
Legacy of the God of War

Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

FlameWitch · Fantasy
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352 Chs

Not Attractive Enough

Thud! Thud!

A fierce knock on the door startled Li Chen but he soon calmed down as it was what he had been expecting since what transpired in the living room.

"Come in" he shouted with slight annoyance from inside. He had also noticed the drastic changes in his attitude but he didn't mind that much.

"There is no way I will come to that stinking shithole of yours… Come out here now!" Gu Liang replied with anger and irritation. 

Li Chen dragged his body and opened the door but didn't pay much attention to his so-called wife.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I have a date with a real man tonight so you will stay here and not get out for the coming days" she said the words looking directly at Li Chen. She wanted to see the miserable look on his face knowing that his wife was going out on a date with another man.

Before Li Chen could reply…God of War took over!

As the soul of the God of War began to take control over Li Chen's being, it was as if a seismic shift had occurred within him. The transition was a complex interplay of emotions, sensations, and consciousness, each layer revealing a new facet of the transformation.

Li Chen was not strong enough to fight it and he just let it be. In that moment words that Gu Liang could ever expect Li Chen to say came out his very mouth.

"A woman who goes out with another man while married to another is called a harlot" 

Gu Liang's eyes opened widely at the words and she opened and closed her mouth trying to find words to say back but nothing came out of her mouth.

Li Chen stared blankly at the woman in front of him and chuckled before adding, "if such words make you angry you shouldn't do such things"

After a few minutes, Gu Liang responded and said, "You are just bitter because you and I have never had sex and you are about to be cuckold"

"That is because you are not attractive enough… you should ask yourself why a healthy young man would not want to have sex with you. You are the problem"

That was real emotional damage for Gu Liang!

She took a few steps back and her eyes were now beginning to get moist. She could feel the urge to cry but she told herself that she can not be offended by someone who has absolutely nothing while she was born with everything ready for her.

She took a few deep breaths and shouted, "guards!"

The guards came rushing next to her and she pointed at Li Chen with a shaking finger and said, "Lock him in here until I tell you to let him out… Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss Gu"

Li Chen didn't even try to resist, he just walked back to the room and sat on the corner of the bed without saying a word.

Gu Liang kept staring at Li Chen hoping to see something. Hoping to see him beg her but she didn't get any of that.

She turned around and walked away with confusion in her heart.

The guards locked the door from outside and Li Chen was left sitting alone in the tiny room.

"You didn't have to take over like that, I could handle her" Li Chen said the words with his eyes closed processing every single word that God of War had said to Gu Liang.

"What type of man are you… how could you not have sex with your own wife"

"I don't want to talk about"

"You might as well tell me now, I will know eventually even if you don't"

"I will wait until then"

"You are so stupid… I still don't understand why the Gods chose you for me. Must really be a punishment or something"

"Hey! You are not to talk like that… It is your soul that has been wandering around aimlessly. So you need me!"

"Yes I need you but I am sure you need me as well. There must be something connecting us"

"What do you know exactly, you seem to be guessing everything about this"

"My first time settling into another body, so I am clueless just like you"

"Whatever… I am hungry, haven't eaten all day and now I am locked in here because of the fact that you have a smart mouth"

"Don't blame me… I am helping you to take a stand as a man"

"That is because you don't feel the hunger I am feeling right now"

"I don't feel the hunger like you, but I feel the slight loss of energy"

"So what are we going to do about it?"

"Don't worry, I have a plan. You see that small window?... We will use it to get out everyday"

"A window?"

"Yes! Don't worry, trust me"

As Li Chen and God of War were planning their way to get out for food. Gu Liang stood before the large mirror in her bedroom examining her body. 

Gu Liang stood before the expansive mirror, her reflection gazing back at her with a mix of self-assuredness and contemplation. In the softly lit room, the mirror framed her slender silhouette, casting a warm, flattering glow upon her figure.

Her eyes, deep and expressive, wandered over her form, taking in the delicate curves and lines that made up her physique. The outfit she wore, carefully chosen to accentuate her grace and style, clung to her in just the right places, showcasing her fashion sense and the subtle elegance she exuded.

As her gaze traveled downward, she couldn't help but admire the details that made her unique—the gentle arc of her collarbone, the subtle curve of her waist, and the way the fabric of her attire draped elegantly over her frame. Her posture, as always, was impeccable, reflecting her poise and self-assured demeanor.

She couldn't understand why Li Chen said she wasn't attractive because she was the proudest of her beauty. Yes there were women more beautiful than her but she always felt that being born rich made her more attractive.

