
The New Trinity

You hit another switch on the Batplane as you flew toward your destination. As you flew over the peaceful state of Kansas. The communications began to ring which you answered.

Cassie: Where are you? You better not be late.

Y/N: I won't be.

Cassie: Good. This means a lot to Conner.

Y/N: I know it is.

Cassie: The fact that Lois even invited us over for dinner is a good enough reason to not miss this. Conner is our friend and we're his only friends. Though, I'm kinda bummed Cassandra couldn't make it.

Y/N: She had business with the Team. They need to focus so that they're going to rebuild what the once had.

You reached the drop zone and transfered the communications to your ear. You then hit the eject button which set you flying into the sky. The plane redirected itself to go back to Gotham as you glided to the ground.

Cassie: Dinner with the Kents. Seems like a great time.

Y/N: Or an awkward one. Conner is still trying to blend into human society. We need to be there for him regardless.

Cassie: I know. Where are you anyway.

You landed in the ground next to where she was waiting which scared her. She turned to you and shot you a look which only made you smile.

Y/N: I'm right here.

You activated the watch and your clothes changed from your suit to a white dress shirt and a F/C vest along with a pair of nice pants and some black vans. Cassie was wearing a blue top with a red skirt with her hair tied in a bun. She was also holding a pot.

Y/N: What's that?

Cassie: Steamed vegetables. It was the only thing I could whip up in time.

Y/N: Oh. Right.

Cassie: You didn't bring food, did you?

Y/N: No. No I did not.

Cassie just smiled and walked ahead. You started up the road to the Kent farm where dinner will take place for the night. The plan was pretty much to spend some time with Conner. You haven't seen him since he moved in with the Kents on their farm. It had been almost a week since the Night of Owls and you were glad to say that life had calmed down a bit. At least, as calm as it could be.

You both reached the front door and you knocked since Cassie had her hands full. You heard some footsteps before the door swung open to reveal Lois Lane there. She was dressed in a nice white shirt with a black skirt and a wide smile.

Lois: You two made it. Good. Please, come in.

You let Cassie in first and you followed. Lois closed the door behind you as you looked around the nice room.

Lois: Conner is upstairs. You can head up there if you'd like.

Cassie: Thank you.

Lois took the pot from Cassie and the two of you headed up the stairs.

Cassie: So Jon is away on some mission?

Y/N: Yeah. Him and Damien are off doing some kind of Super Son thing.

You reached the door that was Conner's and you knocked. You heard the bed from inside before the door opened. Conner was wearing a blue and red flannel with some blue jeans.

Conner: Hey. You guys made it.

Y/N: Of course. That's what friends do.

Cassie: How are you adapting to everything?

Conner let you both enter the room which looked pretty plain. There was a bed with red and blue covers and a desk in the corner. Besides that, there wasn't anything else.

Conner: Good enough, I think. Lois takes me to town and shows me around and introduces me to people. They seem really nice.

Y/N: That's good to hear. And your training?

Conner: Jon has been showing me the ropes. I haven't saved anyone yet, though.

Cassie: You'll have your chance. For now, focus on living life.

Y/N: She's right. Seems like you're doing good.

Conner: Yeah. I guess I am.--------You and Cassie sat on at the table while Conner and Lois finished the last preparations. Conner looked back at the two of you before looking at Lois.

Conner: So, why did you do this?

Lois looked at him and smiled.

Conner: I mean, I'm glad that they're here but, you never invite anyone.

Lois: Hun, those two are your friends. If you're going to be heading into action, I want you to know who has your back. Now go take this corn to the table.

Conner tool the plate from her and walked back to the table. He set it down and took his seat with Lois right behind him.

Conner: Thank you guys for coming. I really do appreciate it.

Cassie: It's no problem. Plus, it's like Lois said. If we're going to be fighting alongside each other, we should get to know each other better.

Conner looked at you and smiled.

Conner: You always wear flannels. What's up with the vest?

Y/N: I blame it on being a Wayne. I think the fancy clothes comes with the name.

