
Legacy of the Arcane Blood

In the mystical realm of Avalon, where magic flows like a boundless river and the shadows hide lurking horrors, a young mage named Arthur stands at the precipice of destiny. Gifted with a modest class 5 water magic talent, Arthur's journey to the pinnacle of magical prowess appears to be an insurmountable challenge. Yet, the spark of greatness within him refuses to be extinguished. As evil forces, from malevolent demons to ferocious magical beasts and dark mages, threaten to plunge Avalon into darkness, Arthur is determined to rise above his humble beginnings. With every spell he casts and every challenge he faces, he inches closer to realizing his dream of becoming an Archmage.

northernlight · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Meditation fails

A week had passed since Arthur's magic talent test, and he decided to give the meditation technique from The Royal Mage Academy a try. Unfortunately, his efforts did not yield any significant results. The "Dreams of Wonder" technique required the practitioner to enter a sleep-like trance and dream of the mana surrounding them. However, every time Arthur attempted to meditate, it felt as if the mana was actively avoiding him. Despite reaching the trance-like state, he couldn't sense the mana, which was a stark contrast to most of the other children who, using the basic meditation technique, were beginning to feel the presence of mana.

With each passing day, Arthur's frustration and depression deepened. He couldn't help but question how it was possible that, despite using an intermediate technique, he couldn't sense the mana, while others using a basic method were making progress. Little did he know that someone had been silently observing him with mysterious purple-colored eyes. These eyes now sparkled with a mischievous light as their owner cast a subtle spell, completely unbeknownst to Arthur.

Suddenly, the book left by the Ice Tempest, who was purportedly Arthur's ancestor, levitated from his bed. Arthur was initially frightened by this supernatural occurrence, but a glimmer of hope began to shine through his fear. "Could this book be my only chance?" he wondered, his skepticism giving way to a mix of doubt and hope. "Even though the technique seems strange, it might be my last hope. Perhaps my ancestor truly was an Archmage," he mused with a hint of sarcasm.

Filled with newfound determination and clutching the ancient book, Arthur descended the stairs to the living room, where his aunt Morgana was. She greeted him, her voice carrying a hint of sarcasm, "Good morning, Arthur. How are you on this fine morning? Any progress with that technique given to you by the academy?"

Arthur let out a sigh, his previous optimism fading away. "No, Aunt Morgana. I haven't had any success with it. I think you were right; this technique doesn't seem to suit me. I'm going to try the one left by our ancestor."

Morgana's eyes lit up with excitement as she responded, "That's wonderful, Arthur! You can continue his legacy and perhaps become an Archmage as well. You could be the newest great Ice Archmage. What would you be called? Oh, I know! The Ice Prince, because you're my little prince, aren't you, Arthur?"

Blushing at his aunt's affectionate words, Arthur replied, "Aunt Morgana, please, that's enough. I'll try the technique, but there's almost no chance I'll become an Archmage with my class 5 talent," his mood once again turning somber.

Observing the dejection in Arthur's demeanor, Morgana fixed her gaze on him, her expression stern. "Arthur, I understand you're only twelve years old, but it's time to toughen up. Even if you aren't naturally gifted, nothing beats hard work. Do you realize how blessed you are to be a magician? You're already in the top 10% of humanity. Don't underestimate yourself. So what if others have more talent? It just means you'll have to work ten times, maybe even a hundred times, harder to keep up. Talent isn't everything, child. Even the most gifted individuals aren't guaranteed to become Archmages. Hard work is just as vital. So, even if you lack talent, are you willing to put in the effort, Arthur?"

Arthur looked at his aunt in surprise, the realization slowly dawning on him. "I've been so focused on my lack of a special power or 'cheat,' but I do have talent," he thought. "My aunt is right; I may not have the most talent, but I won't lose in hard work." A newfound light of hope began to shine brightly in Arthur's eyes as he resolved to overcome the limitations of his talent, no matter how formidable they might be.

"Aunt Morgana, you're absolutely right. I won't be outdone in hard work. I'll do my best with the meditation technique of the Ice Tempest. So, for the next few days, I'll head to the sea to temper my body with the waves."

With determination in his heart, Arthur made his way to the beach near his hometown, grateful that they lived in a harbor town. Unfortunately, the sky was a clear, bright blue, and the wind was still, offering no waves for his training. Arthur sighed, thinking, "It seems even the heavens don't want me to become a mage. But I don't care. The next time there are waves, I'll return."

With no other viable option, Arthur resolved to wade into the ocean, even though he lacked any magical abilities. He understood the potential peril that lay ahead, but he steeled himself for the challenge ahead. "I can only do what's within my capabilities at the moment," he thought. "Let me take my first steps into the sea and attempt to meditate."

As he ventured further into the sea, the cold, bracing waters gradually enveloped his body. With a sense of determination, he began to silently recite the meditation technique's text in his mind, all the while striving to connect with the elemental essence of water that surrounded him. His thoughts gradually faded into a state of blank serenity, and he felt a frigid energy slowly seeping into his being. Yet, as quickly as it came, the energy vanished within him, leaving him yearning for more.

Unbeknownst to Arthur, an imperceptible transformation was occurring. His eyes and hair acquired a subtle, ethereal blue hue, a manifestation of the connection he was forging with the water element.

As Arthur continued to walk further into the sea, the water enveloped his body more completely with each step. He pressed on until he was entirely submerged, his head dipping below the water's surface. At that moment, it was as if the water elements themselves began to communicate with him, their voices echoing in his mind like a whispering breeze. "The breath of the Sea," they seemed to say.

With newfound insight, Arthur opened his eyes and slowly emerged from the water, his body glistening with droplets. "The breath of the Sea," he murmured to himself. So, that was the name of the meditation technique. But why did the mana of Avalon seem to recognize it, and why did the water elements share its name with him?

Questions swirled in his mind as he gazed out at the endless expanse of the sea.