
Legacy of the Dark Sage

When Kyran turned 18, his life turned upside down. The Royal Army raided his clan because his supposedly non-existent magic got exposed. On that fateful night, he was the only one who escaped. Up to the present, the status of his clan was unknown. A magic inheritance that became a curse, Kyran became a fugitive. Always on the run... living in fear when the Royal Army finally captures him. At least that's what most people thought... "I'll definitely save my family. And I will make all those who made my clan suffer pay tenfold. I'll make use of this magic they so feared, and show them what real terror is...." Disclaimer: The cover image isn't mine. I'll replace it when I finished mine.

Lessyr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1201 Chs

Another Change

As expected, the short-fused Matias ground his teeth in anger and pointed derisively in Kyran's direction.

"Just you wait you sorry excuse of a human! I'll shave that smirk off your face, gouge your eyes and use it as feeds to the pigs!" Matias growled just when the announcer opened her mouth to start explaining the rules.

An awkward silence filled the hall from Matias's sudden outburst.

Kyran, on the other hand, simply raised his brows at his childish outburst.

The four-leaf clover earring the female announcer was wearing glinted, and after a few seconds, she cleared her throat and looked at Matias.

"Please refrain from speaking provocative words targeting other participants due to personal reasons. This is a competition where you are representing not only yourself but the Lumley Family. Consider this your first warning," the female announcer sternly told Matias, before looking in Kyran's direction.