
Legacy of the God of War

Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

FlameWitch · Fantasy
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395 Chs

The Sun Brothers

Li Chen's routine remained disciplined and focused. His days began with invigorating jogs, followed by a healthy meal, and then intense training sessions. He was entirely unaware of the various individuals who harbored their own plans involving him, including Sun Gang.

As Li Chen's freedom allowed him to pursue his physical and mental training without distractions, his life was about to take an unexpected turn, leading him down paths he had never imagined. The plans of those who sought to impact his destiny were converging, setting the stage for unforeseen challenges and opportunities.

Sun Gang's grand study was a testament to his wealth and refined taste. The walls were adorned with intricate, handcrafted wooden panels, depicting scenes of ancient Chinese legends. Plush, deep-red carpeting covered the floor, muffling footsteps and lending an air of opulence. The room was bathed in the warm glow of crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

The centerpiece of the study was a large, mahogany desk, polished to a gleaming shine, upon which Sun Gang's cellphone rested. Ornate bookshelves filled with leather-bound volumes lined one wall, showcasing his intellectual pursuits. The plush leather chairs were strategically placed for comfort and to create a sense of authority, and large windows provided a stunning view of the sprawling city below.

Sun Gang's voice, with a distinct huskiness, reverberated through the room as he spoke into the phone, issuing his orders with an air of command. His impatience was evident, reflecting his determination to achieve his goals. The man on the other end of the line could sense the pressure and urgency in Sun Gang's voice as he assured him of completing the task. 

"Any news?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but he hasn't even ventured outside the mansion. He's been jogging indoors every day, and the security system at the Gu mansion is just too advanced. I can't get close to him."

"What have I been grooming you for all these years? Your job is to handle tasks I can't manage personally. Why is this not taken care of? I don't want to hear excuses. I want results. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I'll get it done. You can count on me."

"You have three days. I expect good news."

The conversation ended, leaving Sun Gang seething with frustration. He couldn't afford any more delays in his plans, and he was growing impatient with the slow progress. 

Sun Gang's frustration lingered as he stood by the large window, deep in thought. His contemplation was interrupted by the study door opening, and his younger brother, Sun Fang, walked in. Sun Fang expressed his concerns, questioning Sun Gang's actions.

"Bro, you don't have to go to such lengths to win over a woman. You have women lining up for you every day."

"Were you listening to my conversations?"

"If you want to keep it a secret, you should use a lower voice when speaking."

"What do you want, Sun Fang?"

"Don't try to change the topic. Why are you doing all this just to win a woman? Dad warned us that involving the family's connections should be for something important."

"It is important. No woman in the world has ever rejected me like she did a few days ago."

"So what does her husband have to do with it?"

"I just hate poor people like him, that's all."

Sun Fang shook his head disapprovingly and probed further.

"So what do you plan to do with her once you've eliminated her husband?"

Sun Gang seemed indifferent to the idea of marriage, chuckling.

"Marrying her? No way. Why should I commit to marriage when I can have any woman I want, whenever I want?"

Sun Fang expressed his concern for Sun Gang's intentions.

"So, you just want to waste her time, like the rest of them? You know, karma is real, bro."

Sun Gang, however, dismissed the notion of karma and consequences.

"I don't believe in your karma. We were born privileged; nothing can touch us."

Sun Fang tried to convey a sense of responsibility and ethics.

"Being privileged doesn't mean we should play with women's lives like this."

Sun Gang remained unyielding.

"Whatever, old man. You can stay boring; just don't involve me in your moral high ground."

Sun Gang poured a glass of wine for his brother and attempted to shift the conversation's direction.

"Why are you here?"

Sun Fang, recognizing his brother's evasion, continued with the original topic.

"Grandpa wants to see us tomorrow to discuss the issue about the land in the east."

Sun Gang expressed his doubts about the land's suitability.

"But that land has a grave; it can't be used."

Sun Fang agreed but was uncertain about their grandfather's intentions.

"I know, but it seems like Grandpa wants it for something. I'm not sure what, but I guess we'll find out when we see him tomorrow, right?"

Sun Gang acknowledged his brother's point and, wanting to be alone, urged him to leave.

"Yeah, I guess so. Since you've said what you wanted, please leave me alone."

Sun Fang downed his wine, muttered "whatever," and left the study, leaving Sun Gang to his thoughts.

