
Chase (16)

It took a few minutes for Oceanus to wrap his mind around the concept of Void's warp nature. He could not believe that Kyran could warp near anyone he met in person. Yet, there were still limitations to it, such as if his warp target was inside a location that prohibits teleportation or warping abilities or spells, or if they were using or wearing anti-tracking, anti-warp, anti-teleport, or anything similar, magic items, spells, or enhancements.

Unlike Oceanus, Leif was not using or wearing any of those. This was because he believed it was in her best interest not to do so. Oceanus might have given Leif an item that allowed him to track her or know her condition, but just to be on the safe side, if she happened to lose the item, got deactivated, or become useless because of the location she was in, he could find other ways to find her.