
Legacy of Primordial God

---It just happened to be in my head and I decided to write it--- Universe is something that everyone live and no one knows why it exists.

Zat0 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


----------------------------------- about 14 billion years after Vol.000 -----------------------------------

/("Rai" - city in kingdom of "Den")/

It was night with no clouds and little fog, but suddenly from nowhere lightings appeared. It started to rain. Fog density raised to almost non-seeable level and only moon's soft light was able to see.

- W...whaaa....ts going on? - sleeping farmer that wake up, because of noise from lightings.

- I knew it! Someday gods will punish us... (started to praying) - some woman from village nearby seeing city covered in lightings and fog.

At that moment hi-energy light beam was seen from center of town and huge hurricane raised and instantly disappeared weird things stared to appear. Time was flowing backwards. Freeze. Started flowing again. Thing started to disappear and then appear in different place.

Fog started to go down. Lightings stopped. In night was light as in day. Hot like volcano. And in the same time night was dark like in deepest cave of mountain. Cold like cosmos. Pressure was unbearable.

/ (Multiple beings flew from sky) /

It were gods, multiple gods. All in shape of circle around town center. And...

- T..the...e...y They a... all kneeled... - shocked cooking chef from nearby restaurant that was going home.

///To be continued...///