
Descent (8)

Tritus's objective right from the start was the subjugation of the bluish-white sea serpent. By doing this, he could advance his magic weapon, inadvertently boosting his own firepower.

Osric's conjecture about Tritus's trident was not that far off. The trident was indeed an ancient weapon from the Chaos Era. However, its wielder was not a human but an unknown 'demon.' As a matter of fact, the trident's soul was a demon that refused to become the Soul Emperor's puppet after dying. It chose to fuse with its trident's awakening sentient to avoid such fate.

Because of the special circumstance of which the trident's soul came to be, its thirst for blood was far stronger than any magic weapons. With its strong personality, it also had problems bowing down to its owner. It did not even considered Tritus its owner.