
Legacy of the Dragons

Student Iori Nakamura is transported to the magical continent of Alduria, where he discovers that he has been chosen by the ancient dragons to be the hero who will save the world. Reborn as Eldarion, he receives a body blessed by the dragons and must learn to master his new powers. In a world divided between dense forests, volcanic mountains, icy lands, and regions full of adventures, Eldarion trains tirelessly to face the abyssal creatures that threaten Alduria. Guided by the wise dragons and motivated by determination and joy in his new life, he embarks on an epic journey of courage and self-discovery. "Legacy of the Dragons" is a story of growth, heroism, and the discovery of true power within oneself.

Rafa_s · Fantasy
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9 Chs

A Journey Through the Shadows

The first rays of sunlight timidly broke through the thick canopy of leaves, casting golden reflections over the serene forest landscape. Each beam of light seemed to dance among the trees, creating a spectacle of shadows and brightness that bathed the scene in a magical atmosphere. The air was filled with the fresh aroma of vegetation, mixed with the gentle murmur of distant streams and the soft singing of birds high above.

Eldarion advanced with careful steps, his senses alert for any sign of danger or novelty. Each leaf under his feet seemed to whisper ancient secrets, while the tree branches swayed gently above him, as if dancing to the rhythm of an invisible song.

Suddenly, a soft sound broke the forest's serenity. It was a low moan, almost imperceptible, echoing among the trees like a distant call. Eldarion raised his head, his eyes shining with curiosity as he tried to locate the sound's origin.

And then, he saw it. Nestled among the branches of a fallen tree, a small wolf pup timidly peeked out, its eyes shining with a mix of fear and curiosity. Its fur was a blend of pure white and shades of gray, contrasting with the deep green of the surrounding vegetation.

Eldarion stood still for a moment, marveling at the beauty and grace of the pup. He approached slowly, his movements careful not to scare the frightened animal. The pup watched Eldarion cautiously, its gaze conveying a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

With a gentle gesture, Eldarion extended his hand towards the pup, offering a sincere and warm friendship. The pup hesitated for a moment, its eyes meeting Eldarion's in a silent exchange of understanding. And then, as if recognizing the kindness in Eldarion's heart, it approached with more confidence, its tail beginning to wag with excitement.

Eldarion smiled, feeling a deep connection forming between them. He knew this encounter was not just a coincidence of fate but a call from the heart. He reached out once more, gently stroking the pup's soft fur as a feeling of gratitude and joy filled his heart.

Eldarion smiled, feeling a deep connection forming between them. He knew this encounter was not just a coincidence of fate but a call from the heart. He reached out once more, gently stroking the pup's soft fur as a feeling of gratitude and joy filled his heart. Determined to further strengthen the newly formed bond, Eldarion looked deeply into the pup's eyes and softly murmured, "From now on, you will be my loyal companion. And like every great companion, you deserve a name."

With a gleam of recognition in its eyes, the pup seemed to understand Eldarion's words, wagging its tail enthusiastically. And so, after a brief moment of reflection, Eldarion announced with conviction: "You will be called Zephyr, in honor of the winds that brought us together."

As the words echoed through the tranquil clearing, an aura of magical energy enveloped Zephyr, surrounding him in a shimmering light for a brief instant. And then, before Eldarion's amazed eyes, a status window materialized before them, revealing Zephyr's attributes and abilities as his loyal companion.

Name: Zephyr

Race: Fenrir

Level: 1

HP: 100/100

Magic Power: 90/100

Strength: C


Sharp Claws: Zephyr has sharp claws that inflict slashing damage.

Keen Senses: Zephyr has keen senses that allow him to detect dangers and threats from a distance.

Eldarion watched in wonder at Zephyr's attributes, realizing that his new companion was much more than just an ordinary wolf. With a smile of gratitude, he turned to Zephyr, knowing that together they would face all the adversities that fate had in store for them.

After examining Zephyr's status, Eldarion remembered his own attributes. He recalled that his strength was rated as A, and comparing it to the legendary wolf's, he was impressed to find that he possessed greater physical strength than that of a legendary beast.

Remembering his status, he decided to check his own attributes again. After defeating two monsters and feeling stronger, it was time to see the progress.

Status of Eldarion

Race: Half-Dragon

Level: 5

Class: Hero

HP: 150/150

Magic Power: 75/75

Physical Strength: A

Titles and Abilities

Title: Apostle of Dragons

Description: Granted by the ancestral dragons in recognition of his special connection with these magical creatures.