As Gu Liang muttered to herself, her expression turned from contemplative to indignant. The memory of Li Chen's harsh words seemed to sting like a fresh wound, and her confidence in her own allure was unshakable.

"He said I'm not attractive enough for him?" she muttered, her tone laced with disbelief. "That man must not only be financially poor but also have poor eyesight to match. How could he not see my beauty? I've always known that I deserve the best, and the universe should deliver it to me."

Gu Liang's upbringing as a privileged individual had instilled in her a strong sense of entitlement. She had grown accustomed to being showered with praise and admiration, and any suggestion to the contrary was met with disbelief and, at times, a touch of arrogance.

In her world, beauty and charm were her birthright, and she was confident that she could have anyone she desired. Li Chen's rejection was an anomaly that challenged her self-perception, and she was determined to prove that her allure was unquestionable.

With a toss of her head and a determined glint in her eye, Gu Liang resolved to continue her pursuit of the finest things in life, undeterred by the occasional naysayer. In her mind, she was a force to be reckoned with, deserving of nothing less than the very best that the universe could offer.

As Gu Liang contemplated her upcoming date with Sun Gang, a sense of determination washed over her. She believed that Li Chen's bitterness stemmed from her decision to go out with another man while they were still technically married. In her mind, she had endured enough during her marriage to Li Chen, who, in her eyes, was a poor orphan lacking in social status.

Tonight's date with Sun Gang represented more than just a casual evening out; it was a symbol of a fresh start, a chance to break free from the constraints of her past and step into a world of privilege and prestige. Sun Gang, with his elevated status and connections, was the embodiment of the kind of man she believed she deserved.

With each step she took toward her date, Gu Liang was filled with a sense of anticipation. She envisioned herself with a man who could elevate her social standing, someone who would be the envy of other girls in the upper-class society they frequented. The prospect of being seen with Sun Gang promised a new beginning, a path to a life where she could finally bask in the admiration and jealousy of others.

As she readied herself for the evening, Gu Liang's confidence soared. She was determined to seize this opportunity to redefine her life and assert her place in the world she believed she rightfully belonged to.

Gu Liang pushed her thoughts away from Li Chen's rude remark and started making plans for the night. She opened her room-sized walk-in closet which was a symbol of the status she was born into. 

Gu Liang's walk-in closet was an exquisite realm of opulence, tucked away within the grandeur of her mansion. The room itself was a masterpiece of interior design, its ambiance softened by gentle, warm lighting that draped every opulent detail in a beguiling, golden hue. The walls, adorned with intricate patterns of muted gold and rich burgundy, exuded an air of timeless sophistication.

Within the closet's expansive space, a symphony of custom-made shelves and racks awaited. Each piece had been crafted from the most exquisite materials, meticulously designed to accommodate Gu Liang's extensive collection of haute couture. Every article of clothing was a testament to the impeccable taste that had earned her a place among the elite. Rows of designer labels, from the iconic to the exclusive, were arranged in harmonious splendor. Silken gowns, adorned with intricate lace, hung gracefully beside bespoke suits that seemed to drape like a second skin. Stunning evening dresses in a breathtaking array of colors awaited Gu Liang's discerning eye, each chosen for its flawless tailoring and luxurious fabrics.

A dedicated section of the closet housed her unparalleled collection of designer footwear and handbags. Crystal-encrusted stilettos, Italian leather boots, and handbags from the world's most revered fashion houses stood like sentinels of style and substance. Each piece was a work of art, a testament to the melding of craftsmanship and luxury.

A glass display case held Gu Liang's most cherished jewels, a treasure trove of breathtaking beauty. Necklaces, bracelets, and earrings glittered with diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds, creating a symphony of light and color. Each gem was a celestial constellation, capturing the essence of timeless luxury.

In one corner of the closet, an ensemble of fur coats and exquisite outerwear beckoned with their textures and opulence. The room was imbued with the faint scent of rich leather and fur, inviting touch and admiration. Soft, opulent furs of mink and sable were luxuriously juxtaposed with cashmere overcoats, ready to envelop their wearer in a cocoon of warmth and glamor during colder seasons.

Gu Liang's walk-in closet was not merely a repository of fashion; it was a sanctuary of extravagance, a realm where the most exquisite garments and accessories converged to create her identity. It was here that she would curate her transformation into the embodiment of luxury and sophistication before stepping out into the world, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to witness her radiance.