Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
We have arrived back at our home, we entered the yard, and headed to the door. There, we opened the door, and we saw in the kitchen Diana, who has already finished the dinner for us when we will come back from the hunt. So that means I have to decline Ulfred offer to the dinner. I hope this will not make him feel bad.
"Are you two ready?" asks Diana after she put her tools into my backpack, I will carry it.
"Yes." responded Fiona, not looking at Diana.
"Good." responded Diana who is heading first outside and then Fiona after her.
The energy between these two girl it is so tense that even a little mistake could create a big explosion. These two have started to argue and verbally fight because of a guy named Leonard, which is a very tangled story to begin with. But I will try my best to do a resume, from everything I got so far.
So... Leonard it is a noble man, who it is a good friend with Diana since when these two were kids. Both of them hunt monsters and animals, but for different reasons. Leonard hunts to joy, and Diana, hunts to gather materials and money to create different things and sell it to merchants to get money. She is also selling those materials in raw version. Both of them were in a time when they were having feelings for each other, but at first, they decided it will be better to remain only friends, but their families... Has other thoughts? They tried two times to marry them, but it was useless, they were still good friends and hunt together.
And that it is, it doesn't look that tangled if I have to think about it, it only looks bizarre, but hey who I am to criticize these people? I only knew this family for about a year. And I don't really like this love's spot. And that's why I marked that love it is not that important in my case because... This dammed curse might be going to kill me right when I will be in love or worse at the wedding altar.
We are on a carriage who is transporting us to the forest, where the vampires have seen last time. To go there, we used the carriage which Diana disciple is using. Her disciple it is the son of a Butcher man who owns a building where he killed a lot o animals and use their meats or other components to craft food for nobles or for peasants, if they can afford meat which is very expensive, especially the dark and light deer which is extremely expensive and only King's could afford such thing. If I have to listen to diana story he told me once when we were hunting a light deer on spring, at a few days when I left Hospital.
The disciple it is a normal kid, whose three years older than me, but he can do a good job at driving this carriage and a good butcher. But one of the downside of it is the fact that he is easily scarred and talk much.
"Hey, kid! Did you ever have sex?" asks the guy who is driving the carriage, and ignoring the demons (Diana and Fiona) from his back who are looking angrily at him.
"Don't you dare!" says Fiona, aiming her giant sword to Diana's disciple neck, who almost made him faint. "And don't even respond to this question!"
"Sex? It is a food?" I asked them.
"Um... No... It...is... a fighting style... but... It cannot be made until you are .... um… older." tried to say Diana to me, feeling a little agitated, and then she turns to his disciple. "I am going to cut your salary and your clothes for a month."
"I'm sorry." says that discipline, thinking that this might be going to save his salary, but it won't since Diana is still looking upset at him, but Fiona, she retrieves the sword, making him feel much more safely. "I was trying to start a conversation."
"In a wrong way." says Fiona to that disciple.
The carriage it is taking a left turn, and it is heading to a straight road. The disciple is hitting those two horses who are carrying the carriage to make them move much faster. While we were still moving, I can see what the other girls are doing it. Diana is counting her silver arrows, and Fiona is cleaning her sword with a piece of dirty cloth. I took from my backpack the spell book, to search an effective spell for this trip.
I found a spell there, which is called "Ball of Light". It is an attack spell and this one lunches a giant ball of light ot a direction, and if it hit someone weak to light it will most likely knock him out or kill him, now depends on the creature we are going to fight against. I found another spell here, and this one it is called "Flashlight", which it is described as "A spell which can blind people for a short period of time, even the user if it doesn't cover his eyes. This spell can be done by yelling "Flashlight" before he threw the wand to a designated location. The radius of this spell it is medium, so it is better to launch at a high distance, but be careful at when you could use this spell because you might risk it to lose your wand.". My first thought was, a cool spell, but then I was like, nope, better get a second wand to do that.
"Fiona?" I asked her after a while, this carriage was moving forward.
"Hm?" she mumbles to me after she is cleaning her giant sword.
"What of it is the difference between bad vampires and good vampires?"
"What makes you say that?"
"Well. Derek, it is a vampire."
"My family teacher who used to teach my mother before she died. He is also my teacher and also the person who gave me this spell book." I showed to her this spell book just to make her remember who is Derek that I am talking about.
"Oh yeah. That Derek." she responded with a smile. "Well. The difference between a good and bad vampire can be seen with a naked eye. The way they interact with the world and what they do to the people. The bad one are scaring the world, while the good ones are protecting people, in some cases, or work for the Royal Army, just like your teacher Derek."
"He works in the army?"
"Yes. But he takes only the night shift."
"Now that makes sense."
"Yes. And vampires can only be seen in the night, so it would be quite hard to tell the difference between those two, but at least we got a description of them right here."
She shows a parchment with two vampires, who are wearing black clothes, with some gold amulets as a type of accessories and having at their backs capes with weapons. Both of them are pale as a ghost or spirit and have those teeth specific for a vampire, fangs. In the parchments it is written the weakness of vampires which includes: "Holy water, silver arrows with holy water and crosses of God's of Birth". They do look similar to Derek vampire, which would be extremely confusing if Derek were there.