
Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Chapter 30: The Mastermind's Lair

Jay, Owen, and Elena hid behind a large rock, peering into the larger chamber where the Mastermind and his lieutenants had gathered. Torches lit the space with a dim orange glow, casting eerie shadows on the cave walls.

"There's at least a dozen of them," Owen whispered, carefully counting the figures in the chamber. "And they're all armed."

"We can't take them all head-on," Elena said, her eyes scanning the chamber. "We need a plan to disrupt the meeting and isolate the Mastermind. If we can get him alone, we might have a chance."

Jay nodded, his mind racing with ideas. "We need a diversion," he said, pointing to a stack of crates near the edge of the chamber. "If we can knock those over, it'll create enough noise to distract them. While they're busy, we can move in and grab the Mastermind."

Elena looked skeptical. "It's risky. If they catch us, it'll be all over. We'll be outnumbered and outgunned."

"We don't have a choice," Jay replied, his voice firm. "We can't let them leave this cave with that artifact. It would give them the power to take over the entire region."

Owen nodded in agreement. "Let's do it. I'll create the diversion. You two get ready to move in once the chaos starts."

Jay and Elena positioned themselves near the entrance to the chamber, staying low and hidden. Owen crept toward the stack of crates, carefully avoiding the guards' line of sight. He reached out, giving the stack a firm push.

The crates tumbled to the ground, crashing loudly and sending debris flying. The noise echoed through the cave, drawing the attention of everyone in the chamber.

"What's going on?" one of the lieutenants shouted, drawing his weapon. "Someone's here!"

"Fan out and find them!" the Mastermind ordered, his voice dripping with anger. "Don't let them get away!"

The guards spread out, moving toward the source of the noise. Jay and Elena took advantage of the confusion, slipping into the chamber and moving toward the Mastermind. He stood near a makeshift table, examining a map and barking orders at his lieutenants.

"Now," Jay whispered to Elena, signaling for her to follow him. They moved quickly, staying low and out of sight. When they reached the table, Jay lunged forward, grabbing the Mastermind by the arm and pulling him back.

The Mastermind spun around, his eyes widening with surprise. He tried to break free, but Jay's grip was strong. Elena moved in, holding a weapon to the Mastermind's back.

"Don't move," she said, her voice cold and threatening. "One wrong move, and you're done."

The Mastermind's lieutenants turned to see what was happening, but Owen created another diversion, throwing a smoke grenade into the chamber. The smoke filled the space, obscuring their view and creating chaos.

"Get him out of here!" Jay shouted to Elena, pushing the Mastermind toward the exit. "I'll hold them off!"

Elena nodded and dragged the Mastermind toward the cave's entrance, using the smoke as cover. Jay stayed behind, drawing his weapon and firing at the lieutenants who tried to follow. The smoke made it difficult for them to aim, allowing Jay to keep them at bay.

As the smoke cleared, Jay saw the lieutenants regrouping, preparing to pursue. He knew he had to act fast to catch up with Elena and the Mastermind. He ducked behind a rock, reloading his weapon, and prepared for a final stand.

"Over here!" he heard one of the lieutenants shout, pointing in his direction. The guards closed in, but Jay wasn't ready to give up yet. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the fight ahead.