
Legacy of the Arcane

The progeny of a humble miller unearths his dormant magical potential, setting forth on an odyssey that not only unfurls the tapestry of his arcane abilities but also unveils the intricacies of the kingdom and the lives woven within.

Revensaltek · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The harvest celebration(1/2)

After several days of arduous work, the time for the harvest celebration had finally arrived. Eric found himself immersed in a whirlwind of tasks. He was responsible for organizing and decorating the main square, arranging tables and benches, and acting as a liaison between other helpers. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the tension stemming from his recent altercation with his father had faded into the background. However, today promised respite from the frenzy, and as he descended the stairs, he was met with the delightful aroma of freshly baked bread.

Entering the dining room, he found his mother and father already seated at the table. The centerpiece was a warm loaf of bread, its steam escaping in wisps, while cheese and sausage adorned the surroundings. "So, we're starting the day with a feast?" Eric jested as he took a seat, tearing into the bread to reveal its steamy interior.

"We've earned it after how hard we've all worked these past few days," his father replied, and his mother nodded in agreement. "Just remember to save some for tomorrow. With the evening feast ahead, we don´t need to fill up right now."

Curious about his tasks for the day, Eric inquired of his father, "What's on my agenda today?"

"Today, not much. I need you to set up the main square. Feel free to enlist some of your friends to help; that should speed things up. Apart from that, enjoy your day," his father responded.

After a hearty breakfast and some casual conversation, Eric left the house and made his way toward the garrison.

Walking through the village, Eric admired his handiwork in the form of the festive decorations. After a brief stroll, he arrived at the garrison, where he found himself observing the yard. Within, the ten members of the garrison were huddled together, drawing straws to determine who would be tasked with guarding the festivities for the day. Eric attempted to decipher the behavior of the other guards, searching for clues about whether Thorian was on duty or had the day off. However, his efforts proved fruitless, and even as he drew his own straw, he couldn't ascertain the outcome.

As each of them now held their fates for the day in their hands, the captain addressed the group. The six guards who were not chosen for duty, including Thorian, remained. Eric's face brightened at the sight of his friend. Thorian greeted Eric and made his way over. "I must be a lucky man. This is the second time I get to enjoy the harvest celebration without having to work."

Eric chuckled. "Well, that's not entirely true."

Thorian raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You want me to give you training? Today? Forget it."

Eric laughed. "No, I need your help setting up the tables and benches. I'm going to ask the other guys for help as well."

Thorian joined in the laughter. "This isn't work, more like a small workout."

As they ambled through the village, in search of the other members of their circle of friends, Eric proudly gestured towards the decorations. "Look at these, didn't I do a great job?"

Thorian grinned and responded, "Yeah, if only your swordplay was as sharp as your decorating skills, I'd be struggling to beat you." He playfully dodged the mock punches coming from Eric, both of them sharing a good-natured laugh.

After a while of lighthearted banter and gathering enough helping hands, they successfully set up the main square. The sun had dipped lower in the sky, signaling that the feast was about to commence.