Physical Enhancement: Improves Eldarion's physical capabilities, increasing his strength, agility, and endurance.

Elemental Breath: Ability to exhale a breath of fire or ice, reflecting his half-dragon nature.

Draconic Connection: Allows communication and cooperation with dragons and other draconic creatures.

Internal Flame: Strengthens Eldarion's resistance to negative magical effects and grants him an aura of protection against magical attacks.

Appraisal: Ability to assess the level of opponents and determine their hostility.

Elemental Control: Ability to manipulate and control the elements of fire and ice due to his half-dragon lineage.

Satisfied with his progress and the new abilities he had acquired, Eldarion felt a renewed confidence in his journey as he and Zephyr continued to explore the unknown lands of Alduria.

As they advanced through the dense forest, Eldarion and Zephyr came upon a clearing among the majestic trees that revealed a mysterious and hidden entrance to a cave. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting golden patterns on the dirt floor in front of the entrance. Everything around them was enveloped in an atmosphere of mystery and enchantment, as if the forest itself whispered ancient secrets.

Eldarion, his eyes sharp with curiosity, closely observed the cave entrance, his mind pulsating with the promise of adventure and discovery. The vegetation surrounding the cave entrance gave the impression that few eyes had witnessed its hidden secret over the years. With every breath, he felt a mix of excitement and caution, knowing that each step forward could lead them to a completely new and unknown world.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Eldarion turned to Zephyr, whose eyes shone with the same intensity of anticipation. With a confident smile, Eldarion addressed his faithful companion: "Let's enter this dungeon, Zephyr. Who knows what wonders await us inside? Long-lost treasures, relics forgotten by history, or perhaps even challenges that will test us beyond our limits."

Zephyr, understanding his master's words, gave a bark of approval, his tail wagging joyfully. Together, they moved towards the cave entrance, ready to face the unknown and unravel the secrets lying in the dungeon's mysterious depths.

With careful steps, Eldarion and Zephyr entered the cave, leaving behind the sunlight and plunging into the darkness that seemed to swallow everything around. The damp, cool air enveloped them, filling their lungs with an earthy, ancient smell. The cave entrance gradually narrowed, and soon they found themselves in a narrow corridor where the rocky walls seemed to close in on them, as if trying to suffocate the remaining light.

The cave walls were rough to the touch, marked by years of erosion and natural wear. Loose stone fragments littered the uneven floor, making each step a cautious journey. Drops of water dripped from stalactites hanging from the ceiling, creating a soft echo that resonated through the dark walls.

Eldarion advanced with determination, relying purely on his great physical strength and magical abilities. His senses were on high alert, every sound, every shadow, every movement carefully observed. Zephyr followed at his side, his ears perked and eyes sharp, ready for any sign of danger that might arise.

As they delved deeper into the cave, the darkness seemed to intensify, enveloping them in an icy embrace that whispered ancient and unknown secrets. The sounds of the forest completely vanished, replaced by the oppressive silence of the dark. The only light guiding them was the faint luminosity penetrating the cave entrance, a thin line of hope in a world of shadows.

Eldarion clenched his fist, ready to conjure his spells if necessary. He knew that entering this dungeon was a journey filled with dangers and challenges, but also with opportunities and discoveries. With each step, he prepared for whatever fate had in store for them, confident in his companion's strength and the determination burning in his heart. Together, they would face the challenges awaiting them in the dungeon's dark depths.

As they proceeded through the dark corridor, Eldarion and Zephyr came upon a macabre scene. Before them, a series of skeletal figures emerged from the shadows, their bony forms standing out in the dim light like ghosts from the past. The empty eyes of the skeletons seemed to glow with a supernatural light, reflecting the faint glow that permeated the cave.

Eldarion watched with both fascination and unease at the sight before him. The skeletons, silent and sinister, moved with a cadaverous determination, as if trapped in an eternal dance of death. Their bony hands wielded rusty weapons and broken shields, ready for the approaching battle.

Zephyr growled softly beside Eldarion, his fur bristling and teeth bared in a gesture of warning. The air was thick with a heavy, oppressive energy, a dark omen of the imminent danger lurking in that cursed place.

Eldarion clenched his fist firmly, preparing for the coming confrontation. He knew that facing the skeletons would not be an easy task, but he couldn't back down now. With a determined look, he raised his hand and conjured a burning flame in his palm, ready to challenge the darkness and protect his companion in the impending battle.

