
Legacy of Wrath: The Rise Of Last Heir's

In a distant past, an epic war engulfed all kingdoms of the earth, pitting them against the malevolent Dark Army of Deads. The devastation was unparalleled as half of the earth's population and 107 kingdoms succumbed into dust. But amidst the chaos, the legendary King Minamoto, the sole wielder of the Wrath of Dark Fire, made the ultimate sacrifice. Drawing upon his clan's immense power, he unleashed a self-destructive move that annihilated the Dark Army and his own kingdom. The Minamoto clan, renowned for their devastating wrath, perished, leaving behind only four heirs - Ukichi, Kageru, Uzin, and the only son of the King Minamoto, Hiroto Minamoto. As time passed, the heirs grew, but an unforeseen consequence left them without any wrath, weakening their once formidable legacy. Residing in the Sugiayama kingdom, they became an assassin squad. Yet, whispers spread that the Dark Army might rise again, targeting the surviving Minamoto heirs. But heirs of Minamoto were Determined to prove themselves and honour their fallen king, the Last Heirs embarked on a perilous journey to become the most powerful assassins of all time. Their path was strewn with challenges, sacrifices, and profound pain. Branded as the Failed Minamoto's, they faced a world where wrath was the key to respect and power. Could they rise above their inherited limitations, survive the impending threat of the Dark Army, and surpass the greatness of their fallen king? Their destiny hung in the balance as they aspired to become the true heirs of Minamoto, forging a legacy that would shape the fate of the world.

WayUpHell · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Old Friends, New Trust?

The stranger inquired, "Didn't you recognize me?" Hiroto admitted, "I'm sorry, I didn't."

Kageru and Uzin arrived, joining Hiroto, both sporting expressions of confusion as they observed the stranger.

Turning to them, the unknown man greeted, "Hey Kageru, Uzin, how have you been?"

Uzin questioned, "Who are you?"

With a smile, the man introduced himself, "I'm Ren Saato from Sugiyama."

The squad's astonishment was palpable. Uzin exclaimed, "Ren Sato? The one who left the kingdom and became a successful trader?"

Kageru exclaimed Ren's name and embraced him warmly, remarking, "Ren, our childhood friend! You've achieved your dreams so quickly, despite being the same age as us."

Ren grinned in response, expressing, "I'm glad you guys remembered me." Hiroto chimed in with a smile, noting, "You've undergone quite a transformation." Ren chuckled and replied, "I'll take that as a compliment."

As Kageru released him from the embrace, he shared, "I'm genuinely happy for your success."

Ren grinned and inquired, "I'm sure Ukichi is here too?" Hiroto nodded affirmatively with a smile.

Ren responded, "Very well, then let's find him, and since you're all here, consider yourselves my guests. Allow me to host you properly." They all smiled and nodded in agreement.

Ukichi suggested, "Great, you should introduce me to them." Miro interjected, "There's no need; they've already traded the wheat."

Ukichi persisted, "But what if they have more to offer?" Miro maintained a smile and assured, "I'm certain they've traded all the wheat." Ukichi stared at him intently.

Suddenly, a hand landed on his shoulder, and Ukichi turned to find his squad and Ren standing behind him. Rising to his feet, Ukichi questioned, "You guys here, and who is he?"

Kageru's excitement was palpable as he exclaimed, "Brother, he's Ren, Ren Sato, our childhood friend who's now one of the biggest traders around here."

Ukichi smiled warmly, his gaze shifting to Ren, as he greeted, "Nice to meet you, Ren. You seem grown up now." Ren returned the smile and replied, "Nice to meet you too, brother."

Miro stood up as well, chiming in, "Well, well, well, look who's here – Ren Sato. I bet you've found the perfect man to trade wheat with." Ren chuckled and inquired, "Trade? Hold on, are you guys traders too?"

Ukichi grinned and replied, "Not as big as you." Ren smiled back, saying, "Alright, let me treat you guys to lunch." Everyone gladly accepted with smiles and nods.

Turning to Miro, Ren insisted, "You should come too." However, Miro declined, saying, "No, you guys go enjoy yourselves. I'm sure you'll show them the ropes better than I could."

Ukichi responded, "We won't object if you both lend us a hand." Miro assured them, saying, "It's okay. Ren will show you the ropes; I'll take my leave now. Enjoy, everyone." With that, he departed, leaving Ukichi pondering his exit.

Curious, Uzin questioned, "Who was that?" Ukichi diverted the conversation, suggesting, "Let's focus on lunch." Everyone agreed.

Seated around the dining table, they were treated to an assortment of mouthwatering and luxurious dishes.

Kageru's eyes widened, marveling at the spread before him. After a brief prayer, they commenced their meal. Mid-chew, Kageru couldn't contain his delight, exclaiming, "This meat is beyond compare!"

Ren grinned warmly, responding, "I'm delighted you're enjoying it." Uzin then queried, "You must know many traders here, Ren?"

Ren chuckled, replying, "Many? I'd say I know everyone around here."

The squad exchanged surprised glances. Ukichi and Uzin shared a nod of understanding. Ukichi then glanced at Hiroto, who reciprocated the nod. Turning to Kageru, still engrossed in his meal, Ukichi's expression soured at Kageru's carelessness. He redirected his gaze to Ren Sato, who was also dining.

Ukichi expressed, "Ren, it's great to witness your success." Ren responded with a smile, "Thank you, brother." Hiroto inquired, "Do you still consider us your close friends?"

Ren smiled warmly at Hiroto, affirming, "Absolutely, you guys were the only guys who stood up for me, back in days"

Uzin expressed remorse, stating, "We regret not being able to protect your father." Ren reassured them, saying, "No need for apologies. I'm grateful for your support. Knowing someone had my back meant everything."

Hiroto inquired, "As your childhood friends, can we trust you?" Ren Sato assured, "Without a doubt, you can trust me."

Ukichi stated, "We need your help." Ren Sato grinned and responded, "Don't worry; I'll ensure you procure top-quality wheat at incredibly affordable prices."

Ukichi clarified, "We're not traders." Ren Sato paused mid-bite, puzzled, and questioned, "What do you mean?"

Ukichi elaborated, "We're the 9th rank assassin squad of Sugiyama." Ren Sato's eyes widened in shock, locking onto Ukichi with an incredulous gaze, clearly shocked by the revelation.