

After a few minutes, me and Fiona we've arrived at the bunker where we got sent to protect this forest from the enemies. Arriving in that area, I noticed Emily and Big Gus preparing dinner for us in a big pot. When Big Gus sees us, he greets us and tells us that dinner is almost ready. But when she sees that Fiona and I arrived at the bunker with a wooden box containing food, they both looked at us sceptically and Emily decided to ask the question.

" Were you two have been?"

"We were supposed to catch the food, but both of us have noticed something that should never be avoided," I say to Emily making her curious about the thing I and Fiona were doing while we both had to catch the rabbits for food.

"Judah and I had to investigate a village that had been attacked by enemies, but the attackers did not appear to be theirs," says Fiona to Emily.

Big Gus was still at that campfire and he boils some water for preparing soup or tea. Emily looked worriedly at me, then at Fiona asking her why she decided to go there with me, but Fiona replied to her.

"Judah can fight with me. He protects my back using his spells, and I protect him from powerful enemies."

"How long has Judah been working for you?" Emily asks, being very curious about this.

"For about two weeks," says Fiona to Emily, which makes her surprised.

After a long silence, which duration was almost a minute, Emily returns to the fire where Big Gus is and cooks. Fiona leads that box of supplies she won because I helped in the battle with those cannibals, and I headed for the fire where Big Gus boils water.

"Good job there, kiddo," says Big Gus to me. "You have really fight some cannibals?"

"Yes. In a village that was completely engulfed in flames and wounded by high-grade burns or wounded by enemy weapons. There, I managed to use the healing spells that any magician has and knock down a few cannibals." I say to Big Gus, which makes him quite happy, and Emily worried, even though I don't know the reason why she is worried about me doing those actions.

"You, kid... you have a great future ahead of you as a warrior and a healer, but I still wonder one thing ... What did those cannibals you met look like in that burned village?" says Big Gus.

"They wore thin armour, one of those worn by agile warriors as if ... They had rusty weapons and some of them wore drawings on their faces, like one with a red stripe on both eyes." I respond to Big Gus, which seems worried and looks at Fiona.

Fiona turns her gaze to me, sighs to free the stone from her kidneys, and tells me that those cannibals that Fiona and I shot down were the ones who stole my parents' bodies a long time ago. Big Gus told me that that cannibal tribe took the troops that were once my parents and are said to have used those bodies to eat them or create animal manure. When I heard something like that, I really had no words to describe this state of ... of ...

"W-Why did they do that? I thought the substances of the arrows have melted their bodies?" I asked Big Gus and Emily.

"Yes. They were supposed to." says Emily to me. "But I stopped that spell to melt their bodies, but it was too late. You see after I arrived there their souls had already left this world."

I looked down for a moment to refrain from crying. Those cannibal warriors, who just killed my parents a few years ago, stole the lifeless bodies to use them in food and other disgusting things. I look at Emily, then ask her how she knows my parents 'bodies were stolen, and she tells me that in the sixth month since they died, they noticed my parents' graves open, but they also noticed an arrow that belongs to that tribe, and with that arrow, after they identified the tribe ...

"Me and Big Gus we invaded their village and we killed every single one of them." says Emily feeling depressed that this woman had killed the entire village of cannibals just to avenge the souls of her blood relatives who had died because of them. "And when I got to the tent of one of the creative masters, I noticed how they made of your parents' bodies carpet skin and food, which was eaten by the children of the village ... Seeing what those children were doing ... I killed ... All twenty-six innocent children who had no idea they were eating the bodies of my sister and her husband. I can still hear those screams and screams of helping children and I can still feel their blood on my face on nightmarish nights. "

"Emily..." I say to Emily feeling so sorry about the things she has endured for her revenge.

"But... How did they reappear?" ask Emily to me and she looks at Big Gus.

"You see, even if we killed all of the people from the village, and we burned it. We forgot the hunters who are occupied with haunting were there so, we missed a few of them." respond to Big Gus to Emily's question.

"A few?" I ask Big Gus. "I think there were more than a dozen or so hundreds of such barbarians that Fiona and I fought side by side... Anyway... I am sorry for what I did."

"For what, boy?" ask Big Gus being confused.

"For not returning to the bunker when I caught the rabbits and went to help Fiona in the fight."

"Don't be sorry, Judah. You did an excellent job on the front." Fiona tells when she comes out of the bunker eating an apple. "After all, a squire has to help his knight as well as he can correctly?"

"Yes." I respond feeling a little bit happy.

After that discussion, Emily and Big Gus continued to cook and they told me to be careful next time when I have to come into a fight and to call them if the fight is harder for two people. I appreciated their response, and I told them I will do that if we will ever be in a fight. I think the rest of the week will be safe.

Later, Big Gus finishes preparing dinner and the four of us go to the bunker table, sit down at this long table and wait for the chef to pour us the soup he has prepared. When Big Gus poured my soup into the metal bowl I had prepared, I could see that the soup contained more vegetables than meat, among the vegetables you can see carrots, onions, leeks, tomatoes and a piece of meat, which is certainly not human, but animal ... I hope. When I took the first mouthful of that soup I felt a simple taste. A taste that any soup prepared in a kitchen has. It didn't have spices, so it was a bit tasty, but one thing that impressed me was when I combined the bread with that soup, it was five times tastier. Of course, this soup doesn't compare to the food that Fiona's sister, Diana, prepares ... Man, I already miss the cooking of that short woman of twenty years.

"It is really good soup, Big Gus." says Fiona to Big Gus after she takes the last spoon of that soup.

"Thank you. Your cook was good though." says Big Gus without lying.

"Do you think my cook was good?"


After I and Emily heard that sentence, we were about to let's drown in bread and pieces of meat in the soup, because Big Gus said one of the things I didn't think I'd hear until now, that this big man complimented Fiona's cooking, which is less awful than you look at Henderson as he behaves like a narcissist. Big Gus and Fiona talked about some cooks and me and Emily I Ie our soup until we finished, and after that, being night right now, both of us goes to bed to sleep, while those two continued to talk. While I was sleeping, I was starting to have one of those dreams again, but this one was much weirder than the last one.