With a roar of challenge, Eldarion charged at the skeletons, his fiery aura casting a golden light over the dungeon's darkness. Zephyr ran at his side, his steps quick and agile as he prepared for the combat ahead.

The skeletons advanced in unison, a horde of bones and steel converging towards Eldarion and Zephyr. The undead weapons glinted faintly in the dim light, ready to cut and pierce anything in their path.

Eldarion did not hesitate, his unwavering determination guiding his movements. With a powerful blow, he delivered a flaming punch to the first skeleton, shattering its bones with a deafening crack. In a fluid motion, he turned to face his next opponents, his fiery magic dancing around him like a living flame.

Meanwhile, Zephyr leaped among the skeletons with impressive agility, his sharp teeth and gleaming claws finding their targets with lethal precision. He attacked ferociously, his determination to protect his master evident in every calculated movement.

The battle was intense and chaotic, with skeletons falling in a macabre dance of death and destruction. Eldarion fought with skill and power, his flaming fists taking down enemies one by one. Zephyr was a force of nature, his swift and precise movements delivering deadly blows to the approaching skeletons.

Despite the ferocity of the skeletons, Eldarion and Zephyr stood firm in their determination. They fought with courage and honor, each strike and dodge bringing them closer to victory. Eldarion's magical energy pulsed around him, protecting him from the skeletons' attacks as he advanced relentlessly against his opponents.

Finally, after a fierce and exhausting fight, the last skeleton fell to the ground in a heap of broken bones. Eldarion and Zephyr looked around, their hearts pounding with the thrill of the hard-won battle. They had triumphed over their enemies, proving that together they were a force to be reckoned with in the dark and dangerous dungeon.

After defeating the monsters, something like a staircase appeared, guiding them further down.

Descending the dark and narrow stairs, Eldarion and Zephyr emerged into a new floor of the dungeon. The air was heavy and damp, filled with a nauseating stench of rot. As they advanced through the gloomy corridor, they soon encountered the sinister presence of zombies.

The undead staggered towards them, their decaying bodies emitting low, guttural moans. Their jaws hung loosely, revealing rotten and worn teeth. Their empty eyes glowed with a dim light, fixed on Eldarion and Zephyr as if they could see beyond the darkness.

Eldarion clenched his fists, preparing for the next confrontation. His heart pounded in his chest as he faced the zombies, his mind focused and his determination unwavering. Zephyr growled by his side, ready to fight alongside his master against the forces of darkness once again.

With a war cry, Eldarion charged at the zombies, his fiery magic surrounding him with an aura of power. He delivered powerful blows to the undead, knocking them down one by one with his superhuman strength. Zephyr matched his movements, attacking the zombies with sharp claws and deadly fangs.

The battle was fierce and intense, with Eldarion and Zephyr facing the zombies with courage and determination. They fought side by side, each strike and dodge bringing them closer to victory. Eldarion's magical energy shone around him, protecting him from the undead's attacks as he advanced relentlessly against his opponents.

After a hard-fought and exhausting battle, the zombies were finally defeated, lying on the ground like lifeless puppets. Eldarion and Zephyr looked around, taking deep breaths as the adrenaline from the battle slowly dissipated. They had faced the horrors of the dungeon's depths and emerged victorious, stronger and more determined than ever.

As they descended the dark and narrow staircase, Eldarion and Zephyr emerged into a more spacious area, free of immediate monsters and dangers. This space seemed to be a resting area in the dungeon, with dark stone walls and a vaulted ceiling stretching upward, disappearing into the darkness above.

In the center of the area was a crackling campfire, casting a faint and comforting light over the gloomy surroundings. Around the fire were thick logs and smooth rocks, providing makeshift seats to rest and recover their energy.

Eldarion and Zephyr approached the fire, feeling the comforting warmth on their faces and tired bodies. They settled in front of the flames, allowing the serenity of the place to envelop their senses and calm their minds, agitated by the battle.

With a sigh of relief, Eldarion looked at Zephyr by his side, his loyal companion resting peacefully next to him. A sense of security and camaraderie enveloped them as they leaned back, letting the exhaustion of the battle slowly dissipate.

Eldarion knew the dungeon still held many challenges and dangers, but at that moment, he was grateful for the chance to rest and recharge. With Zephyr by his side, he felt confident they could face any adversity that fate had in store for them.

As the flames of the campfire danced in the moonlight, Eldarion closed his eyes, allowing himself to sink into the tranquility of the moment. He knew the rest was brief and they would soon have to resume their journey through the dungeon, but for now, he allowed himself to enjoy this brief moment of peace and serenity.

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