
Legacy of Wrath: The Rise Of Last Heir's

In a distant past, an epic war engulfed all kingdoms of the earth, pitting them against the malevolent Dark Army of Deads. The devastation was unparalleled as half of the earth's population and 107 kingdoms succumbed into dust. But amidst the chaos, the legendary King Minamoto, the sole wielder of the Wrath of Dark Fire, made the ultimate sacrifice. Drawing upon his clan's immense power, he unleashed a self-destructive move that annihilated the Dark Army and his own kingdom. The Minamoto clan, renowned for their devastating wrath, perished, leaving behind only four heirs - Ukichi, Kageru, Uzin, and the only son of the King Minamoto, Hiroto Minamoto. As time passed, the heirs grew, but an unforeseen consequence left them without any wrath, weakening their once formidable legacy. Residing in the Sugiayama kingdom, they became an assassin squad. Yet, whispers spread that the Dark Army might rise again, targeting the surviving Minamoto heirs. But heirs of Minamoto were Determined to prove themselves and honour their fallen king, the Last Heirs embarked on a perilous journey to become the most powerful assassins of all time. Their path was strewn with challenges, sacrifices, and profound pain. Branded as the Failed Minamoto's, they faced a world where wrath was the key to respect and power. Could they rise above their inherited limitations, survive the impending threat of the Dark Army, and surpass the greatness of their fallen king? Their destiny hung in the balance as they aspired to become the true heirs of Minamoto, forging a legacy that would shape the fate of the world.

WayUpHell · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Tale Of Trades

The waiter arrived, presenting drinks to both Ukichi and that Rich man.

As they each took a sip simultaneously, Ukichi commented, "It's a decent drink, I've tasted more exceptional ones."

The rich man smiled and inquired, "And where are you from?" Ukichi's face lit up with a smile as he returned the gaze, and they engaged in a silent exchange of looks.

As Kageru and Uzin approached, they were met with the disturbing sight of a vicious brawl. The crowd roared with excitement as a big strong guy ruthlessly assaulting the weak one, leaving him on the brink of unconsciousness and drenched in blood.

Concern etched on his face, Kageru turned to Uzin. "Shouldn't we Stop this?" he asked urgently.

Uzin's expression remained resolute as he shook his head. "No, we can't steal the limelight," he replied,

The big guy relentlessly pummelling his victim, landing vicious blows that sent the victim crashing to the ground. Gasping for air, the victim lay defenceless as the big guy, sporting a twisted grin, straddled him with sinister intent.

With a menacing gleam in his eye, the big guy drew a gleaming dagger from its sheath, poised to plunge it into the vulnerable chest of the weak one.

As the crowd's cheers intensified, drowning out the sounds of brutality, Kageru and Uzin stood frozen in shock,

With a furious scream, Big guy lunged forward, aiming to drive his dagger into the defenceless victim's chest. But just as the crowd's cheers reached a crescendo, a sudden hush fell over the arena because someone intervened, grasping the big guy's arm and halting his deadly strike.

In stunned disbelief, Kageru and Uzin watched as Hiroto was the unexpected saviour, Stopping the big guy's vicious strike.

Ukichi introduced himself, stating, "I'm from Sugiyama Kingdom, and my name is Ukichi." The rich man reciprocated with a smile, offering his hand for a handshake. Ukichi accepted the gesture.

The rich man revealed his identity, saying, "I'm Miro Yuga." Ukichi responded courteously, "Nice to meet you."

Miro remarked, "I never knew Sugiyama had such tasty drinks." Ukichi grinned in response, clarifying, "Actually, I was referring to the diversity of drinks across various kingdoms." As Ukichi took another sip, Miro's curiosity piqued, prompting him to inquire, "So, you've travelled to many kingdoms?"

Ukichi nodded in acknowledgment. "Yeah, it's part of being a trader," he affirmed. Miro mirrored his sentiment. "Indeed, I can relate; I'm in the same profession," he disclosed with a smile.

Intrigued, Ukichi responded, "That's interesting." Miro leaned in with interest. "So, are you here for business?" he inquired.

Ukichi confirmed, "Yes, indeed. I'm in search of a trader who can sell me some fresh wheat."

Miro nodded thoughtfully. "I hope you find what you're looking for," he offered. Ukichi expressed his gratitude. "Yes, it's my first visit here. Do you happen to know any influential traders? There will be a commission for your help," he added.

Miro smiled conspiratorially and leaned in, whispering, "You're a bit late. I happen to know some individuals who've just completed a significant deal of fresh wheat." Ukichi's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation.

As Hiroto firmly held the big guy's arm, the surrounding onlookers erupted into astonished murmurs.

One voice rang out among the crowd, exclaiming, "He halted Flake's strike halfway!" Another added in amazement, "I've never witnessed anyone thwart Flake's assault like that before!"

With fury blazin in his eyes, the big guy forcefully hurled Hiroto away before rising to his feet. Unfazed, Hiroto maintained his stance as the big guy charged towards him with menacing intent.

Eyes widening in anticipation, the spectators watched as Uzin and Kageru swiftly positioned themselves to attack that big guy, while Hiroto adopted a defensive stance,

Just as the big guy was about to swing his punch at Hiroto, a mysterious male figure materialized in front of him, shielding Hiroto from the impending blow, Allowing that big guy to halt his attack midway.

This unfamiliar individual possessed strikingly handsome features, with a smile adorning his face as he raised both hands in a gesture of peace.

Addressing the big guy as Flake, he calmly stated, "Flake, what's this about? You can't just go around attacking my guests like that."

Kageru questioned, "Guests? Who is he?" Uzin shared Kageru's confusion, while Hiroto looked on, equally puzzled.

Flake, the big guy, slowly lowered his clenched fist and responded, "I wasn't aware he was your guest."

The unknown guy reassured, "It's fine. You can leave now, and let that poor guy be." Flake nodded, glanced at Hiroto, licked the blood off his fist, and walked away.

Turning to Hiroto, the man waved cheerfully and exclaimed, "Hey, Hiroto Minamoto, long time no see, buddy! I hope your other brothers are around too." Hiroto looked at him, still puzzled by the encounter.