not saying you'd actually consider the option of sharing him with someone else, are you?"

"...I'd rather not."

I popped the new lollipop into my mouth and let out a sigh. I had shared many moments with Leo, but I wanted more.

"But you know, I am his first kiss~"

Marina's eyes lit up as she glared at me. Her Ki erupted along with bright flames that wrapped around her arms.

"I still haven't forgiven you for that."

"Right, right~"

I waved my hand at her dismissively, and the flames vanished after a while. I twirled the lollipop in my mouth while I looked up at the ceiling.

"I haven't seen Len in a while."

Marina leaned her back against the wall as a solemn look appeared on her face, followed by a small sigh.

"Sis has been spending more time learning with Ness. She's really trying to change herself."

Len couldn't escape the guilt she felt; she wanted to use her hands to do other things than kill, so she figured the best person to learn from here was Ness.

"Is Brunaulf still sending her letters daily?"

"Yeah. He hasn't missed a day since Lyon became the District Leader. Sis never read them at first, but after a few months, she started opening them. I don't know if she'll ever forgive him though."

Brunaulf apologized profusely in each of his letters while also keeping Len informed about Leo's condition. Occasionally, he would mention how he was trying to right his wrongdoings, but these were spread few and far between his letters.

"Can't really blame her. He was responsible for causing you to suffer a lot more than necessary.


Everyone had been trying to change in their own way, but getting someone's forgiveness was never an easy task.

"Break times over. I don't intend to babysit you once Leo is ready to face District 1."

"Tch. I don't plan on watching from the sidelines much longer either."

She stepped forward and flared her Ki.

"Now that the other me has stopped nagging. I'll make one thing clear: Lyon will choose me in the end."

Her lips curved upwards, and training resumed once more.


Ven POV:

I peered down at Gunnar. He was topless as usual and laid sprawled out on the floor beside my bed.

"Wake up, Gunnar."

I got out of the bed and poked his cheek lightly. Gunnar had joined the Organization way after I did, but somehow we ended up working together often.

It was only later that I found out that he had joined in order to get better healthcare for his single mother. Unfortunately, she died a couple of years later due to a disease.

I remembered that day clearly. He stood outside my balcony in the heavy rain for hours, waiting for me to return from a mission I was given. I didn't know what was going on when I arrived, and he also didn't explain immediately. All he said was:

"Ven, can I hug you for a while please?"

He had no other family and no real friends, so he came to me. His face looked like he had given up on life, but I didn't want him to be alone.

I hugged him for a long time that day. I hugged him till the rain stopped pouring and the sun broke through the clouds. I hugged him till he knew that he wasn't alone.

I pressed my palm against my cheek as I stared at him. His messy black hair clung to his forehead while he snored.


We had been staying in the inner part of District 3 for the last few days, and though we were here on an important mission, it kind of felt like a date.

Ever since Lissandra and the District Leader began training the Watchers and Vices, Gunnar improved at a frightening speed. He quickly became a Vice ranking member, and his Ki reached the upper Uso stage in no time.

I guess what always held him back was that he never had anyone giving him clear instructions on how to improve.


Gunnar looked up at me and stroked my cheek gently. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise he had woken up.

"You alright, Ven?"

"Better now."

He grinned at my response and got to his feet. He threw a black and white jacket over his upper body while yawning.

"Let's see if Triste and Denise have any news. It's been too quiet."

I nodded my head, and we left the room. The other senior Vices were staying in a room further down from us on the same floor.

We reached the door, and instead of knocking, Gunnar kicked it wide open.

"Gunnar, could you not do that?"

Triste's eyebrows furrowed as Gunnar waltzed in and took a seat on the floor. I closed the door behind him and sat by his side.

Triste had dirty blond hair, that was usually tied up in a bun, while two loose side bangs fell beside her cheeks; accompanied with one of her numerous snapbacks that she liked to wear.

"It's a hassle to knock every single time. You already know it's me too."

"Ha. It's called manners, Gunnar. I thought Ven would have taught you that."

The two of them locked eyes as the tension in the room increased. I actually knew why Gunnar did what he did—he liked annoying Triste.

"What brings you both here?"

Denise, who was sitting down opposite me, abruptly spoke up.

"Nothing much. It's been too quiet—I can feel it."

"Ha, the only thing you've been feeling is Ven's—"

My Ki exploded as I shot Triste a death stare. She started whistling while looking out the window nervously. I wish these two got along better, but I knew they were good friends nonetheless.

