Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Ron and Marcus left the palace feeling sad because of some reasons, one of them is the fact that they did not get a mission who will help them get paid well and the other fact is because they are in short on money and they did not even pay the taxes for approximately three weeks and if they do not pay the taxes in the next week, they will risk at getting to one of the cells where their friend Judah was locked because he did a big oopsie, which has turned out to be a good thing in the end for the kingdom safety.
Later on this day, Marcus and Ron are heading to the Marcus house, and there they have to do the most risked thing they have ever done. They put their squire and knight outfits in a room, and they wear some normal clothes. And those two even took hats, just to be sure nobody known will recognize them.
After they finish dressing in those villages or civilian clothes, the two leave Marcu's house carrying an empty wheelbarrow but with some shovels. Marcus is sad that he has reached this decision, but Ron has no idea what the decision is because Marcus did not tell him that they will go to the river and dig for Gonmargar stones. Now, these types of stones are valuable but extremely rare, only one of medium or small size can save you from a week of payment of the house where you live. The two men who work in the kingdom as knights will need three stones of this kind to pay their rents for three weeks, only in the case of Marcus, Ron lives with his parents, but rarely sleeps with Marcus, which he receives because he is his squire, and the older knights must respect their squires.
They both go to the nearest place where those stones are rumoured to be ready for anything. Ron was pushing the wheelbarrow, and Marcus, who had a small axe under his hooded cape, for any unexpected attack. But fortunately, they were not attacked by anyone as they walked through the deserted paths that led to that river. Although those paths they took made them walk longer and waste time, that was the only solution, because if they walk on the paths or roads populated by people they will risk being seen and ruining their reputation, but they don't realize that even though they are disguised, they can be easily seen because the little axe behind Marcus shines when it is in dark areas, and Marcus is the only known knight who has such an axe.
After a few minutes of walking without saying a word, Marcus and Ron arrive at the place where they have to dig. Ron stops the wheelbarrow, looks around to make sure they aren't being followed, but he notices something else. When Marcus is in the shade to rest as long as he can, his axe glows, and Ron shouts at Marcus.
"Marcus! Your axe!"
"Huh?" asked Marcus who then takes his clothes off and he is looking at his axe who has started to look at his weapon becoming shinning. "Oh! Fuck!" after that he throws the axe somewhere where the sunlight will hit the axe to make him be like a normal one and not the one who glows. "I hope nobody has seen us."
"Yeah. I hope that, too."
After this incident, Ron took the shovel and has started to dig a hole into the green terrain just to find a precious stone he doesn't know. While Ron was digging, Marcus has decided to do what every man has to do when he is in the shadow of a big tree, to sleep. Ron was about to wake Marcus, but he decides not because of a problem, when someone wakes up Marcus, he will instantly hit that person with his fists or legs, just until they will be down. But if the person dodges the Marcus hits, he will be fine.
Ron dug in that pit until he reached a certain depth of one meter or one meter and ten centimetres because at that level valuable stones can be found. When Ron gave the last two shovels to the ground, he found a goldstone that was twelve inches long and fifteen inches thick. Ron puts that stone in his pants pocket because, although it's not valuable, he can take it to someone's blacksmith shop, who will give it to you for one or three gold coins.
After a few more digging in the same pit, Ron reaches a certain depth, where he discovers another rock, which looks strange to the other. This rock has a flame engraved and glows light red when Ron took it in his hand. Ron was fascinated by this discovery, so he decides to keep this rock with him, only until he finds out what kind of rock it really is. After that, he left the hole with his shovel and goes to try in another location that is close to the river, he found a good spot in a few seconds, and he started to dig again using his shovel.
After a few minutes, Ron did not found anything there, just rocks and bones of animals who could value not even a glass of water, which is just one gold coin. Ron leaves that pit and started to dig in another place, but that pit has sent Ron the same result, nothing... He tries to dig another three holes, but he found nothing there, just some silver that can be used by the blacksmith in weapons crafting or by jewellers to create items against werewolves.
Ron goes to the tree where Marcus he is and, seeing how Marcus he peaceful sleep, he was kinda afraid to wake him up and to tell him the bad news, so, he got an idea. One day, Marcus told him about a girl who kills animals and she sells those things to a butcher for a good price. Ron had the idea to put those things there, but not the rock with the flame sign, which are at the feet of Marcus and he goes hunting some wild animals, using his dagger, which was hidden behind his clothes.
