
Legacy of the God of War

Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

FlameWitch · Fantasy
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390 Chs

Second Encounter

The bustling city came to life in the early morning, a hive of activity that never seemed to rest. People hurried to their workplaces, some in their cars, and others briskly walking to their office buildings. The city's skyline was adorned with towering skyscrapers that pierced the heavens. These architectural giants glistened in the morning sun, their mirrored glass surfaces reflecting the vibrant energy of the metropolis.

Streets teemed with a diverse crowd of commuters. Men and women in business attire, clutching their briefcases and sipping on their to-go coffees, weaved through the busy sidewalks. A sea of cars flowed like a river in the streets, each driver heading to their daily destinations.

As Li Chen looked out of the taxi window, he couldn't help but marvel at the city's dynamic and bustling nature. The streets were lined with shops and cafes, the air filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries. The city's heartbeat pulsed with life, a cacophony of sounds and sights that painted a portrait of urban vitality.

Li Chen's humble attire was a stark contrast to the sleek suits and designer dresses that many of the city's residents wore. He knew he had a long journey ahead to find his place in this thriving metropolis, but he was determined to make his mark. 

Li Chen found an ATM and inserted his card, one that he hadn't used in years. With a sense of anticipation, he checked his balance. To his surprise, he discovered that an amount of 6 million yuan had already been deposited into his account. A smile crept across his face as he contemplated the possibilities. He could already envision the multitude of opportunities that awaited him with this substantial sum.

As he turned away from the ATM, he spotted a familiar face, the woman he had encountered in the park a few days ago. She was seated on a nearby bench, her expression tainted with a hint of sadness. Despite her apparent distress, her beauty was undeniable. The same alluring features that had captivated him before drew his attention again.

She had long, jet-black hair that cascaded gracefully down her back, shimmering with hints of deep, dark brown under the morning sun. Her captivating almond-shaped eyes held a rich shade of brown, reflecting a mix of emotions that hinted at the depth of her soul. Delicate features, high cheekbones, and porcelain-like skin emphasized her exquisite, Chinese beauty. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant navy blue dress, its design subtly accentuating her graceful figure.

Li Chen couldn't help but remember their brief encounter in the park, the moment their eyes had locked before they had gone their separate ways. This time, he was struck by the woman's beauty and the sorrow that seemed to surround her like a soft, delicate shroud. 

Li Chen's curiosity got the best of him, prompting him to approach the woman. He strained to recall her name, finally uttering, "Miss Zhang Mei."

With her eyes closed and tears trickling down her cheeks, Zhang Mei was in the midst of her thoughts. She barely acknowledged his presence, simply muttering, "Get away from me."

Undeterred, Li Chen persisted, "You still owe me an explanation about what you did at the park a few days ago." He paused, watching her closely. Zhang Mei's eyes fluttered open, and she fixed her gaze on him.

In a more subdued tone, she replied, "As I told you before, someone sent me to do it."

Li Chen adopted a playful tone, "I was just joking, you know. I already know who sent you. But I'm curious, why would you agree to hug a man you've never met?"

Zhang Mei's mood shifted, and she retorted, "That's none of your business, sir."

Li Chen chuckled lightly, trying to ease the tension, "You don't have to call me 'sir.' My name is Li Chen."

Zhang Mei, still a bit wary, hesitated before responding, "Since you already know who sent me, please get away from me."

Li Chen, concerned for her, persisted, "I don't think it's right to leave a woman who is crying alone in the middle of the city. If you feel like talking, you can just treat me as your free therapist."

Zhang Mei's sobs grew louder, and it was clear that whatever she was going through had taken a significant toll on her. Li Chen remained silent, allowing her to cry until she had released some of her anguish.

After a few minutes, Li Chen broke the silence, asking, "Feeling better now?"

Through tearful sobs, Zhang Mei managed to respond, "Yes, a bit better. Thank you."

Li Chen gave her a reassuring smile and said, "That's more like it. Now, wipe your tears; you're ruining your beautiful face."

Blushing slightly, Zhang Mei took out a tissue to dab her eyes. Li Chen encouraged her, saying, "Now, tell me, why are you dressed up but crying in the middle of the city so early in the morning?"

Zhang Mei finally opened up, her voice shaky as she said, "I just got fired from my job."

Li Chen, with a concerned expression, asked, "Why? What happened?"

Zhang Mei took a deep breath and replied, "Because the boss wanted something I couldn't give him."

Li Chen's face tightened with anger, and he said, "He's such a bastard. How can he treat his employees like that?"

Zhang Mei sighed, feeling the weight of the world's unfairness, and said, "That's the reality for women like me. Men expect us to use our bodies for benefits."

Li Chen shook his head in disapproval, saying, "But that's not right; it shouldn't be like that."

Zhang Mei responded with a bitter smile, "Well, that's how it is in these big companies. Those who get promoted have close relationships with the bosses."

Li Chen reassured her, "Don't worry. You'll find a better job."

Zhang Mei's eyes filled with despair as she admitted, "It'll be too late. My rent is due, and I have to pay my mother's hospital bills."

Li Chen felt a pang of sympathy and asked, "What's wrong with your mother?"

