
legacy of the forgotten gods

Lost my father in a assassination and my siblings are prodigies destined to rule universes while I'm not, or so I thought. My story begins as I gain the powers of gods that are long forgotten and inherit their legacy, I become their champion and... saviour? The name is Lucien and this is my story to try to become the one who stands above all, to become more powerful than a god

UndeadFallenangel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Chapter 17

Chapter seventeen: Reunion training.

"Brother, Sister" , looking at his siblings who he hasn't seen for almost a decade after leaving him to train under the god of light and sword god. Although they weren't gods they can be considered as they were also two who had killed creatures as strong as gods and survived without being crippled. Not seeing their masters here Lucien thought they must have been busy and put it at the back of his mind.

Lucien brother heard his words and knowing that familiar voice that sounded the same as 8 years ago he turned to see his younger brother and a glint of surprise shone in his eyes, he then just nodded at Lucien and continued walking, while the youngest of the siblings looked at her brother and finally noticed him, seeing a face she hasn't seen for years she was surprised and happy, a cute teethy smile bloomed on her cute childlike face and she shouted "Big Brother!!" everyone turned to look at who she was talking to but her eldest brother lightly tapped her head and she pouted and avoided her gaze to the floor, no one could find who she was talking to and Lucien kept quiet, not quite wanting the attention, only two noticed who she was referring too and the headmistress and vice principle had surprised looks on their faces, but Selene then smiled ' so he his the brother of the students of Alaskin and lumina, interesting' she thought as her interest in Lucien increased.

Having walked on the stage the two siblings stood next to each other as others from different races came in, A angel came in getting collective gasps from the students especially the girls, the Angel looked a bit off in Lucien standards as he looked nothing like the others as he had golden lines running from his forehead to his eyes. "I'm not gay or anything but *whistle* he is handsome and I mean handsome, no homo of course" Jacob said to Lucien who just looked at him strangely but agreed with him, "He gives me dangerous vibes"

[Divinity Detected, do you wish to absorb?]

[Yes] [No]

seeing the prompt flashed on his screen saying he was shocked was an understatement, he didn't particularly know what it meant by divinity but he had an idea "Jacob, isn't divinity related to Gods."Lucien asked Jacob in a hushed tone "oh, what brought about that question?" he asked back to Lucien with his eyebrow raised in questioning "just curious". Jacob gave Lucien a weird look now cause there is no way that he would ask about such random things at of the blue, but seeing him avoiding the question he explained what it was leaving putting Lucien weird attitude at the back of his mind. "Well yeah they are related to gods well without them the gods wouldn't be called gods anymore because divinity can be basically put as the purest most powerful form of mana divinity is spli-" "yeah yeah I just wanted to know what it is" Lucien caught him off making Jacob give him an annoyed look "Its just the purest form of mana that all gods have" Jacob gave him that brief, short answer and kept quiet.

Everyone just arrived to the stage. By the groups they formed it would look like a bar joke as their was an Angel a handsome dark elf young man, a what could be presumed as a fairy and a black Dragon which was rare as they were known as prideful beings not willing to even be infront of other races deeming them inferior to even be in their presence much less look at them.

They all introduced themselves, the black Dragon introduced himself as Blackmid Night and he was 16, the handsome black elf introduced himself as damion, and with a dashing smile to the women in the crowd he said he was 17, but most of them were preoccupied with the weird looking yet breathtakingly beautiful Angel and the cold looking human male on the stadium who gave off a charming yet dominant and sharp aura which captivated the females of various species, the handsome dark elf dashing smile twitched as he looked at the two people who didn't even care about the attention they were receiving, the elf had his eyes transfixed on Lucien staring at him to much for comfort as their gaze only turned more intense each passing second ' he seems to have a divinity, why ' the Angel thought to himself as his gaze only grew more intense almost like they were trying to peer into his soul.

'ahem ' the headmistress gave a light cough as she gestured the Angel to come and introduce themself, reluctantly pulling his gaze from Lucien whose back was drenched in sweat the Angel introduced themself. " The name is Astral I am 17 years of age and my master is archangel Raphael that's why I look like this, my pronouns are they and them so please don't refer to me as he because to achieve this I had to become a true Angel, thank you" from a cold intense look to a sweet smile when they introduced themselves this person seemed like one who could easily control their emotions to deal with any situations, truly a dangerous person, everyone was shocked to find out he was the student of an archangel as they were one of the strongest known evolution and race in the universe right under the gods themselves, they were stronger than celestial and as strong as gods but they were few but enough for them to be named a race by themselves and not with the angels who were of a less stronger bloodline than them, they were being a who had no gender and gave up the lust of flesh, but they can create an organ for themselves but not procreate, finding out they were in the presence of such a being made all angels want to kneel but knew that would be too degrading as where they were ranked was determined by strength and bloodlines only increased peoples chances like a booster starter pack.

When it came to luciels siblings turn almost everyone kept quiet because only those two were as mysterious as Astral and they finally introduced themselves starting with the boy.

"Hello, my name is zakiel I am 17years old my master is Celestial Alaskin known as sword god I am here to help you develop your skills in fighting and will be working alongside the trainers here if you need help you can meet me." Zakiel said blatantly and as forward as possible.

His sister also introduce herself but she did it a bit differently not particularly suiting her age. "Hiiiiii Everyone my names lilian but you can call me Lily I'm here assigned by my teacher to help bring healer although you seem to be lacking, no worries I'll help as well as I can" Lillian said, but something happened as the next moment her hair changed to opaque black from her golden blonde hair colour before" I am Lyla I'll happy to experiment with you " from her change in personality from nice to cruel looking and mischevious , which caused many guys who thought of befriending her just silently made a vow to avoids her at any cost.

Her hair colour suddenly split down as there were now gold and black on each side of her hair," and tigether we are link in, What do you think big brother Lucien " lilly and Lyla said as they looked and pointed at Lucien as they put on a anime girl pose with a peace sign making her look cute even with her bizarre appearance. Lucien was shocked at his sister and her split personality as she didn't have this before; everyone turned to look at Lucien and were somewhat shocked that a person related to the powerhouses in front if them was sitting among them making most people interested on who Lucien was while Lucien was shocked to discoved a prompt appear on his screen when he looked at his sister/sisters a second time

[ Rare divinity essence detected]

[Quest optional]

[ Retrieve divinity essence from dark and light creature]

[Rewards: Unlock legacy of the Norse]

[Penalty: none]

Lucien stared at his screen in a daze wondering what he was witnessing