
Legacy of the Arcane Blood

In the mystical realm of Avalon, where magic flows like a boundless river and the shadows hide lurking horrors, a young mage named Arthur stands at the precipice of destiny. Gifted with a modest class 5 water magic talent, Arthur's journey to the pinnacle of magical prowess appears to be an insurmountable challenge. Yet, the spark of greatness within him refuses to be extinguished. As evil forces, from malevolent demons to ferocious magical beasts and dark mages, threaten to plunge Avalon into darkness, Arthur is determined to rise above his humble beginnings. With every spell he casts and every challenge he faces, he inches closer to realizing his dream of becoming an Archmage.

northernlight · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 The Test

A pale blue light emanated from the Magic Orb. "A class 5 Magic talent for the element of water," the man testing the children announced. The room fell silent, a heavy hush that weighed down on the young boy's heart. He sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat. No academy wants a class 5 in their school. But just as he began to turn away from the glowing orb, a soothing voice filled his thoughts. 

"Don't worry, child. Even though you haven't been chosen, you will still be given the basic mana incantation and learn magic," the voice assured him. It was the person who had tested him. Grateful, young Arthur whispered, "Thank you," before walking away, rejoining his classmates, a flicker of hope rekindled in his heart. 

Twelve long years passed since Arthur's reincarnation into the world of Avalon, a realm blessed by the presence of mana. Throughout those years, he had been eagerly waiting for his "cheat," a term used to describe a unique and powerful magical talent. He had hoped it would awaken during the magic talent test, but alas, it had not. Instead, he had been burdened with the weakest of talents: class 5. The prospect of advancing beyond an acolyte seemed almost impossible. 

Arthur's good friend, Merlin, sensing his despondency, offered words of comfort. "Arthur, congratulations. You are a mage. Even with the weakest talent, you still have a talent. Only 10% of the human race possesses magical talent. Be proud of that." 

Merlin was soon called to the testing stage. As he placed his hand on the Magic Orb, a blinding white light erupted. "Class 1 magic talent for the element of light," the man testing the children declared in shock. Whispers and murmurs filled the air among representatives from various prestigious academies. Light magic was a rare and coveted element. 

The tester's voice rang out, "Which academy is interested in this boy?" 

A chorus of voices erupted. "The Heavenly Pavilion wants him!" one cried. "The Dragon Mage Academy is interested!" another added. Almost all the top academies vied for Merlin's attention. 

The tester turned to Merlin and asked, "Boy, you get to choose which academy you want to attend. Where do you want to go?" 

Merlin didn't hesitate. "I want to attend The Royal Mage Academy," he declared. 

The tester then directed his attention to a woman with sky-blue hair and a golden inlaid robe adorned with nine stars, a clear mark of her archmage status. "The child chooses your academy, Vanessa. Do you accept?" 

Vanessa nodded, her eyes filled with wisdom. "Boy, what is your name?" 

"It is Merlin, great Archmage," he replied.

An ethereal laugh bubbled from Vanessa's lips. "Well, Merlin, I welcome you to my academy. Come with me." 

Merlin nodded, his nerves palpable. He turned to Vanessa and asked, "Can my friend join as well?" 

Vanessa's expression shifted to a frown. "The boy you were with just now...sorry, he does not possess the talent to join the Royal Academy. It would do him more harm than good. But because he is your friend, I will give him a present." 

She pointed her finger at Arthur, and though it seemed nothing happened, he felt a subtle shift within him. "He has received my gift. Now, let's go," Vanessa said to Merlin. 

Arthur couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. He wanted to say goodbye to his dear friend before they parted ways. "Can't I say goodbye?" he asked. 

"No," Vanessa replied firmly. "It is time to go." With those words, she and Merlin disappeared in a shimmering cascade of light. 

Arthur wore a bewildered expression. Merlin, his dear friend, had possessed such a high talent, and now he had vanished from his life. But there was more to the perplexing situation. Just before Merlin disappeared, an ethereal voice echoed in Arthur's mind. 

"You are in luck, child. It seems you have a good friend," the voice intoned. "I can't take you to the academy, but I will give you a better meditation technique than the one you will be given." 

In an instant, a special meditation technique called "Dreams of Wonder" materialized in Arthur's mind. It was an intermediate technique, something beyond what he had ever hoped to receive. As he contemplated this newfound gift, his disappointment slowly gave way to curiosity and determination. Perhaps he might not possess the extraordinary talents of his friend, but he had something equally valuable—the promise of a unique and extraordinary journey into the world of magic. 

In the Royal Mage Academy, Vanessa and Merlin appeared. Merlin, his eyes sparkling with curiosity, couldn't help but inquire, "Is that a spatial spell, Archmage Vanessa?" 

Vanessa, her aura radiating wisdom and power, responded with a warm smile, "Indeed, young Merlin, it is the most basic of spatial spells. A true spatial mage can perform feats far beyond what you've just witnessed." 

Merlin sighed wistfully, "Oh, how incredible it would be to possess the spatial element." 

Vanessa placed a reassuring hand on Merlin's shoulder. "Never underestimate the power of the element of light you possess. It is just as rare and valuable as the spatial element." 

Curiosity burning in his eyes, Merlin pressed on, "Archmage Vanessa, what gift did you bestow upon Arthur?" 

With a heavy sigh, Vanessa replied, "Young Arthur's path will likely never intersect with yours again, dear child. However, I did grant him a meditation technique known as 'Dreams of Wonder.' It's an intermediate meditation technique, a valuable gift indeed." 

Intrigued, Merlin further inquired, "What distinguishes an intermediate meditation technique from a basic one?" 

Vanessa, always ready to impart knowledge, explained, "Meditation techniques are categorized into five levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, and Godly. Currently, the most revered technique within our academy is of the saint level, granting the swiftest augmentation of magical power. Thus, an intermediate technique, even for a rogue mage like Arthur, is a noteworthy gift."By the way, all new students in the academy with class 1 talent can start with an advanced meditation technique" 

"Wow let's hurry up and register for the academy," Merlin said to Vanessa. 

With his future looking bright, Merlin would soon forget about his friend named Arthur and would make new friends. As Vanessa had said, their paths would never cross again. Or would they...