"I think you're right. Even the Blood Hounds have become less active."

Denise was completely unaffected by their back-and-forth bickering. Her dark purple hair accentuated her indigo eyes, but it seemed like something had been bothering her for a while now. She'd often look off into space or suddenly stop listening to what someone was saying mid-conversation.

"I see... By the way, when are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?"

Triste flinched at Gunnar's words, and Denise instantly blushed. She looked apprehensive as she struggled to answer the question.

"Ha~ Denise, you might as well just tell them."

Denise glanced at Triste before staring a hole in the floor. She had put off telling us for the last couple of months, and I wondered who on earth it could be that would make her act so secretive.

"...I still don't think I should say..."

She mumbled quietly as Gunnar's lips curved upwards. I sighed lightly and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Stop teasing her."

"I got it, I got it."

Gunnar grabbed my hand lightly and kissed it. Triste rolled her eyes while Denise looked at the kind gesture with a sorrowful expression.

"It's Brunaulf."


Triste blurted it out, and our jaws hit the floor. My gaze alternated between Triste and Denise, who looked increasingly uncomfortable. I rubbed my temple as I tried to make sense of what she had just said.

"Seriously? Brunaulf? Triste, you actually allowed that to happen?"

Gunnar folded his arms and looked at Triste in surprise. Everyone knew that Triste was Denise's best friend and often looked out for her. So for Triste to not stop Denise from dating Brunaulf was a shock to myself too.

I knew Brunaulf had changed completely, but still... He had done a lot of bad things. The whole reason he didn't become a Vice earlier was because he enjoyed the freedom of doing those atrocious crimes as a Watcher.

"You don't think I tried? Out of all the guys in the Organization, she falls for the most demented, depraved, sadistic, twisted piece of sh—"

"Stop it!"

Denise slammed the table as she yelled. It was very rare to see Denise angry. In fact, I couldn't ever remember seeing her so angry before. Triste clicked her tongue and avoided Denise's pained face.

"I know... I know! He sold his own family off to Inner Astril! He actively tormented Len and attacked Marina... I know of all the cruel things he's done... But I never once thought that was really him..."

Gunnar looked down at me, but I shook my head. It was better to let Denise get her feelings off her chest than bottle them up inside.

"...What you see now is who he really is... Outer Astril changes people... We all know this. Very few of us can resist the change that this place forces onto you..."


My words trailed off as I looked at the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. It was true, and no one in this room could deny it either—we all had done cruel things that we wished we hadn't. I didn't think of myself as some saint. However, the new District Leader gave me the opportunity to change, and I was grateful for it.

"I see him in his office everyday crying... I see the apology letters he never fails to send to all the victims he's hurt... I see him searching desperately for his only family.... I see him trying to repent in his own way... The way he cares for the new members. The way he makes sure everyone's accommodation is comfortable. The way he checks that everyone is being treated fairly... To me... Brunaulf is someone who had just lost his way..."

'Wow. She really loves him.'

I almost said that out loud. It was strange to think someone would be watching Brunaulf that closely for those reasons.

"Fine, fine... I'm sorry, Denise..."

Triste clicked her tongue while patting Denise's back. The atmosphere was beginning to return to normal, but Gunnar still had a few questions of his own.

"So... Tell me how you asked him out."

"Wha... Uh... Well..."

Denise panicked as her face went bright red, followed by her hands flying up to cover her embarrassment.

"She just asked him, and he said, Yes."

Triste answered for her, but something didn't add up. If it was that simple, why had I never seen the two of them together at least once in all the months they'd been dating?

"Then why not bring him with you when we hang out? We all know him, Denise."

Denise's expression turned sour, and she let out an exasperated sigh.

"Our relationship is effectively in name only. We haven't hugged, kissed or even held hands... Brunaulf... Probably thinks that he doesn't even deserve my feelings... But didn't want to hurt me by saying no...."

"Hey, hey. Ain't that real bad?"

"Don't look at me. It was Denise's choice. I already explained all of this to her."

I put my hand to my chin as I pondered for a while. I had a thought. It was just a hunch, but there was no harm in saying it.

"Maybe... Maybe Brunaulf actually does like yo—"


A loud explosion, represented by a large mushroom cloud, occurred in the distance. Debris rained down on the buildings in the surrounding area, and we all jumped to our feet immediately. Triste looked outside the window in a daze as her lips parted.

"You've got to be kidding me..."