Lois: Don't worry, hun. I've seen Batman wear much worse. Have you kids seen the rainbow suit?

Y/N: Only every time I enter the cave.

Cassie: Wait, there's a rainbow suit?!

Conner: Aw man. We need to see it.

You just sighed.

Y/N: Maybe one day. Definitely not anytime soon.

Everyone laughed at the thought before you all got a plate of food.

Cassie: So have you been listening to any music?

Conner: Just whatever is on the radio or what Lois plays.

Lois: Mostly country.

Y/N: And your education?

Lois suddenly seemed really nervous. That causes you to raise a brow. Conner, on the other hand, was enthusiastic.

Conner: I haven't gotten an answer wrong. I guess I got this Lex guy's brain.

You and Cassie looked at each other. Conner was the only one smiling.

Conner: What?

Cassie: Nothing! I mean, that's great that you're excelling...

Y/N: But Lex's brain with Clark's powers is an extremely dangerous combo. Unchecked, you're now the most dangerous being on this planet, Conner.

Conner looked around the table. He realized that you were telling the truth.

Conner: But, it's not like I'm gonna slip down that road, right? I mean, I got you guys to keep me on track.

Cassie: Of course! We'll always be here when you need it, Conner.

Y/N: Absolutely. You're our friend.

Lois looked at you and Cassie and she smiled.

Lois: Well, now that that's out of the way, why don't we eat?

Cassie: Yeah, let's.--------Cassie had volunteered to help Lois wash the dishes while you and Conner headed out to the field so Conner could show you something he had been working on.

Cassie hummed to herself as she cleaned the plate while Lois looked at her out of the corner of her eye.

Cassie: You don't need to look at me like that.

Lois was surpised that she was caught. Cassie didn't even look up.

Lois: Like what?

Cassie: Like I'm going to be the reason they fight. Trust me, you don't have anything to fear.

Cassie turned off the water and turned to Lois.

Cassie: I know that I'm the only girl in the trio. That could worry some people, namely parents.

Lois looked at the young woman before she nodded.

Lois: Conner has some of Clark's memories. That may include his romance with Diana. I'm concerned that it may adpat into feelings for you.

Cassie: That's a reasonable assumption. And if it does come down to that, we'll talk about it. As for Y/N, he's not the same man I loved. Those feelings no longer ring true. And to be honest, my feelings are the one thing I know I can always trust if everything else falls through.

Lois: What do you mean?

Cassie: I was, lost for a while. I had fallen in love and I feel hard. But I knew I had to pick myself back up and get strong again. When the JL dissapeared, I knew I had to put those feelings aside in order to step up. But if everything falls through, my feelings are going to be what keeps me from falling.

Lois looked at the girl and smiled.

Lois: You kids are really wise for you age. With friends like you and Y/N, I think Conner will be just fine.

Cassie smiled as she looked out the window at you and Conner.

Lois: Go. Be with them. I'll finish things here.

Cassie nodded and set down the towel she was using.--------Great things start small. Strangers turn into allies. Allies turn into friends. Friends turn into family.

With enough patience and understanding, this friendship can grow into something greater. Together, you could break down any wall.

Cassie: It's a nice night.

Y/N: Yeah. Spending so much time under the dark clouds of Gotham really makes you appreciate the stars.

Conner: They are beautiful tonight.

The three of you sat in the wooden fence that surrounded the farm as you all looked up at the night sky. It was silent here. It was a stark contrast between Gotham's loud city sounds compared to Smallville's calm country silence.

Everyone hides behind wall of their own making. Built from bricks of our past. They get so high you can't see what's on the other side. Even for a man who can fly. It casts a shadow over our lives. But all you need is a little crack to let some light in.

You don't know what's next in this crazy world. But if you let the right people in, you'll never have to face it alone. From strangers to allies. From allies to friends. From friends to family.

As you looked up at this stary sky, beside your allies, you weren't afraid. You were ready.

This was the new world, and it was yours.

This was you, leaving behind your Legacy.