Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
A few hours later, I and with Garnet are leaving the house, both of us are wearing our disguise, but we have decided to use our real name to avoid confusion, plus, we are probably going to leave soon because of the message of the massager has sent to us a few minutes ago. The message said that the war it is almost over, Kingdom Army has decided to plan a heavy attack to the location where The Big Father Yugara it is located, and they will plan to kill him for good on the spot.
Both of us are heading to the nearest well, both carrying one bucket who needs to be filled with water from the village well. While we are walking to the well, we are looking around, and we see some villagers looking at us, some of them were giving us a rude stare, while the others were looking at us curios, and some other folks, were looking at us scared. One kid was running, cutting our way to the well and making us stop suddenly.
"Sorry!" says the kid running, while he is getting chased by two growing men.
I and with Garnet are looking at each other, both of us are shaking our shoulders, not knowing what to say about that situation, and heading to the well, where we will gather the water Taka needs to prepare potato soup with pork. And for this, she only needs one bucket of water, the other we will use it to drink it since the water here it is much more healthy than the one from the rivers.
As we got to that well, there it is an old man, who was taking a bucket of water from the fountain and drop it on his bucket. The old man, as he finished putting all the water from the bucket tied to the well. He looks at both of us and with a surprised look, he asks us.
"Are you two the kids from the Tavern who fought that crazy maniac?"
"Um..." says Garnet, and she looks at me, with that look that I shouldn't speak the truth. "I think you confuse us, sir."
"How can I confuse, you two?" asks the man looking at us. "I was there. I saw both of you there. You two have fought the man. And you girl, are you alright?" he looks at Garnet worried. "You look fine to me, but you boy... You are still you, or… the vampire in you?"
I look at Garnet, she looks at me, then, we both shook our heads, and we decide to tell the truth to the old man since he knew our faces.
"Yes." I say to the old man. "We are the one who fought the yellow assassin at that Tavern."
"I knew it." says the old man. "You two have saved the village." he takes one bag of coins, and he handed to us. "Here. A token for saving us."
"I'm sorry, sir." I say to the old man refusing the bag of coins he was handing to me. "We are not going to take the money. We have done our job."
"What is your job?" asks the old man looking at me.
"Can we please fill our buckets with water?" asks Garnet looking at the old man. "We are in a hurry, please."
"Oh, of course..." says the old man walking from us. "Anyway, thanks again for saving our village." and he leaves with his bucket with water, while we are using the well to fill ours.
"What was that?" asks Garnet after I poured water into the first bucket.
"The folks on this village sees us as heroes."
"I can see that, but, this destroys our disguise." says Garnet to me.
"Even so, we are almost going to leave this village, since we got that announce we can head soon to the Capital."
"Maybe for you." says Garnet feeling sad.
"Oh..." I whispered because I feel sad for Garnet. Now, she would probably be going to either start from zero as a guard or they will be using her as a weapon. Either way, her life will become harder than before because she would probably won't have a roof to her head.
As we finished our job at the well, we took our buckets filled with water and head to the house, where Taka is probably waiting for us. While we are walking to our house, the people on the street, continued to stare at us, like we were some kind of celebrities or something. After all, we saved them from an assassin, who wasn't even targeting them... How does that even work here?!
Meanwhile, on the entrance of the village, a man is staying on the tree, he looks around him, and he doesn't spot anybody close to him, or anyone who noticed his presence on the tall tree. He immediately leaves the tree by flying to it. He flies on the sky by using a device, some kind of plank with woods, but much more practical. As he flies on the sky, he looks on down, searching for somebody.
"They should be here... somewhere..."