The Sun family, like many affluent families, had its share of internal conflicts. Their prosperity was significantly influenced when Grandpa Sun took over the family's affairs. Grandpa Sun had two children, a son and a daughter, but the family's fortunes took a tragic turn when his daughter was kidnapped at the tender age of three, and despite relentless efforts, she was never found. 

His son, the father of Sun Gang and Sun Fang, was known for his soft-hearted nature. Grandpa Sun believed that someone like him was ill-suited for the cutthroat world of business, and he had a vision of selecting a successor while he was still alive. The two brothers, Sun Gang and Sun Fang, found themselves engaged in a silent competition for this coveted position. The family's future leadership hung in the balance, and their grandfather's impending decision would shape the course of their lives.

To outsiders, the two brothers displayed a strong and united front, giving the impression of a close sibling bond. However, beneath the surface, Sun Gang and Sun Fang had very different personalities and held their own secrets. Sun Gang was characterized by his cold-hearted, greedy, and selfish nature, much like their grandfather, Grandpa Sun. In contrast, Sun Fang appeared to be the softer and more amiable of the two, but anyone who looked deeply into his eyes could sense that there was more to him than met the eye. His eyes were the windows to his hidden emotions, where secrets and unspoken truths resided.

The brothers had shared secrets, the kind that was never divulged to Sun Gang. Sun Fang was aware of his elder brother's affairs, but he didn't mind. He knew that any such revelation would cost Sun Gang points in their grandfather's eyes. Grandpa Sun had an inherent distrust of women, a deep-seated belief rooted in the traumatic loss of his daughter. He had long suspected that his own mistress was involved in the child's disappearance, even though he had no concrete evidence. As a result, he remained faithful to his wife until her passing, and this distrust of women had permeated through the generations of the Sun family.

Sun Bo, the father of Sun Gang and Sun Fang, had dedicated the majority of his life to the relentless search for his long-lost sister. His quest was all-consuming, and he devoted countless hours to following every possible lead. In his pursuit, he had resorted to actions that didn't align with his moral compass. Throughout this arduous journey, Sun Fang, the son he trusted the most, had become his confidant and partner in uncovering the truth about his missing sister.

The emotional toll of this search was considerable. Grandpa Sun, who had devoted his life to this endeavor, reached a point where he could no longer bear to hear anyone mention his daughter's name. This emotional strain created a growing estrangement between father and son, Sun Bo, as he continued his relentless and often desperate search for his beloved sister.

Sun Gang's primary ambition was to achieve success in the business world, with the hope of earning his grandfather's pride and securing a prominent place in the family empire. In contrast, Sun Fang, who often went unnoticed, possessed a cunning nature and was more focused on affecting his grandfather emotionally. Sun Gang believed that their grandfather desired to witness the family's empire reach the number one position during his lifetime.

Sun Fang, on the other hand, held a different perspective. He believed that their grandfather had immersed himself in his work as a means of coping with the overwhelming guilt that weighed on his heart. This divergence in their understanding of their grandfather's motivations would shape their life paths and the choices they made in the years to come.

As the brothers pursued their individual goals, Sun Fang felt that he was edging closer to uncovering the truth about his missing aunt. He had deliberately kept this information from his father to spare him from potential disappointment. Based on the leads he had been following, Sun Fang believed that he was drawing nearer to someone who might hold vital information regarding his aunt's whereabouts.

In contrast, Sun Gang didn't share his brother's desire to find their missing aunt. His primary concern was the fear that if their aunt was located and had children, it would lead to more individuals vying for a share of the family inheritance. Sun Gang was determined to secure his position in the family empire and protect what he coveted so dearly. The contrasting motivations and priorities of the two brothers would further distinguish their paths within the family's intricate dynamics.

Sun Gang found comfort in the fact that their aunt remained unfound and that their grandfather, Grandpa Sun, had ultimately abandoned his quest to find her. Sun Fang, on the other hand, had been extremely discreet in his search for their missing aunt. He was well aware of his brother's tendencies and recognized that if Sun Gang learned about his mission and its proximity to the truth, he would find ways to disrupt it. Thus, Sun Fang opted to keep his efforts a closely guarded secret. He aspired to locate his aunt, confirm her identity, and gather all the necessary information before sharing it with the rest of the family. This hidden agenda was driven by a sense of responsibility and a deep desire to reunite his family, but he knew that discretion was essential to achieving his goal.