Later on, Ron came back from the hunting carrying two rabbits, three crows, and even five squirrels. Ron was carrying those things back to the place where Marcus is sleeping using his backpack which was hidden in the wheelbarrow to not making anyone suspicious about this thing. Ron, is putting those dead animals into the trolley and he goes to Marcus, and he is trying to wake him up, so is using something that will wake him up for sure. He will not throw the stones at him or will try and beat him with a tree branch. No, Ron used something much scarier. It perfectly mimics a roar of a bear, so that for a moment he thought it was even a bear in human skin. Marcus wakes up, and he was about to run away just to not get eaten, but after that, he looked back and he saw Ron who was mimic the sound. After a few seconds, he screams like a girl who found out her brother masturbated in dad's car and runs away. Ron looked back and he saw a bear who was running to him. Ron swear at that bear, he runs away, he took the weapon of Marcus while he was running.
After a few moments, Ron catches up with Marcus, and he passes the axe to him, at which he stops, turns, looks at the bear coming towards them wildly. Marcus puts his left hand on that little axe, then says "Wind Spirit", and that axe begins to light up at which Marcus, has the position to throw that small axe and throws it at that bear. That axe hits the bear at the foot, the bear rises on two paws screaming in pain, but in just a few seconds the pain disappears because that axe disappears and a kind of tornado is formed that has the bear in the sky. While the bear was in the tornado, he began to howl as if to apologize, but Marcus tells Ron that the bear who is still in that tornado is small and powerful enough to fly a bear type tornado.
"You disturbed my sleep. Now you have to pay."
After he said that, Marcus has hit with his two bare hands the terrain, and the tornado has started to explode, which has made the poor bear explodes in a million pieces. In this area, the bear's organs were scattered everywhere, some were right in the trees, others were at the feet of Marcus, who cruelly trampled them, and other organs were already in the river that is to flow to the Kingdom of Romania.
After this incident, Marcus and Ron return to the place where they left the wheelbarrow with dead animals. Ron told Marcus that he had the idea to hunt some animals and sell them to a woman named Diana, who is said to be one of the best wildlife hunters in the Kingdom. When the two were about to arrive at the place where, Ron had dug those pits, and Marcus had been asleep for a few hours, something has happened, someone has stolen the wheelbarrow containing those dead animals which were about to be sold to Diana.
Ron has felt so angry, and Marcus has started to feel angry too because that thief took his poor squire's job. Ron and Marcus, because it was still light outside, they have seen a few traces of the wheel and they follow it until they arrive at a bridge, and they saw there a man who pushes the wheelbarrow very quickly when he realizes that he is being chased by those owners of those dead animals. But, fortunately for the two knights, that man, even if he was pushing the wheelbarrow in speed, was still caught by Marcus and Ron, who are knights and were subjected to many training tests that consist of running. Well, more Marcus, and in Ron, he was born running until his lungs explode. Those two captured the man, and they realize something, that this man is one of the bandits who were recently released.
Ron, who had a rope in his backpack, hands it to Marcus, to whom he beats the bandit with his bare hands until he faints. The fight between them was too easy for Marcus because a knight from the Kingdom of Romania beats even eleven like them at breakfast. When the bandit was completely tied up by Marcus, he throws him in the bushes and leaves him there because they can't carry that bandit in his wheelbarrow because it's already full and it's too small for a bandit of one meter and ninety centimetres.
Ron and Marcus leave that bandit in the bushes and head with the wheelbarrow containing dead animals back to the Kingdom to Diana's house, because she will surely accept such a thing from you. The two fighters of the royal court take the road they came, and when they reach the gates of the kingdom, they take a shortcut that leads to Diana's house. On the way, the two could not talk. After all, they did not want to give their identity empty, which is obviously already given to them because they forgot their hats there by the river.
Both fighters of the Kingdom of Romania arrive in front of the house where Fiona and Diana Lundeberg live. Ron was about to open the gate, but Marcus stops him because he only now notices that Ron and he are not wearing a hat. They both began to fear what was to come, that they would both be the joke of the peasants, the joke of the nobles at their luxurious breakfast, the news in the Kingdom newspaper, and worse, the King would arrest them for hunting animals in instead to defend the kingdom. Just before he thinks about what to do, a cart loaded with animals comes to that house. Marcus and Ron panicked, so they decided, in order not to give up, to throw in the bushes in Diana and Fiona's yard. The person who had come with the cart was not an unknown one because he stops in front of that house, he takes off his hood to reveal his face as a woman who is at the age of twenty. So yeah, the girl who has stopped the carriage is Diana, and he came back with a few animal bodies after a big hunt.