
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The travelling merchant

Chapter Three: The Travelling Merchant

Days passed since the tragic incident that befell Lucien's family. The once-majestic mansion now lay in ruins, its grandeur reduced to nothing but a memory. Lucien found himself in a state of limbo, hovering between grief and determination. The loss of his father and the perilous escape from the collapsing mansion left him scarred, both physically and emotionally. He couldn't shake off the feeling of powerlessness that plagued him.

As he stood amidst the remnants of his former life, Lucien's thoughts turned to his elder brother and younger sister. His brother, the successor of the Sword God's legacy, had always been an inspiration and role model. The sibling rivalry had fueled Lucien's drive to grow stronger and catch up to his brother's skills. On the other hand, his younger sister, the Saintess with the powers of the Light God Lumina, was destined for greatness and held in high regard by the family.

The weight of their achievements burdened him, yet Lucien was determined to forge his own path. He knew he couldn't rely on divine blessings or innate talents like his siblings. He needed to find his strength through his own efforts.

One gloomy evening, as Lucien wandered through the town seeking solace, he came across an unusual sight—a traveling merchant's cart adorned with peculiar trinkets and ancient artifacts. The cart seemed out of place, as if it had traversed through time itself to appear in the mundane streets.

Intrigued, Lucien approached the merchant, whose long, flowing robes and enigmatic smile made him seem otherworldly. "Greetings, young traveler," the merchant said in a voice that seemed to resonate with ancient knowledge. "Are you seeking something beyond the ordinary?"

Lucien hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I seek strength," he replied earnestly. "Strength to catch up to my elder brother and younger sister, to prove my worth and carve my legacy."

The merchant's eyes gleamed with a spark of recognition. "Ah, the desire for greatness burns within you. But tell me, have you ever heard of the Forgotten Gods?"

Lucien shook his head, intrigued by the mention of such obscure deities. The merchant's words drew him in, and he listened intently to the tale of ancient gods and their lost powers.

"Long ago," the merchant began, "before the rise of the gods u know -

The sword god, the light God and the Divine alchemists —there were other divine beings, lesser-known but not any less powerful. These were the Forgotten Gods, and the remnants of their powers still exist in the world, waiting for worthy souls to claim them."

As the merchant spoke, Lucien's heart pounded with excitement and hope. Could these Forgotten Gods hold the key to the strength he so fervently sought?

The merchant continued, "To gain the blessings of these gods, one must undergo trials of peril and stand on the verge of death. Only then will the powers be bestowed upon the chosen."

Without hesitation, Lucien declared, "I am willing to face whatever trials await me. I must find these powers."

The merchant's enigmatic smile widened. "Very well, young one. Embrace your destiny, and the path to the Forgotten Gods shall be revealed to you."

With those words, the traveling merchant presented Lucien with an ancient scroll containing inscriptions from a long-forgotten language. "This scroll will guide you on your journey. Remember, the road ahead is treacherous, and the gods do not bestow their gifts lightly. But if you prove your worth, unimaginable power shall be yours."

Lucien accepted the scroll with reverence, feeling a newfound determination burning within him. Lucien had no doubt that this was the path he had been searching for. With the scroll clutched tightly in his hands, he thanked the traveling merchant and bid him farewell. From that moment on, his life took a drastic turn.

Days turned into weeks as Lucien delved deep into the teachings of the scroll. The inscriptions were cryptic, but with each passing day, he deciphered their meaning. The trials ahead were daunting, but he was willing to face any challenge to gain the powers of the Forgotten Gods.

With a newfound resolve, Lucien embarked on a journey across distant lands, following the clues left within the ancient scroll. He traversed treacherous mountains, crossed perilous deserts, and ventured into ancient ruins. Along the way, he encountered beasts as strong as his father he had no choice to flee. Each obstacle he faced tested his strength, both physical and mental .

As he neared the end of his arduous quest, Lucien found himself standing before a grand temple hidden deep within a dense forest. The temple radiated an aura of ancient power, beckoning him closer. The time had come for him to confront the ultimate trial and claim the blessings of the Forgotten Gods.

With a deep breath, Lucien stepped through the temple's towering gates. The air inside was thick with mysticism, and the walls whispered ancient secrets. Guided by an unseen force, he navigated through intricate corridors and bypassed cunning traps until he reached the heart of the temple.

There, in a chamber bathed in ethereal light, stood a magnificent altar. On it rested a collection of artifacts, each representing a different deity of the Forgotten Gods. The power within the room was palpable, and Lucien could sense the gods' watchful gaze upon him.

With a mix of trepidation and determination, Lucien approached the altar. As he reached out to touch the artifacts, a blinding light engulfed him, and the room reverberated with a chorus of celestial voices. The Forgotten Gods had recognized his strength and resilience, deeming him worthy of their gifts.

When the light subsided, Lucien found himself changed. An AI interface, resembling a celestial being, materialized before him as a gaming system. It introduced itself as Pantheon, the sentient embodiment of the powers he had acquired. Pantheon possessed the knowledge and wisdom of the Norse, Olympian, and Egyptian gods. with that he knew he finally changed his destiny to one of greatness.

From that day forward, Lucien's journey took on a new purpose. With the powers of the Forgotten Gods coursing through his veins, he vowed to become the master of his own destiny. He would catch up to his elder brother, surpass his younger sister, and forge a legacy that would be remembered for eons to come.

As Lucien emerged from the ancient temple, the world before him seemed both familiar and unknown. With his newfound powers and Panthenon as his guide , his journey to gain strength began.

This is the start of the story thanks for all those who reached this point

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