
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Chapter 31

Chapter thirty one: Welcome back tier 2

[ Name: Lucien blackstin]

[ level 26]

[Tier 2 ]

[Title: Warrior of the gods]

[ race: Advanced human (body of the forge)tier2]

[ EXP : 0/400,000]

[ Class : legacy inheritor]


Health : 20,000/20,000

Mana : 20,000/20,000


Endurance: 200

Strength: 200

Intelligence: 200

Agility: 200[+10]

Stamina : 200[+ 7]

Charm : 36

vitality : 27

Attribute points:

Skill points:



quick-regeneration(Level 5)[200/500]


Burst[ level 4][0/400]

Ten thousand piercings[level 5][386/500]

Strength of hercules(level 6)[280/600]

Wings of hermes(Level 5)[100/500]

Precision of Artemis(level 4)[380/400]

Lustful scent of Eros and Aphrodite [ON/OFF] (OFF)

looking at his stats and their increase he was shocked at how much he levelled and how much stronger he had gotten, flexing his muscles the air made popping sounds. this crazy increase in strength from tier 1 to tier two made him question what would be been his state if he tiered up using the gods method but remembering the pain he was glad he didn't experience it more that once as it was worse than his evolution, 'Speaking of evolution' there was a tier indicator next to his evolution

[ race: Advanced human (body of the forge)tier2]

[Tier 2] all stats points gained will be increased to 5 per level, divinity is now noticeable to other divine beings

shuddering at the fact that even more gods will aim for him not because of who he works for but because he bears divinity he didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this revelation

Shaking his head and putting all thoughts to the back of his mind he checked the time and his eyes widen as it was already 30 minutes till 2 pm and he didn't want to be late to see is I friends who had split up from him to get stronger on their own.

As the clock struck 2 pm, Lucien found himself among a crowd of fellow students in the grand hall of Raymond Academy. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, excitement, and a hint of nervousness. The tier 2 reassignment assessment was about to begin, a crucial moment for all the students who had successfully advanced.

Lucien stood there, his heart pounding in his chest. The journey he had undertaken, from his ordinary life on Earth to this realm of gods and realms, had brought him to this pivotal point. He glanced around, seeing familiar faces and new ones, each carrying their own stories and aspirations.

At the front of the hall, a group of instructors and officials from the academy gathered. They were the ones responsible for assessing the students and determining their strengths and potential. Among them was Headmaster Lysandra, her presence commanding respect and authority.

"Welcome, students," Headmaster Selene voice echoed through the hall, capturing everyone's attention. "Today marks a significant step in your journey. As tier 2 students, you've shown remarkable growth and potential. It is our duty to guide you toward your paths of specialization and mastery."

Lucien listened intently, his gaze fixed on the headmaster. He knew that this assessment would determine not only his class but also the direction his training would take. He felt a mix of nerves and determination, ready to prove himself once again.

Before leaving him and his friends had decided to split up after the "incident" after they found out about Jacob's secret powers they decided that they needed to get stronger by themselves as they needed the challenge. They obviously couldn't take Jacob because that would be too easy and because of the problems between Janet and Jacob, Lucien and Janet opted not to work together but Lucien wasn't on the right mind there and remembering what happened he nearly broke down.

****6 months ago*****

"guys I have something to tell you" after the tier promotion Janet and Lucien wondered where Jacob went they looked for him and found him in the dorm rooms, his room to be exact and sitting alone Janet and Lucien asked why he didn't show up for the tier promotion. The next words they heard from his mouth made one if them despair and the other shocked but there is something they both shared and that their trust in Jacob lessened a bit, one more than the other.

" And that's it, Janet I'm sorry I couldn't tell you dad made me swear I wouldn't because of how hurt you would've been. And Lucien I'm sure you understand" Jacob said to the both of them. Janet looked at Jacob with a betrayed expression, even with all the mental and physical training lyla put her through and her mature like deep down she was still as emotional as a before as a 17 your old teenage girl and hearing what her brother said and that her father didn't tell her made her feel betrayed and heartbroken.

"Dad gave you mum's legacy powers and you didn't even Think to TELL ME!!"

her angry shout caused Jacob to look down he looked back at Lucien with a pleading look in his eyes Lucien stared back at him and mouthed "Your on your own" and stepped back. " I can't believe you and dad would do this and your tier 3, TIER FUCKING 3!! so I'm behind you by two tiers and here I was thinking I caught up and you have the unfair advantage of mom's legacy, dad decided to give it you but I bet it was meant for me I guess you still think I'm too weak then huh I'll prove you wrong I'll prove all of you wrong" Storming off Janet left in a fit of anger and self mocking hate. Her eyes filled with tears, walking down the hall while balling her fist in rage and sadness and at her own weakness.

In the room Jacob and Lucien stared at each other and Lucien just gave him a reassuring smile and pat on the back " I gotta go catch up to her see you later" with that he left to catch up to Janet . He saw her in the training room hitting a dummy with fierce and careless attacks, approaching her put a bad on her shoulder and she turned around and hugged him tears streaming down her eyes " My mum died from A lung mana disease, A-and I-I couldn't even help her as I watched her d-die she was always there for me even tho she was tasked with her own universe she still made time for me and she's gone the last legacy of hers that was supposed to be for me was given to Jacob, he was never there when mom died and they still trusted him just because he was stronger." She weeped with sadness written across her face the sadness in her eyes clear to see but a trace of anger showed and it grew with each word she said " It's not FAIR!!" scream in out with rage she quickly turned around and nearly hit a man behind her but her hand was stopped by the man an inch from his handsome scarred face, the man standing tall at 6'2 looked at the 5'8 girl who aimed at his head and gave her a smile but his brown hazel eyes turned serious as they looked at Lucien" Can I have a word with you Mr.Blakstin " Confused at the seriousness of the man, Lucien stepped to the side with him and Janet watched as they talked, Lucien face becoming more and more grim and a killer intent exuded from his body as the man pat him on his shoulders. Watching as Lucien walked back with his head down and a choking killer intent exuding from his body Janet asked what happened " They found my mother, my biological mother" his dark grim expression belied the seemingly good news.

[Authors note:Author here, Please vote for the power rankings with your power stones and add to collection if you enjoy the book so far, I aim to get my book to a higher ranking, thanks ]