Zhang Mei replied in a choked voice, "Cancer. She has three months left, but I want her to have proper care before she's gone for good."

Li Chen, with empathy in his eyes, said, "I'm sorry."

Zhang Mei looked at him and replied, "Hey, you said you're my free therapist."

Li Chen smiled and said, "And I meant it."

Zhang Mei continued, "Now you see why I would take money to hug a man I don't know."

Li Chen reassured her, "It's okay; we don't have to mention it. Want to take a walk with me to the mall?"

Zhang Mei hesitated for a moment but then decided, "No, I'm okay."

Li Chen insisted, "No, I'm taking you with me. I'll buy you a coffee so you can calm down a bit. Come, let's go."

Li Chen stood up with a warm smile, and Zhang Mei, after some contemplation, finally stood up and walked with him in the direction of the mall.

As they walked to the mall, Li Chen and Zhang Mei continued to talk about their lives, sharing stories and experiences. Gradually, Zhang Mei's spirits lifted, and her smiles became more frequent. Li Chen found himself drawn to her smile, captivated by her beauty and the warmth it radiated. He realized that his ex-wife, Gu Liang, had been beautiful in her own way, but the woman walking beside him possessed a unique and captivating charm that he couldn't ignore. For the first time in his life, Li Chen felt his heart race, and he couldn't quite explain the emotions he was experiencing.

Upon reaching the mall, they made their first stop at a cafe within its bustling confines. Li Chen and Zhang Mei settled at a table, and he promptly ordered coffee and some food for both of them.

Li Chen and Zhang Mei chatted away while enjoying their coffee at the cafe, gradually lifting Zhang Mei's spirits and bringing a warm smile to her face. Li Chen couldn't help but find her smile enchanting, an exquisite beauty that eclipsed even his ex-wife, Gu Liang. He felt an unfamiliar warmth in his chest as he watched her.

As they approached the end of their meal, Li Chen's heart raced a little faster, an unfamiliar feeling overtaking him. It was then that he heard a high-pitched voice calling out his name. The voice belonged to a woman he recognized, Hu Yunxuan, Gu Liang's best friend.

With an exclamation of "Li Chen, what are you doing here with another woman?" Hu Yunxuan's sudden appearance startled Zhang Mei, who cast a puzzled glance at Li Chen. Li Chen, knowing that the situation was becoming awkward, greeted Hu Yunxuan, "How can I assist you, Hu Yunxuan?"

Hu Yunxuan wasted no time in making her accusations, berating Li Chen for being a married man yet spending the Gu family's money on another woman.

"You're a married man, yet you're here spending the Gu family's money on another woman. You have no shame!"

Her voice grew loud, causing everyone in the cafe to turn their attention toward Li Chen and Zhang Mei. Whispers spread as onlookers speculated that he was a shameless man, accusing him of indulging in an affair with a mistress.

Frustrated and fed up with the situation, Li Chen raised his voice to set the record straight, "Gu Liang and I got divorced yesterday. I'm surprised she didn't inform you." His announcement rippled through the cafe, revealing the truth and challenging the misconceptions.

With an air of composure, Li Chen rose from his seat and turned to Zhang Mei. Her hesitation was apparent, and she seemed somewhat disappointed to learn about his past marital status. Before they could leave, however, Hu Yunxuan interjected, determined to turn the situation into a spectacle.

"Don't you dare go anywhere," Hu Yunxuan exclaimed with an air of indignation. "Gu Liang is on her way, and I want her to witness this with her own eyes."

Li Chen, seemingly unflustered by her threat, simply replied, "Good, we'll wait." He settled back into his seat, while Hu Yunxuan, arms folded and an angry expression, loomed beside him.

After a few tense moments, Gu Liang arrived on the scene. Her initial reaction was annoyance, and her face contorted into a sour expression as she laid eyes on Li Chen.

"Why are you here, Li Chen? I told you I don't want to see you," Gu Liang barked loudly.

Li Chen retorted, "I don't want to see you either, but your friend here said I can't leave until you arrive."

Hu Yunxuan, fueling the confrontation, chimed in, saying, "Liang, I saw him here with another woman. Now, he says you two got divorced."

Gu Liang, begrudgingly confirming Li Chen's words, acknowledged, "He's right. We got divorced; I was going to tell you over coffee."

With a hint of sarcasm, Hu Yunxuan further added, "You got divorced yesterday, and he's already here with another woman. How shameless."

Gu Liang's attention then shifted to Zhang Mei, her eyes narrowing as she inquired, "Why are you here?"

Li Chen, enjoying the revelation that the two women knew each other, couldn't help but tease, "You two know each other."

Gu Liang, realizing her slip of the tongue, hastily corrected herself, "Just get away from me, Li Chen. I don't want to see you."

With a knowing smile, Li Chen stood up and looked at Zhang Mei, signaling their departure. Zhang Mei, her heart feeling lighter now that she knew Li Chen was divorced, didn't hesitate to follow him. Together, they left behind Gu Liang and Hu Yunxuan, their faces etched with sour expressions as they stood amid the bustling mall, the drama unfolding around them.