
Waiting for the prey

Fiona and I have decided to remain in a tree, put a snake piece of meat on the area, and waiting for another monster to come. We can eat the snake we killed, but it is dangerous since Fiona told me a Winter Animal contains ice blood that can make a human become an ice block or worse, snow. Fiona also told me that to catch an animal, we have to use another.

"Where did you learn that?"

"My dear sister told me this, and she also showed me one day how she does it." says Fiona while both of us are watching around to see if an animal will come here to eat that snake piece of meat or the body of a dead snake.

"Did you miss your sister?"

"Who is the person who would not miss their own brother or sister after they depart?"

"... I miss her, especially her coo- I mean the way she teaches me about... Crafting." I say to Fiona because I do not want to make her realize that I miss her sister's way to cook launch, dinner, and breakfast.

"What did she teach you about crafting?"

"... To create a good weapon... You have to put your soul into it. The days before we were about to depart, I delivered a weapon to Gregonson, and while I was delivering that weapon to him, I could feel something weird at that weapon... Something like... It could be alive."

"That is my dear sister... She can make every weapon he makes or fixes become special. This girl got so many talents, that only Gods of Talents know how many are exactly in her."

We look at each other at a bush who was starting to act weird like there is somebody there, bot of us have become silenced and decide to hide by using those thorns of fir because they offer a good hiding place for a surprise attack, but still, they are a nuisance. If you do not have a pair of gloves to help you not to scratch yourself by those parts of the branches of fir trees, then they are annoying and hurtful for your delicate hands, but mines... Are much more delicate, so you can imagine how painful it was for me to wait a few minutes to catch the prey.

The prey comes closer to the snake's stomach meat, he comes from those bushes he was in. An at that moment, I and Fiona, can actually see how does the prey look and to our surprise, it was just a small boar, child one, which means, that the mother can be close and if we catch her baby now, she will become angry and she can hurt us, but then, I realize we can just catch the little boar and use our weapons to catch it, but then, Fiona whispered to me.

"Do not move, or use any spells."

"Why?" I whispered to her while I take a look at the baby boar who is starting to sniff the snake's stomach part who got taken by Fiona's huge sword.

"... You want to catch a Jackpot?"


"Then wait, Judah..." she whispered calmly to me while she is looking at that little boar who is continuing to smell the snake's stomach.

And a few moments later, something I did not expect has happened, three more little boars and a huge boar goes closer to the little one, and they are starting to eat that piece of snake meat. I was surprised by the fact that these boars have come here to eat this. And also, Fiona was just happy because she was right about her intuition and she decides to take out her sword and jump from the fir we were hiding. I take my weapon from the belt, which is my wand, and I have aimed at a few boars by using the spell that makes them go slower, "Slow-Motion" a spell that has appeared in my spellbook three days ago while I was looking at some spells by curiosity. I use the spell on those four little boars, but it was mostly useless because Fiona cut all five of them with one single swing of her giant sword. Sometimes I wonder why did she need a squire if she can easily use her sword and destroy half of the armies or buildings.

We take those boar corpses into some kind of bags I had put in my backpack when we were about to leave the camp, Fiona told me to deliver those bags, who are filled with boar corpses, back to our camp, while she will be still hunting some animals. I asked her why, and she told me that these corpses are not enough to satisfy the people there, so I let her continue her hunting while I do the part of my job, listen to my knight's orders.


I arrive at the camp after a few minutes walking with one big bag filled with boar corpses and hearing with those at the Cafeteria because that is the only thing where they could accept these things and prepare them for dinner or lunch. When I put that big bag with boar on a table at the Cafeteria, a chef who has some dark skin color, bald, and a beard, looks skeptical at me, then he takes a look at the inside of the bag I have delivered with boar corpses, and then he told me.

"That's it?"

"No. sir." I reasonably respond to him. "There are probably more to come."

"Probably?... I need a lot of boar meats or whatever kind of meat to feed these warriors who are thirst for meat, you little squire!" he yelled at me. "Now, where is your dammed knight?"

"S-She is still haunting, sir."

"Really?" he said this sentence to me in a weird tone like a husband when he finds out her hot wife will not cheat on him. "If in the morning I will not get the meat I need, then you and your knight will not get any dinner. UNDERSTAND?" and then he pierced the table by using a small knife to make me understand the message and making me terrified.

"Y-YES, SIR!" I say loud while I run back to Fiona to continue catching meat because I do not want to make Chef Arnold angry.

While I was running around the camp, back into the forest, I saw a few soldiers looking weird at me, and some of them laughing at me because I was running, which is weird. After all, not everybody has met Chef Arnold's angry side, or what Fiona and Rogers say, "The Side that he works for peasants and warriors instead of nobles".

Some rumors say that Chef Arnold was chef to a noble family, and when the war has happened, the current one, the noble family has decided to throw him into the war because they couldn't afford his service and also, he was a knight before he joined that noble family, which name it is unknown. It is not the first chef who got thrown from a noble family and sent on a battlefield, somewhere even send into the desert as a punishment because they did not prepare a great dish or they forgot some small details on the dish.


When I arrived back in the area where we were hunting, I saw Fiona coming from the bushes while she drags an entire bear, who got penetrated in multiple parts of his body by Fiona's sword. I was not even surprised at that part, but the thing it is, how are going to drag that into our camp. But Fiona decided to drag the whole thing to camp, and she told me to take out a few bags, filled them with the ducks she killed while I was gone, who was approximately almost twenty minutes, filled them in some bags, and deliver them to the camp. But before I was about to do this, I told her what does Chef Arnold said, and she just told me.

"Who cares though?"


"Arnold is here because he got sent by the noble family to gain them some money and also connections. He doesn't even like working here, neither us, but we are here because of to flow of some orders, Judah. Also, don't take everything Chef Arnold says to you. It is for your own good."

"Okay." I replied to her while both of us are continuing our mission.

I go past some bushes and saw a lot of ducks who are on the land, decapitated, or sliced apart by a sword. I take another bag from my backpack and insert in there all of those ducks, which are still intact or decapitated, and I took another bag, which will contain the ducks that were cut in half. When I have finished, I walk with those two bags on my back to the camp, more exactly, to the Cafeteria, and when I arrived there, I saw Fiona, who was doing smoothing unholy, she was in the kitchen and she put something in a soup, which is not a good sign.